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Ok, since we lost out on getting Romeo and all these rumors of Inzahgi and Amorouso I am beginning to see the same pattern I always see with Pao management the promise of big name players and the rumors that blind us so that in the end they bring in a mediocre player and try to pull the wool over our eyes and say he is a big name player. I'm actually going to go back on my judgment of Konstandinou and say that it has come to a point that we have to sign him NOW!!!!! We are only going to end up with worse off players up front and even worse he will sign with Olympiacos which we can't let happen under any circumstances. I am past the point in waiting for that big name forward we must move on and sign Konstandinou immediately and try and sign a d-man because the way I see it we are going to keep waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing is going to get done.

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i dont know why but Vardi seems focused on signing Foutsini and former FIFA PLAYER OF THE YEAR Sila- at least thats what Derby will say.

so right wing we are set to make a gypsy signing.....lets just hope Bidis shows up and plays great to keep those 2 losers on the bench...so right wing will be incredibly weak with a Vyntra/Bidis combination...

DC- nobody has even mentioned it. Preaseason has already started what the hell are we doing. I just hope flavio hurries up and signs so we can get moving on some other players. Thanks for the delay Mr. Congaysao.

Romeo was pretty good. wat the hell hapened?

Vardinogiannis has been a s%$#! this summer, and the only way to make it up is a REAL signing... which i dont think will happen.

My prediction is we get Flavio in the end, a above average centerback, one of the african losers in RM, and a really Lame striker....probably a slav of some sort.

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I know this may have been answered but has there been any word on keeping/using/selling Bykovski or He played very little last year but he seemed to play well and score in the few oppertunities he got. Anybody have anything???

With him, Pap, Gekkas, Olisidebe, and Mantizos we have enough players at forward. Even if Mazelini plays 3 forwards, 2 will be avliable for subs in case of injury, bad form, or injury. There's always the injuries really impact the team, and I doubt Mazelini will always play with 3 forwards (especially in Europe).

Another question...does anybody know anything about a possibly (ex) PAO player named Oxigolou (spelling error)?? Again, another one of those FIFA 05 update questions.

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i dont know why but Vardi seems focused on signing Foutsini and former FIFA PLAYER OF THE YEAR Sila- at least thats what Derby will say.

so right wing we are set to make a gypsy signing.....lets just hope Bidis shows up and plays great to keep those 2 losers on the bench...so right wing will be incredibly weak with a Vyntra/Bidis combination...

DC- nobody has even mentioned it. Preaseason has already started what the hell are we doing. I just hope flavio hurries up and signs so we can get moving on some other players. Thanks for the delay Mr. Congaysao.

Romeo was pretty good. wat the hell hapened?

Vardinogiannis has been a s%$#! this summer, and the only way to make it up is a REAL signing... which i dont think will happen.

My prediction is we get Flavio in the end, a above average centerback, one of the african losers in RM, and a really Lame striker....probably a slav of some sort.

Its not only you whos thinking this :tdown:

Only difference is instead of the cro fowards its gonna be that washed up 33 years italian guy whos melzanis pet..... :tdown:

Question is why do we let pao managment crush our hopes year in and year out with fake promises of good players when we already know what his like? ($$$) <_<

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as for the forwards yeah unless its something special like Inzaghi or Romeo its really not worth the time....i read Manolis is back doing well in training and looked very sharp..hes looking to push for a starting spot this year....

as for the right wing.....i wish PAO would wake up......on the transfer table


its says Deniz Baykara is leaving Ksanthi.......this guy is a fantastic signing for our right wing, we really should grab him no questions ask......Foutsini? Sila? trixes...

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Man I'm sick of this management you know who I want? I want the manager of Pao's Basket-ball team to buy Pao's soccer team that man can make s%$#! happen if he ever bought the team he would turn this team into a contender for Europe every year no questions asked and wouldn't pull this s%$#! on us every summer.

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ive pretty much given up on hoping for transfers this summer....i think this year we have a shot at the title but im looking forward to 2007 when Veron said he might come to PAO.....

i think if we have a shot at this season its not going to be because of transfers. Apparently Manoli and Sanmartean are in good form in training, if they can stay fit we have a right wing player there and an able striker...we also have a stable midfielder in Conceicao and the rest will be up to Eki, Gkoumas, Gkekas and Papadopoulos to pull the season together... Bidis also has to have a reality check and realize hes not that good and needs to work to play on this team and stop screwing around on the field. If he can play good this year we will be strong team...

heres what id like to see





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Look, I think last year we sucked, like all Greek teams. This line-up looks better to me than the one last year. Hope Melitzanas whips a team together. As it turned out, Konstantinou should have been resigned and not let go to Gavroi, other than that, with this team as Drakos has it we've got a shot.

