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Believe it or not......we are still in the race for the final champions league spot. PAOK has lost momentum, and if they lose there last two games....we can sneak in there....Just as long as we can win against OFI and Kallithea.....Let's keep our fingers crossed that our friends from the North can some how stumble, and lose their last two games.. :tup: ...what do you guys think???

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definitely not impossible.

but i don't think that anastasiadis will let paok implode.

although xalkidona and aris will be fighting for victories tooth and nail. willmake for interesting.

this all assumes that we win are last 2 as well

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Come on, I don't care if PAOK loses 5 in a row, AEK does not deserve Champions League this year. PAOK has produced much more quality football, they have a decent team, they seem to resolve their financial troubles, and at times they've played the best football in Greece. I'm sure even you guys admit that PAOK deserves CL more.

You guys should focus on cleaning up and starting over. You'll get better chances after all this s%$#! is over.

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I give a red-card to the guy who opened up the topic....he has officially put the hex on us and PAOK will smash Xalkidona this week.

Actually two weeks ago, contra.gr made a fatal mistake of putting us on 51 pts instead of 48 pts which meant we were 5 pts behind PAOK rather than 8 and while it didnt make sense, I got excited. I realised it was 8 pts and said that while its still possible, its not realistic. But that doesnt mean we dont watch and hope.....

I tell you....imagine if Xalki steal a draw this week in Toumba.......WHAT A LAST ROUND WE ARE GOING TO HAVE.......

Mircales can happen but they are very very rare. We already had two miracles happen to us this year (Bajevic leaving and Demis becoming owner), I think we would be extremely lucky to obtain a third.

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Agreed, PAO may not even deserve the championship for all I know. But that's not the issue here, is it?

Your used word...."to deserve"....made it as an issue here as well...

This is what one calls "sour grapes".

You Vazelia are the masters of the "sour grapes"........ B)

Re sis ton kairo pou ton Katevase kato...o Petkov ton Messia..... efage Kokkini......entaxi ipame kai paixame me 10........ (O Kreeik alli periptosi sto 93)

Alla o Xalkias sta Ano Liosia...katevase 2 à la Petkov...........kai omos den genike tipota.......... o Seitaridis travi3e engonia ton Tsiarta sto Prosoppo...kai ton dixni mono Kitrini........

Ama genounte teta pragmata vevea tha exoum "sour grapes" ti perimenis allo.......kai na mhn milame mono gia ton thio Kokkali....

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Your used word...."to deserve"....made it as an issue here as well...

You Vazelia are the masters of the "sour grapes"........ B)

Re sis ton kairo pou ton Katevase kato...o Petkov ton Messia..... efage Kokkini......entaxi ipame kai paixame me 10........ (O Kreeik alli periptosi sto 93)

Alla o Xalkias sta Ano Liosia...katevase 2 à la Petkov...........kai omos den genike tipota.......... o Seitaridis travi3e engonia ton Tsiarta sto Prosoppo...kai ton dixni mono Kitrini........

Ama genounte teta pragmata vevea tha exoum "sour grapes" ti perimenis allo.......kai na mhn milame mono gia ton thio Kokkali....

E na pou symfwnoume :D
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Re esi Drakos 13 les I want to see AEK in the CL because PAOK won't do anything.

You have a very short memory.

Didn't AEK only score 1 goal in the group stages.

Didn't AEK have the lowest attendance in the champions league history.

How many wins did AEK have in the group stages this year.

Were has AEK improved in the champions leaugue even though they did well the season before.

If PAOK makes the group stages (1) the stadiums will be full and not empty like the AEKtsides (2) because it will be PAOK's first champions league under the new format they will have a point to prove and they will suprise a few teams.

And if we don't win another championship care factor zero because the league is run like a brothel without the entertaiment. I'd rather PAOK do well in europe and get recognition worldwide.

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Your kidding yourself PAOKtzi....what you havent even made it yet? You got to qualify...OHHH How quick you forget that you lost to a second division Portugese team and you lost to some unknown called Debrecen...

How you can turn and bag us about our CL is astounding considering you havent been there yourself (yet).

Dont trip up in the Quallies.

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Also you guys are the ones who think that your a big club and spent big bucks on players like Okkas and Lymberopoulos. And scoring one goal in 6 champions league games you should be ashamed of yourselfs.

We had limited resources and still finished 3rd which was a remarkable acheivemnet.

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If I recall you were also seeded against Ntebrecena and against the no-name Portugese......

You have to win a game before you speak.....unfortunately you can talk about it all you like but:

a: You havent got there YET;

b: Youve done nothing in the past 3 years to suggest that you should turn around and say 'we will get a win'

Just remember, we made everyone proud last year. To us, we were successful because we left with our heads high with pride and honour......for one win does not immediately bring this if you cop it hard in the other matches. If you get there, and if you walk with your heads high, then you have every right to go shooting your mouth off, until then I cant see how you can brag and act as if you had so many more problems than us this season.

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As for the Debrecen game we didn't have the team to challenge in europe as did all the greek teams. All greek teams last season were not up to european standards. PAOK has a better record than Olympiakos in europe but then again every team has a better record than Olympiakos in erurope.

Debrecen in the next round only just lost to Club Brugges so maybe they weren't a crappy team after all.

Having said that I'm very happy with PAOK's performance this season and I think we will make champions league. Whether people don't want us to make it to the champions league care factor zero.

Original Melbourne 21: everyone is entitled to there opinion that's what makes soccer very popular.

Another question why is your side divided. You guys should be united. No wonder you have problems left, right and centre.

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Another question why is your side divided. You guys should be united. No wonder you have problems left, right and centre.

IN what sense? As in players/management or as in fans?

Its a good question and frankly, I think we have just ignored things with a lot of band-aid fixes and its coming back to bite our ass....plain and simple. Too many people pulling for themselves and not for the good of the team.

Some advice, dont have ridiculous prices for CL tickets like 100Eu a match because you will find that your crowds will be similar to ours. Beleive me when I say it makes a difference.

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