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  • 2 weeks later...

Alpha tv will air experimentally on November the 19th, 2004 on Dish network. The channel might not be available for viewing imediatelly to everybody.

I would wait  for an official announcement from Dish.

It is November 10 and still no sign of Alpha SAT on dish, it is not even in test mode?! :huh:

What gives here Spiro? First you said Nov. 13, and then Nov. 19, it looks to me like your information is Wrong. In order for it to be there by either of these dates, it would have had to have already been uploaded by now and at the very least be in test mode. So far I see nothing! German TV for example, was uploaded last week and today (according to DBS Talk) it is now available to subscribers.

Personally I don't see this happening, at the very least not by the dates mentioned. New channels are uploaded every Wednesday, so this week is gone. We will see what happens next Wednesday- but I wouldn't hold your breath.

I think you should have just said it wil be avaiable soon and forget the dates and predictions.

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My contact lives 65 miles away from me and I have no other way of getting in touch with him but using common friends.

He assured me last month that Alpha will be on air Nov 13th although he did mention that it will first broadcast experimentally. There are still 3 days left. I don't know if they run into problems or something else is happening.

If the channel broadcasts experimentally we have no way of knowing it unless Dish Network makes it public. How do you know it has not been uploaded yet (is there a site you can point me to?), it may has...

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I hope it didn't sound like I was blaming you or was angry with you. I just don't like it when people start giving out dates for this or that and then nothing happens. I hope you are right and Alpha is coming soon.

Ziaka has the right site, DBS Talk is a sat. forum I visit regularly and on there this guy posts uplink information every Wednesday about new channels. I am not sure where he gets his info from and it could very well be possible that it is there and no one has mentioned it yet but I think the odds of that are low. This guy seems very accurate with his info. but of course Dish may change things at a moments notice.

Speaking of Alpha, their website SUCKS! I hope that they are planning to do a re-design soon! The section on Alpha SAT has absolutely no info at all. Antenna and ERT have done a good job with their sites and the re-design of them. Alpha doesn't even have a schedule for the international channel, I hope this changes soon.

One final thing, has anyone noticed that Alter Channel may be launching an International channel. On Satcom C1 where ERT and Mega are, there is a new channel called 'Alter Globe'. I wonder whether this channel will ever show up here in N. America? Any of our patriotithes from Greece know what kind of programs this channel has on it? Is it mainly foreign programs for people in Greece?

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I believe the website doesn't have a schedule for Alpha International Satellite because it is not being carried by any satellite provider around the world right now. Alpha International was on the Tarbs network but after it filed for bankruptcy Alpha international came off the air.

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  • 2 weeks later...

re paidi any news ? ti tha gini? sinfonisan h oxi?

Bravo kirk1gr, pes tous tipota!

This is Pathetic, November is all but gone and still nothing, I for one doubt very highly that it is coming. Another day, another date given, there is nothing on Alpha's website but of course they are Greek so that means they do things LAST MINUTE. No surprise there. I hope that somehow we can get some official comfirmation either way, so we can put this discussion to rest.

Is it coming, isn't it coming- enough already! :tdown:

The next post I read on this thread better say Yes it is coming or No it is not or else tha pessh xilo :nono:

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loipon ean den pai o moameth sto bouno pai to bouno ston moameth.........

pira thlephono kai milisa me ton alpha........den exoun sinfonisi TIPOTA ME KANENAN.... H kyria pou milisa mazi tis htan poli xaroumeni na mou dosi oti pliroforia xriastika.....they are under negotiations not only with dish but and with other companies......akomi den exoun ftasi se sinfonia me kanenan alla mou eipe oti se kana mina tha exi pali nea gia to ti tha gini.....so see you again in a month..............

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Well, Well, Well,

FINALLY we have an answer!!! :tup:

Bravo Kirk1gr, thanks for all the trouble you went to (do you live in Greece?) to get to the truth of the matter. I can't say I am surprised, this is what I figured all along. So much for Spiro and his friend, who it seems was stringing us along like idiots (Not you Spiro, your friend)

Well, I hope that they will reach an agreement then again if they don't its alright cause we still get 6 channels. I was just hoping that maybe with Alpha we might get some more soccer, but that is probably remote.

1 more thing kirk1gr, if you are in Greece, do you mind giving ERT a shout and telling them to change the damn schedule on their website. They list the programs in GREEK TIME and not in LOCAL time (North American or Australian) This is soooooo annoying and drives me crazy. Both Antenna and Mega list their schedules in local time so why the heck can't ERT. Is that too much to ask for us in the diaspora- idiots ERT!

Gia Sou File!

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