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Guest josito

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ola, soy nuevo, soy español, del sevilla para mas exactitud, perdonar que no sepa demasiado ingles(solo lo basico) espero que alguien sepa español, me gusta como lo hizo vuestro equipo, os esforzasteis mucho, me gustaria saber mas del equipo

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I'm italian and, even if i can't speak spanish, italian and spanish are really close, so i understood that this sevilla fan liked how panathinaikos played and he would like to know more about the team.

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ola, soy nuevo, soy español, del sevilla para mas exactitud, perdonar que no sepa demasiado ingles(solo lo basico) espero que alguien sepa español, me gusta como lo hizo vuestro equipo, os esforzasteis mucho, me gustaria saber mas del equipo

hola amigo, ?que quieres saber de nuestro Panacinaikos? (se escribe panathinaikos con 'th' en ingles pero en espanol se pronuncia "ci"...

nuestros jugadores mejores son Konstantinou (constantinu), Gkekas, Papadopoulos, Ezequiel Gonzalez, Basinas.....

muchos de los mejores jugadores grecos del equipo nacional que gano la eurocopa en portugal...quiza recuerdas los que jugaban con PAO (el nombre corto de Panathinaikos) estos son Basinas, Nikopolidis, Karagkounis, Seitaridis, Papadopoulos, Fyssas....

nuestro rival es rojiblanco como sevilla- Olympiakos., nuestros otros rivales son AEK de Atenas, y PAOK de Thessaloniki...

yo se un poquito de espanol porque estudiaba en escuela y he visitado espana muchas veces....he visto sevilla, claro es una bonita ciudad ;), pero soy socio de Real Betis en espana... si tienes mas preguntas haz un post en este foro o envia un PM (mensaje personal)


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Guest Protathlitis

hola amigo y hermano rojo

nosotros Olympiakos son de color rojo y blanco como vosotros de Sevilla FC

panathinaikos son maricones de color verde y blanco como la mierda de Real Betis

Y gracias por haber eliminado panathinaikos

Viva Hermanos de color rojo y verde

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Man!, I'm surpised at the number at the # of spanish speakers on this fourm :blink: :D ! If only my greek were as good... :(

Hola Josito! Bienvenidos a Phantis! Tu equipo de Sevilla es muy bien, y me gusta Sevilla en La Liga (Yo odio Real Madrid, Barcelona es asi-asi). Es mi curiosidad, que son los otros rivales de FC Sevilla? En mi opinion, Panathinakos es el griego equipo mejor en Europa y la liga Griega, no escuches de la mierda de tampocos partidarios de Olympiakos (tambien, se llama OSFP). En este "forum", tampocos partidarios de Olympiakos son estupidos/tontos. Pero, yo sosteno "los rojos" en Europa. En mi opinion, es asi-asi a continua hablar en Espanol, pero Phantis tiene bastante personas que comprenden Espanol. Mucho gusto!

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I just hope you guys wont pick a fight even in Spanish!

I just wish some people in here could behave... :o

panathinaikos son maricones de color verde y blanco como la mierda de Real Betis

Y gracias por haber eliminado panathinaikos

In English:

"Panathinaikos are green and white fags like the sh...t Real Betis

Thank you for eliminating Panathinaikos."

Very classy of you...to swear and refer to a Greek :gr: team in such vulgar way, :tdown: to a first time visitor to our forum.

He has posted at the Panathinaikos forum, he is obviously a man of good taste!

me gusta como lo hizo vuestro equipo, os esforzasteis mucho, me gustaria saber mas del equipo

"I liked your team and the great effort, I would like to know more about the team"


I am sure he appreciates the "welcome"... :nono:

He will realize very soon who the GAYS are.

These are the actions of a gayro...NOT an olympiako :blink:


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Amigo josito:

Este "Protathlitis" es un campeon en vulgaridad y nada mas.

Deseo disculparme en su favor.

Esto es un "forum" civilizado amistoso con solamente algunas excepciones...

Garcias por su interes.

Usted es bienvenido por los fanaticos de PAO :)



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panathinaikos son maricones de color verde y blanco como la mierda de Real Betis

Y gracias por haber eliminado panathinaikos

In English:

"Panathinaikos are green and white fags like the sh...t Real Betis

Thank you for eliminating Panathinaikos."


Now what the point of making a remark like that was...I don't know. Like Trifilli said...a very nice welcome. :tdown:

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I just wish some people in here could behave... :o

panathinaikos son maricones de color verde y blanco como la mierda de Real Betis

Y gracias por haber eliminado panathinaikos

In English:

"Panathinaikos are green and white fags like the sh...t Real Betis

Thank you for eliminating Panathinaikos."

Very classy of you...to swear and refer to a Greek :gr: team in such vulgar way, :tdown: to a first time visitor to our forum.

He has posted at the Panathinaikos forum, he is obviously a man of good taste!


I am sure he appreciates the "welcome"... :nono:

He will realize very soon who the GAYS are.

These are the actions of a gayro...NOT an olympiako :blink:


this is how he really is !

saying thoose stupid things to a sevilla supporter who just wanted to know something about pao in general!

but he instantly wrote something off topic cause he dont know better!

bravo prothahlitis eisai mangas

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Protathliti you stroll totally out of subject to tease the people here (OK its collective teasing... not personal, but fot Gods Sake we cannot have that in Every thread! And if you noticed this is a thread trying to welcome a foreign member. A bit of a gentle approach would not hurt.

The same goes for all other PAO and OSFP members here.

But this pecific thread would not be a problem unless the problem was not widespread!

OK people we said we can tolareate collective teasing. Even abuse. But we also need to talk in here! You guys cannot turn ALL thedas to trash by repeating the same things over and over!

And I am also unable to understand why from then on you PAO fans think you can respond by Personal Insults to general teasing! Even if it comes close to flaming!

Keep in mind that personal insults are punished faster.

Read this and understand it.

As for others you think they can insult people over PMs just because they are 5 years old and saw this forum as a toy... Grow up.

Its not a toy, and our tolerance is not a sign we are soft. We are tolerant, to help people communicate here. And we do extra work from our busy day schedules to keep this forum running for years now because we believe a lot in the usefullness of this net community and we see it for more than a game. If we were harder, we would be harder towards ALL directions and this forum would throw out daily as many people as it signs in.

So grow up and decide you need to stay to be a positive addition to our group or find another forum where vulgar language and lack of understanding are the order of the day. The net is full of those.

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