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Amoruso SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes a half has been even...the guy is not a goal scorer. Throw him back Amoruso sucks id have Tsigkas/Mantzios start over him anyday...... but Sportday cover features Pipo Inzaghi... i dont think we need him either, the guy is a giant offside.

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yeah it would be exciting to have a player as famous as Pippo... im sure he could be useful in finding those garbage goals especially when we are about to have a 0-0 with a crap team....it would definitly sell season tickes...

but all i notice in PAOs transfers lately is that they are only forwards....Romeo, Amoruso, Inzaghi.......when we already have Gkekas, Papadopoulos, Olisadebe, Mantzios

if were signing these strikers or even 2 of them i would think Malesanis plan is to play with 3 up top???

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yeah it would be exciting to have a player as famous as Pippo... im sure he could be useful in finding those garbage goals especially when we are about to have a 0-0 with a crap team....it would definitly sell season tickes...

but all i notice in PAOs transfers lately is that they are only forwards....Romeo, Amoruso, Inzaghi.......when we already have Gkekas, Papadopoulos, Olisadebe, Mantzios

if were signing these strikers or even 2 of them i would think Malesanis plan is to play with 3 up top???

Wasnt that always the Plan? Last season we finished off having Gkekas Mihalis and Pap starting.

I think we need one more striker and thats it. Not 2 or more new ones, and not Amorouso!!!!!!! One decent striker like Romeo or even re sign Mihalis whatever.

As for Pipo he would be great, but lets not get carried away like the gaurakia do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yeah it would be exciting to have a player as famous as Pippo... im sure he could be useful in finding those garbage goals especially when we are about to have a 0-0 with a crap team....it would definitly sell season tickes...

but all i notice in PAOs transfers lately is that they are only forwards....Romeo, Amoruso, Inzaghi.......when we already have Gkekas, Papadopoulos, Olisadebe, Mantzios

if were signing these strikers or even 2 of them i would think Malesanis plan is to play with 3 up top???

Wasnt that always the Plan? Last season we finished off having Gkekas Mihalis and Pap starting.

I think we need one more striker and thats it. Not 2 or more new ones, and not Amorouso!!!!!!! One decent striker like Romeo or even re sign Mihalis whatever.

As for Pipo he would be great, but lets not get carried away like the gaurakia do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah true but inzaghi has that talent for goal that you cannever learn only be born with.....hes always the guy getting the crap goal that puts the team through. Out of the big name signings he would be one of the more realistic ones i feel. He has already spoken with Malesani and hes not going to USA for Milans preseason thing....

Just pray we dont get Amoruso...i honestly prefer to get Bikovski back instead he was actually pretty good.

i think it would be nice to get Romeo and Inzaghi if we are playing 3 strikers, and meanwhile throw Manolis in the trash.

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I agree drakos - Pipo does have that nack for getting goals out of nothing - and better yet penalties where there are no penalties ;)

isnt inzaghi 31 years old?? if so the i dnt wnt him!! i wnt a long term solution like perhaps Romeo!!!

anyways i jst heard that morris re-sighnd with us untill 2009....

P.S when r we gonna address the defence issue?

Re what are you gonna be happy with than Hollywood. This is the Greek League we aint exactly gonna get any more bigger superstars than an Inzaghi - even if we are just going by rumours which is what i think - but with Milan getting Vieiri it means Inzaghi is on the way out! Hypothetically speaking if we did get him I think it would be awesome!!!!

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I agree drakos - Pipo does have that nack for getting goals out of nothing - and better yet penalties where there are no penalties  ;)

isnt inzaghi 31 years old?? if so the i dnt wnt him!! i wnt a long term solution like perhaps Romeo!!!

anyways i jst heard that morris re-sighnd with us untill 2009....

P.S when r we gonna address the defence issue?

