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Kaiserslautern after Goumas?


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they gonna sell him like other players.... they gonna do anything for the money... just they dont care about the team

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Let him give it a try. Many players are about to leave this summer anyway(My guess is including: Zittautas, Kostadinidis, Henriksen, Sckachel, Munch, Bikofsky, Olisadebe, Samartean at least). Pao managment ever since the 3-0 from Osfp in rizoupoli is gradually changing the entire roster. That means that many new talented players are about to enter Paiania this summer. Do you recal what Filakouris said about the quality of all those younsters that are playing on loan all over Greece and many from them are in the U-21 national team.

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where have u heard about pap?? if manoli leaves i dont think pap will as well...i dont believe sanmartean will leave...it seems like malezani has him in his plans...i think munch will stay on for another season as well...skacel, henriksen,svouras,zuta,maric and bikofski will see their way out...

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they gonna sell him like other players.... they gonna do anything for the money... just they dont care about the team

They cant make money off him bc his contract expires this summer, therefore he would be leaving (if he does) as a free agent, ie no money for PAO!

Its either we offer him a contract or another team does!

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I have ambivalent feelings about this.... I'd like to see a player further his career in europe, because as it is now, the Greek teams are not made for serious euro play.....

We don't have the mentality, the organization, the right owners, enough fans, and players to be seriously contenting any euro trophy....

This doesn't mean it can' t change... but, we're ways off... If we built a team LONG TERM, bring some stability in the coaching dept, the owner is committed to making the team great (even if this means he should butt out himself), then you bring in players of caliber..... AND, you KEEP players like Karagounis, Fyssas, Kyriakos....

Until, then, let a good player try his luck in Europe.....

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right now slautern are smack in the middle of the bundesliga table at 9th...if all goes perfect the best they can have hope for is a uefa cup birth...goumas is a quality player b ut i think going to a club like kaiserslatern will make his career digress...it may be tough for him to adapt to german football or other problems may occur...he is 30...whats the point of him going to germany for 2 years then returning bck to greece??we wont get any money for this transfer...the only plus for him is that he could be plang alittle more compeptitve domestic ball..

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Well I don't think Pao would care to keep Munch, Samartean, Olisadebe for any reason since they are keen to injuries. In what way if they are all great players and they costantly sit out help the team and deserve to get paid ?

Trust me you are about to see some new blood on the team. Pao already is asking from Panionios two players. (Spiropoulos, Tziolis)

As for Papadpoulos, Pao can replace him with Kritikos.

The big question is if Kostantinou will stay...

Honestly I don't understand why there was no interest during the midseason in Ogosonto of Ergotelis, Zapropoulos, Labriakos from Xanthi, Papadopoulos of Aris, Fotakis, Agritis of Agaleo, Kapetanos, Drougas of Iraklis by anybody. I guess it is better for the transfers to take place in the summer.

For next Summer one thing is certain. No more Croates from Zaets :hypocrite:

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those players u mention o agree with ,,,but i assure u panathinaikos will take up the 1 yr option of munch,,,,,olisadebe will definitely not ne leaving pure and simplky cause he has a chunky lenghty contract,,,,,and i doubt any1 will be interested in him,,,pao has no other option but to hope he comes good. Sanmartean has another yr left on his contract,,this is is last shot at attaining some sort of consistancy under the wings of malesani,,,the other players are all garbage and should be pissed off right away. Gourmas should stay,,,,hes got it good in greece but if kaiserslaughten are offereing him more money than seniorita gourma,,

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Guest Protathlitis

fast Greek, why not? are you serious?

Even if he raises his game and plays much better than what hes playing at pao do you really think inter will play him at all

like panos says, the c**** want Stoltidis as well. and look what happened after they wanted Choutos, Karagounis

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As a matter of fact for Olisadebe there is a rumor that Pao has already accepted an offer of 2 million from Sporting Lisbon. As for the left side of Pao it is true that Pao has an extra year option for Munch,for Kostadinidis the option is for half a mil so forget him, my guess is Sapanis will stay, as for Schachel to keep him the team has to pay 1 million to the french team. get again Spiropoulos Is a left back from Panionios.

From what also is said Konstantinou wants to go abroad.

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