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Dusan needs our support!


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Our team is very fortunate to have as coach one of the best coaches that has ever coached in Greece.

However, the management, ownership and the fans are not supporting him and his efforts.

Some "fans", with tacit and indirect approval of the management, are using illegal means and tactics against him and his family.



Before it is too late!!

Before it is too late!!!!!

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Dousan doesnt need our support....he needs to learn how to act like a person. His actions of not going to training were that of a big baby.

I will not support your claim against this idiot.

We ARE NOT lucky to have him. We deserve the best coach around. We DONT NEED HIM though. Keep that in mind....WE DONT NEED ANYTONE. No one is bigger than the club.

If he expects us to move teh earth and moon for him, he can stick it. Better that he leaves now if hes going to be a sook.

Dont use the fans as an excuse to the problems.......they are going everyweek and chanting 100% behind the team....and have stopped against the coach.

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i agree with bulgo here......his decision to not turn up to training in protest of an anti-ftousan banner at the game was just DISGRACEFUL!

that is one of the most unprofessional things that i have ever heard. stupid acts like that only add fuel to the fire and just shows that he is weak and stupid.

and he is also correct in saying that we do not need anyone...sure he is a good coach, but no-one is bigger than the club - not even demis!!

for the record, most people here will know that i am one for peace at our club (i'm against attacking the frog wihile he is coach of our club), but when i hear the guy doing vlakies like this what am i supposed to do?

if he comes out an acknowledges that he really screwed us when he left and he sincerely apologises, then maybe things will calm down.

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I thought we were all going to let bygones be bygones for the good of the team!

These persons behind the pano's are not doing this for the team's good! There must be alterior motives involved!

When they spat their venom at KOSTAS NESTORIDIS (capitals out of respect!), last year, they showed me that they have no place in N. Philadelphia!

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his actions, his personality, his past all aside, those who display the banner and the chants are hurting the team's ability to function properly. if those who act in this way cannot understand that, its truly a shame.

is the fued with bajevic more important that the well-being of the club? he is not going to stay here forever, he will leave in 2-3 years. we currently have a good chance of something decent in greece and in europe. and when the players themselves refer to whats going on and say that its hurting the team, and yet it doesn't stop, i'm led to believe that the faction within original, or whoever it is that has been doing these things are narcisistic and childish. unless of course, they are paid professionals.

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"The Pano does harm AEK"......... this is my opinion !

Last time the pano was in Zurich . Then it disappeared for a while.... now it appeared again. Why ?

Those are my explanation....

Qualification for the CL... then 2 victories in the Championship..... .. NO Pano...

As AEK has success... and Original's Propaganda.... would not encounter a fruitful..climate

Suddenly... 2 - 2 in Salonica agianst 10 men..... and the most people see it as a defeat.....(like we could see in Phantis)... and who's fault is it .... off course Bajevic'..... .... and now the climate is favorable again for them to work on Bajevic.... So the Pano has been taken out again.

While I was in the stadium in Zurich... when those people took the pano out.... you could see how the "normal" fans reacted in rage agianst the pano....and you could see that we the AEKtzides are not united... and this is not a good environment for success......

You should also see the type of people...... A swiss guy , who was sitting next to me ... said to me ...that they look like prisoners.......

We have a lot of Original Supporters among us.... but I don't think that they look like that..... because you would think that those....in Zurich... would sleep under Bridges...... (No jokes....)

On the other hand Greece is supposed to be a Democratic society.. under those circumstances.....they are free to express their politics and interests... with the pano....... despite the question...if the pano would harm AEK or not.

If the "normal" Fans would get organised...and write....15 - 20... panos....saying "Bajevic we love you".... so this "one Pano..." would not attract a special attention.

This is my opinion.

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the way i see it, is that the anti-frog people are only vocal when results dont go their way. they are the babies.

they think they are bigger than the club.