Re what are you gonna be happy with than Hollywood. This is the Greek League we aint exactly gonna get any more bigger superstars than an Inzaghi - even if we are just going by rumours which is what i think - but with Milan getting Vieiri it means Inzaghi is on the way out! Hypothetically speaking if we did get him I think it would be awesome!!!!

it will be great for a season or two, then what?? ;)

i personaly never like transfers who are over 30... however this is jst me so forgive me if i sound negative... i would prefer young to middle age players who will do a good job at pao, im really excited at the prospect of romeo :tup

this is my opinon... :unsure:

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I agree with you Hollywood - I too dont like transfers of players over the age of 30, but in this case I think he would be a great signing! Just think of all those 0-0 games and this guy will be great for, winning freekicks, penalties, scoring those toe pocks and half goals to win a game!

Anyways - where di this rumour come from, I saw it on one of the frontpages of a sport paper but cant rem which, I think Goal News!

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adoni- it was on a few websites too not just goal....

as for transfers over 30.....hey Milan signed Vieri at 33 years old and football has no higher standard than the Rossoneri. Thats a fact. Even Real is after Viera no? hes like 32? So not all over 30 transfers are bad. If its like 33-34 then id agree.... but also look at our team.....we need some age if anything...

are oldest player is Gkoumas at 30-31

when Conceicao comes he will be oldest at 32 or whatever

Galinovic is 31

thats about it.......

a 31 year old striker like Inzaghi can olny help. The problem with him is he is the most italian player to ever exist. he looks and plays like a stereotypical italian, hes offisdes, he bitches, and he dives more than Cousteau....

but he still does have some skill left...i hope we get him thought its probably another deal we wont pursue...

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a 31 year old striker like Inzaghi can olny help. The problem with him is he is the most italian player to ever exist. he looks and plays like a stereotypical italian, hes offisdes, he bitches, and he dives more than Cousteau....

but he still does have some skill left...i hope we get him thought its probably another deal we wont pursue...


thats so true!


him and nesta - nesta got that real italian look about him, and gattuso as well!!!!

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a 31 year old striker like Inzaghi can olny help. The problem with him is he is the most italian player to ever exist. he looks and plays like a stereotypical italian, hes offisdes, he bitches, and he dives more than Cousteau....

but he still does have some skill left...i hope we get him thought its probably another deal we wont pursue...


thats so true!


him and nesta - nesta got that real italian look about him, and gattuso as well!!!!

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Well that means if Romeo goes to Osasuna, which is dissappointing bc you would think that PAO has more bidding power than Osasuna, the three other striker options that are in the papers at the moment are Inzaghi, Amorouso, and maybe even Mihalis

Mihalis - all the Gay papers and pro Gay media are CONVINCED he will sign for them by Friday if not wednesday i think - Mhtsou thinks PAO has the first say if Mihalis doesnt go elsewhere in Europe! This one is sort of becoming a soap opera

Inzaghi - in my opinion i think this is a bullshit rumour started so that we can forget momentarily the other problems that are beginning to surface and lack of big signings (forget conseicao)

Amorouso - why do I think we will be stuck with him - hes played under Malezani, he is 32 yrs old (?) and pretty much washed up!!!!

To be honest at the moment the only thing that will make me happy is if Mihalis doesnt sign for the Gays!

And than the biggest m*****a this summer has been flavio - he is a good signing I think had he come immediately but I am fed up with all the dramas and the scenarios and hes coming where is he its this weekend his coming he hasnt showed! This guy has got alot of critics to prove wrong already and he hasnt even set foot in Athens yet!!

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And than the biggest m*****a this summer has been flavio - he is a good signing I think had he come immediately but I am fed up with all the dramas and the scenarios and hes coming where is he its this weekend his coming he hasnt showed! This guy has got alot of critics to prove wrong already and he hasnt even set foot in Athens yet!!

Well said Adoni.

If Flavio turns out to be a bust then PAO's management will look like a bunch of chimps for having put up with all the crap and drama he's put them through. He better be worth the effort.

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