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depth...what depth - thats not in PAO's vocabulary

we have no depth

we have Leontiou and Darlas who mite have lil greek experience and U21 experience, but not europe! Mantzios and Tziolis, and thats about it!

Sanmartean and Manolis IF FIT...as well...Anderson when hes ready again!

Roubakis has left also! So we are seriously lacking depth i think in alot of positions!

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anybody know why PAO is wasting time with Zevlakof??? seriously we have enough strikers.....but PAO and Polish strikers go very well together...

now Nicolas Cordova of livorno is linked to us...he was a bench player...

sport24 also says the names Salva and Corradi were heard....haha yeah right.

Sila is very likely to sign for us....I want Baykara! he is free why not go for him!?

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not to worry Hollywood....our basket and volley teams made great siginings and will be very serious contenters for European cups......

i dnt care about them, i dnt like basketball that much nor volleyball!!! :angry:

all i care about is Pao the football club and St.George Dragons the Rugby League club.... there my true teams....

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we all know how much better our transfers can be but what does it take to decently satisfy the fans..we have called back up and bought some good young greek talent, have bought 2 very important players(flavio and biscan) and got afew other players that could potentially really help us out..this transfer season has been much betttewr then most recent ones...everyone knows we can contiue to do better and buy smarter, but in cmparison to recent years we should be alittle more satified

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in cmparison to recent years we should be alittle more satified

Best transfer season in years, no doubt.

Thanks to the 77,000 seats of OAKA ;)

I am NOT dissatisfied with the new players.

I just wish PAO would have kept the players that made up the core of the Greek NT. And why not get more, like Kapsis, Dellas, Amanatidis ...

There is something bothersome about letting the best Greeks go.

I liked Munch, Kolka, Michaelsen, especially Henriksen. :tup: I love Manoli.

When a talented foreigner leaves, it is business, when our Greek Euro champions :gr: leave, it is a personal loss. :tdown:


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we all know how much better our transfers can be but what does it take to decently satisfy the fans..we have called back up and bought some good young greek talent, have bought 2 very important players(flavio and biscan) and got afew other players that could potentially really help us out..this transfer season has been much betttewr then most recent ones...everyone knows we can contiue to do better and buy smarter, but in cmparison to recent years we should be alittle more satified

my concern is we cant score goals. all theplayers we bought were defensive (exept for Mantzios who is gonna sit the bench anyways) instead of buying Sila why not go for one of the better players in the league for that position? Last year we blew the title because we had wasteful 0-0 draws at home and away towards the end.....those small games have ruined us season after season and I dont want to see it happen anymore

ok i cant get the players i want for PAO i get that. I just dont want the half ass signigns in spots that are crucial....right wing being one of them.

As for the signings i guess this could be a better transfer period compared to others... just want to see one quality attacking player and it can become a great transfer season.....Sila is not exactly quality hes just fast and basically another Epalle which is a terrible thing to have.

OSFP just signed Erol Bulut.......i say we do them 1 better and get Deniz Baykara!! :nw:

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I really don't think that socring was a problem from luck of ability of Gekas, Papadopoulos and Kostadinou to score. It was because the players had to adjust to a system that Malezani had just created and they didn't have enough time to preform well under it. The most important aspect of scoring is the assist. And there is what I belive we were lucking. Malezani's system is normaly used with 1 striker and 2 wingers, and not 3 strikers...

Munch, Gonzales and Haralabidis were the best assist men in the team by order. Munch left and it is going to hurt us unless Serich does good goal crossings. Gonzales should return to his original posistion behind the 2 strikers to help in asssist and scoring (Now Biskan and Conseisao can play the side by side role that Gonzales and Basinas were serring last season under Malezani). We have to hope that Wooter will improove because he was also bought for his good ability to give assistis while in Cyprus, while he totaly messed up at Pao at that level. Thepdoridis or Sila I bet could easily steal Wooters position.

Anderson was great in assists for Halkidona but we have to wait him to come back first

Samartean could be our best player and our best assit provider in the flik of a second but he is not reliable. One time he is injured and the other he doesn't feel good...

I have a good feeling about Conseisao's ability to help on the assist factor as well. What the Heck. He is a Brazilian after all...

We should be patient to see the team perform. After all only by playing at Oaka will totally help the players to find more space in scoring. Oaka is a huge stadium and it gives you the impression that the tartan is bigger than normaly is which leaves the visitors feel more vunerable defensively.

I dare to say Osfp will be totaly humiliated in the first game against Pao.

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