AEK needs good results. these people are not helping us get results.

repeat: AEK needs good results. its not a hard consept to grasp.

undefeated in 16 games and in the Champions League with a good chance to do something.

yet these people are not happy.

it is one thing to protest. its another thing to be stupid about it.

clearly i add nothing new to the discussion.

i acknowledge that some of these protestors have been continually vocal. but they dont mention Bayevic when the team wins. they only mention him when the result to them is unfavourable.

grow up please. For AEK.

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Maw your an idiot...for a guy who is in an Original Club yourself to make such dumbcomments upset me.

If you beleive that we only make noise when we lose then you have lost my respect as a fellow supporter and more so as a friend.

Nitesurfer, I can confirm the banner has been at every game....this year.

@kostas, Nestoridis was wrong as well. Both people were wrong. Regardless of what he has done for us, you have to show respect to the fans who have an opinion. He has no right to go and rip it done. He could of asked or at least stated his opinion. No one has the right to take away OUR voice.

Why the banner is to blame when things go wrong? Thats an excuse. Look deeper into the prolem. The side isnt clicking. Dont blame the banner.....look at what is happening.

It was there again today, did the banner make Chiotis play like a fool?

Original may be wrong, (im not starting this again), but by acting like a baby, does that mean that two wrongs make a right?

He has handled himself very unprofessionally for someone who was a professional.

The fans arnt hurting the team.....Dousan is the one who is not going, so essentially he is hurting the team. What most of you dont understand and I KNOW HE DOESNT UNDERSTAND, is that if he talks with teh fans, the problem will be solved in less than 5 minutes. Its the stubborn-ness of a yugoslav. He chooses to carry on the way he does...thats fine.


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everytime AEK plays badly, you rant and rave against the frog

but when the results are good you're all happy to celebrate.

when the players themselves start saying 'yes its all disruptive', you really have to wonder. maybe it is disruptive.

Original21 dont go out on the park and get points in the league or in the CL.

The players do.

Support the players, support the team. Support the club.

the club needs support.

Yes what Bayevic did was wrong. But at the end of the day, in 2003, the club needs support.

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Akribws ti les; Are you trying to say that by goig to the games they arnt supporting? Or are you trying to say that you block your eyes when we win and I dont praise the frog?

Original21 dont go get the points, neither does Bajevic.

I support the club 100%...so does everyone who goes. If they didnt they wouldnt go. Its time you got over the fact that results dont make a difference to our thoughts on Bajevic.

Den exoume problima me ton proponiti ton bajevic. if its said once, its said 1000 times.

Dont question our support....just as we dont question yours.

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it is not just the pano!

It is the continuous and unrelented harrasement and threats against Dusan and his family.

There is just no justification for these illegal activities.

Sadly, the management just does not stand up and condemn these illegal activities or even offer protection for Dousan and his family.

I wonder how the so called "fans", the fanatical original 21, would feel and how would they react if they and their families were subjected to what Dousan is subjected to on a daily basis?

One last point, the original 21 are NOT the only fans of AEK! There are millions of us worldwide who are trully AEK fans. We just do not resort to the levels and the tactics of some of the original 21 fans.


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You are not wrong Nakoma.

But I am arguing about the timing of all those people and media errupting about the "Pano" when this time things sem and sound calmer and not even Bajevic himself made any comments on it!

I am just arguing that this time, irrespective of who is wright, wrong, wise, dumb, exagerating, or innactive, the issue was raised for strategic purposes before a big derby and many AEKtzides are eating the bate!

Think before you spread chewed food... it is always disguised wisely to allow your love for the team to hide its true purposed and make you yourself sprerad it thus harming the tranquility of the team and awakening existing (noone denies that ) problems among fans! ;)

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the issue of the banner has to stop and on general terms issue of original and dusan bajevic. if all it takes is an apology from dusan to original for his past actions( 97 leaving to osfp) for the original21 to stop this anti dusan campaign then the diokisi should tell that to bajevic and make it clear cut to him that the ball in his court. they should even get original21 down to training and have a civilised discussion about it( i guess hard seeing it as some idiots will attack him).

i still disagree with original's actions in terms of bajevic but dusan at some stage should do something to stop this from coninuing. it would show maturity and a sign of smart man to do it. he knows he can't expect original21 to stop so why not come out apologize and then put ball in original's court. if they continue then they just look ultra stupid then they were before.

