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2019-2020 Pre Season Training News and Games

Dutch Eagle

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I wonder if Ferreira's preference for playing the LB up very high will work to Giannoulis's advantage this season. Does need to improve defensively but man does he look good going forward.

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Henrique, Stoh, and Kace warming up. Zivkovic came on at halftime

-edit- El Kaddouri in as well

Biseswar, Limnios, Augusto, Misic off

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Lots more changes:

Deligiannidis, Gaitanidis, Rodrigo, Ingason, Chatziisaias, Lamprou in for Akpom, Pelkas, Matos, Varela, Crespo, Giannoulis

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Κάτσε πρέπει να παίζει μόνο για να συμπληρώνουμε τις προπονήσεις.

Κόλκας τραμπαρίφας ως συνήθως. Ποιο είναι το άλλο το παιδάκι ο Μάνος που μιλάει;

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Δεν ξέρω τι είναι χειρότερο, οι παλιοί μαλάκες δημοσιογράφοι τύπου Κόλκα ή τα μικρά παιδάκια τύπου Μάνου που δεν έχουν και πολύ ιδέα τι είναι ο ΠΑΟΚ.

Στον τελικό του 2014 είχα κατέβει με το αυτοκίνητο μου Αθήνα και σταματήσαμε κάπου στον Πλαταμώνα που έμενε να τον πάρουμε. Τότε βέβαια ξεκινούσε. Δεν έγραφε ακόμα σε κάποιο ράδιο ή εφημερίδα. Τέλος πάντων. Μπορεί να είναι καλό παιδάκι, αλλά μικρός σε ηλικία χωρίς να ξέρει πολλά από ΠΑΟΚ.

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After today's game it will be interesting who will Perreira cut from the second part of the preseason training.

I think Chatziisaias, Tsiggaras, Deligiannidis will be the first cuts. Lambrou, Henrique, Kace to follow. The rest will depend on the transfers we will make. Just my opinion.

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Well Ferreira answered some of my question during the post game Q&A. He even sprung some surprises.

He said that he wants a squad of 21 player + 3 players from U19 + 3 keepers.

Then he went on saying that the three from U19 that will continue the preseason training are Gaitanidis, Tsiggaras and Michailidis (the CB that stayed behind in Thessaloniki during the first part). 

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So for non-K19 outfield players:


Ingason, Varela, Crespo, Chatziisaias, Mihaj, Giannoulis, Matos, Rodrigo, Deligiannidis


Wernbloom, Kace, Augusto, Misic, [new DM], [new CM]


Pelkas, Biseswar, El Kaddouri, Stoch, Henrique, Lamprou, Jaba, Limnios, Akpom, Swiderski


That's 25, if you include the two new signings. Am I missing anyone?

I think Deligiannidis and Kace are going to be cut. I'm not sure about Chatziisaias vs Mihaj - I'm assuming one of those will go, as Ferreira seems to prefer a fullback put into 3-CB formations. Remember that Chatziisaias had interest from the UK as well; I'm sure the team will be happy to move him for a nominal fee.

We also went into the offseason anticipating a sale for El Kaddouri, which I hope still happens. I don't think the administration is going to dump Lamprou after the season he had + the new deal he just signed. Much more likely that they'd accept a move away for Henrique (last I heard the Brazilian teams didn't want to actually spend money on him, lulz)

If Limnios does get sold, expect Henrique to get re-signed. I think any combination of those wingers we have is a solid lineup. Lots of variety in style there, and apart from Biseswar (and El Kaddouri) they all have fantastic speed.


-edit- and yes I saw what you wrote about Wernbloom before blackhawk - who knows how that'll shake out. I hope that he does become available soon; it'll be great to have an overly violent bruiser there as an option at DM.

Edited by pash
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