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it would show maturity and a sign of smart man to do it. he knows he can't expect original21 to stop so why not come out apologize and then put ball in original's court

Apologizing means two things:

1) Accepting you did something wrong, and

2) making or trying to make the victim of the wrong committed whole.

Apologies of the type "sorry for stealing your wallet but there can be no restitution because I plan to be at the bouzoukia tonight" will not go very far.

To the best of my understanding Bajevic does not believe he did anything wrong nor does he have any intention of making anyone whole. I wonder then what sort of an apology he might offer.

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No Gobekli

I am not talking about any conspiracy of any reds and greens.

I see a banner which is there every time becoming the centre of attention all of a sudden again, because according to various journalists (and their unknown sources - or Mr. Stathis whose name has been used for all the things immaginable without any reaction by the man himself since I remember myself! ) Bajevic decided that was the specific time he should errupt again over it.

Last time i remember it was some others and not Bajevic attacking the banner. And I remember Bajevic saying that those people are dead for him as much as he is dead for them. He erupted! Yes! But for threats on his family! Not the banner.

Of course he should be not exactly jumping with joy everytime he sees it, but we all know that he would not try and bring chaos to the team before a Derby with PAO!

Still, the media made him appear heart broken! A wreck! Next day.... No reaction from anyone! Not Bajevic, nor the AEK Board (which, according to the press received an ultimatum fro Bajevic to act! ).

And in my first statement I said I can understand the Reds and Greens having an interest in fuelling this AEK internal issue. Everyone from involved people to simple fans. In every way, from simple teasing to serious plots, the kind all teams try to pull on eachother off the field. I am not saying that there is any specific plan.

And of course I do not have any hard evidence! I was not there. But I think that my thoughts have more rational assumptions than those of whoever journalist writtes in each "kolofyllada" (and I do not mean only the sports papers, neither do I refer specificaly ONLY to the one you quoted! ) . We are both without cedible sources!

But I think my fellow AEK fans are eating the bait on this one and I am going to say it despite being probably fully or partly wrong in my assumptions. At least I assume with good intention and not with destructive intent.

Bye Bye Professor! :)

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I am at a loss for words! Each time you explain, I understand less! Should I ask for more explanations and be further confused or nod in apparent agreement?

Just in the hope that one day you will move away from the zero-sum mentality, I will say this:

1) I know of nobody who wishes to fuel anything. I know of several people who find the tolerance for various types of soccer related thuggism unacceptable and would thereby prefer that Dusan be fired or allowed to coach and nothing in-between.

2) We are not both without credible sources. One of us is without any sources whatsoever. And while all stories can and should be doubted this one was specific enough in terms of place, time, and people. You may therefore wonder why, as far as I know, no-one came out to claim that the story is false.

3) Most of the time, the result of a match hinges on the ability and the psychology of the players, not of the spectators. How could the papers discourage the players by printing a story that the players would immediately recognize as false (if the story were indeed false)? Must be another

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Zero sum eh!? Maybe... And you are right about noone coming out to deny it happened either.

Cant say I hope I am wrong and the reports are 100% true. I hate to think that the coach decided to have a psychological brakedown one good afternoon after walking out in the field to see the same banner for the n th time. It simply unreasonable and wierd.

But if I cannot prove otherwise I stop here. Just, stop thinking that I accuse anybody of any type of conspiracy. it is normal for opponents to pul the strings they know that they lead to parts of the opponent that hurt... I think that AEK papers, journaliss and papers gladly highlighted all relevant issues that would hurt their opponents in the past and will in the future.

Maybe I am wrong.

Bye Bye professor :D

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