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Should we  consider that all these ancient shipwrecks are an omen and a statement about the eternal Greece?  Here is the opening  paragraph of an article  in the  IEFIMERIDA.GR

"High taxation, corruption, lack of transparency - more and more companies are leaving Greece" - this is the article title of the economic newspaper Handelsblatt.
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Definitely an omen. As the holy Oracle said, the wooden walls will rise again to save Greece from the barbarians. The 58 wrecks reveal that on the fifth month, on the eight day, at 58 minutes to noon, the immortal emperor will wake from his sleep to bring fire and brimstone on all who have harmed Greece.


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Πρόταση για συνδιοργάνωση του Mundial του 2030 από τις τέσσερις βαλκανικές χώρες, προέκυψε, όταν ο πρωθυπουργός της Βουλγαρίας, Μπόικο Μπορίσοφ πρότεινε την κοινή υποψηφιότητα για το Μουντιάλ 2030, από την Ελλάδα, την Βουλγαρία, την Σερβία και την Ρουμανία, στην διάρκεια της σημερινής Τετραμερούςς Συνόδου Κορυφής στη Βάρνα.

Ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός, Αλέξης Τσίπρας, λίγο πριν, παίρνοντας τον λόγο, είχε αποκαλύψει πως ο Σέρβος Πρόεδρος, Αλεξάνταρ Βούτσιτς, εκδήλωσε την επιθυμία οι τέσσερις χώρες να διοργανώσουν ένα μεγάλο αθλητικό γεγονός σε βάθος δεκαετίας. Τότε ήταν που ο Μπόϊκο Μπορίσοφ προχώρησε στην συγκεκριμένη πρόταση.

Πρόκειται για μία εξέλιξη που αποδεικνύει την μεγάλη δυναμική του εγχειρήματος και την προοπτική των χωρών των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων, επιτρέποντας τους την εξέταση της από κοινού διοργάνωσης του κορυφαίου ποδοσφαιρικού γεγονότος στον κόσμο, του Mundial, το 2030.

Να σημειωθεί πάντως, ότι στην προσπάθειά τους αυτή, θα συναντήσουν δύσκολους αντιπάλους, αφού για το Μundial του 2030 υπάρχει ήδη η κοινή υποψηφιότητα Αργεντινής, Παραγουάης και Ουρουγουάης, ενώ η ομοσπονδία της Ιρλανδίας, γνωστοποίησε πως θα σταθεί στο πλευρό των Αγγλίας, Σκωτίας, Ουαλίας και Β.Ιρλανδίας, προκειμένου να εξεταστεί η πιθανότητα κοινής υποψηφιότητας για το Mundial του 2030. Επιπλέον σκέψεις κάνουν για κοινή πρόταση Αλγερία, Τυνησία και Μαρόκο.

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The PEW ranked the Europeans by their acceptance of Muslims and Jews, same sex marriage, and legal abortion. Well

  1. If ranked by the ratio (total number of abortions)/women, the Greek women get gold in Europe and bronze in the world!

  1. Apparently, the good Muslims must kill the kafirs; the Christians and the Jews are not kafirs.

  2. In Algeria (and not only Algeria) the family code prohibits Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men 

  3. In the Muslim world the non-Muslim citizens (dhimmis) were second-class citizens..

  4. Today most Muslim countries have courts in which a woman's testimony is worth half of that of a man; moreover in Saudi Arabia a woman's testimony is worth half of that of a man. In all courts.

My overall understanding is that according to Pew

1) Normal people believe that the women are equal to men and

2) Good people should consider the women equal to themselves

I am perplexed. My cousin plans to marry Hans, an admirer of Adolf; is Pew of the opinion that I must accept Hans, his swastikas, and his wet dreams about the final solution?


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The Economist  has an article for Greece (The title and starting text can be read below)

Licensed anarchy? How a group of Athens troublemakers goes unpunished

The down-at-heel neighbourhood of Exarchia in central Athens, known for its lively bars and tavernas, has long been home to a small but disruptive community of self-described anarchists. Violent street battles take place at weekends: extremists throw Molotov cocktails at police, who respond with tear gas. Long-suffering residents say their complaints are routinely ignored by are routinely ignored by the authorities.

One anarchist group, Rouvikonas (Rubicon), uses more sophisticated tactics to make its presence felt. Based in a cinema-cum-bar close to Exarchia’s central square, populated with drug pushers and sellers of bootleg cigarettes, Rouvikonas stages nuisance attacks against embassies, government buildings and the offices of multinational companies. Its members are not usually arrested. Prosecutors dismiss their actions as “too insignificant” to justify full-fledged investigation.

Rouvikonas’s victims would disagree....

One anarchist group, Rouvikonas (Rubicon), uses more sophisticated tactics to make its presence felt. Based in a cinema-cum-bar close to Exarchia’s central square, populated with drug pushers and sellers of bootleg cigarettes, Rouvikonas stages nuisance attacks against embassies, government buildings and the offices of multinational companies. Its members are not usually arrested. Prosecutors dismiss their actions as “too insignificant” to justify full-fledged investigation.

Rouvikonas’s victims would disagree....

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NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo lashed out on Thursday at a Greek television presenter who described his brother Thanasis as a "monkey" following a EuroLeague game last weekend.

Presenter Takis Tsoukalas, a well-known supporter of Olympiakos, targeted Thanasis Antetokounmpo with the "racist" remark shortly after he had helped his team, Panathinaikos, beat arch-rivals Olympiakos 93-80 in a EuroLeague clash last Friday.


Giannis added: "If this can happen to Thanasis, who represents the Greek national team and Panathinaikos with pride and with a smile, I cannot imagine what other people of colour face in Greece. I am sad and disappointed but we will not let the negative comments change this family and our love for the country we grew up in."


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Gracious reply by Giannis. He and his brother could have said instead something like,....


...  We're fed up with this racism, which we've experienced every day while growing up in this backward country. We realized we were never accepted by too many Greeks, who, as we recently found out, 90% of them think themselves superior to all other peoples. Well, they can keep their bullsh*t superiority to themselves. We are going to stop representing Greece, on and off the sports venues. No more Greek flags for us, and we'll start telling the whole world how racist Greece really is.



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What "bullsh*t superiority"?


  1. The national hymn of Greece is part of a poem of Solomos. The final verses of the poem justify the slaughtering of the weak and poor in Tripolis. Those with money could pay Bubulina or Kolokotronis and be let go.

  2. As a rule the poor/weak/guilty need to have a reason in order to be proud.

  3. Greece is country that goes from bad to worse. The Greeks need to be proud.

  4. The Germans are prouder than the Dutch; why? Possibly because they need to forget the camps where the Untermenschen were slaughtered.

  5. The failed (now or in their past) countries in the central/eastern European tend to have high scores.

        Greece is a failed country and we should  view the Greeks  in Greece in the way  we view/treat a parent whose mind  does not function well.    

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This is a disgrace.  Year after year, the same crap, and they haven't been able to solve it....  I wonder what kind of teaching goes on inside the universities when there's utter chaos there.

No self-respecting society would allow this.

Wait.... it must be outsiders who hate Greece responsible for such a mess.  


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  • 4 weeks later...

New Democracy is holding its Congress and Manfred Weber (candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission) was present there. He voiced the usual bull but there was a moment during which voiced a small (and possibly important) truth. Namely,

"If we do not continue united, we are lost. We now account for 7% of the world's population. In a few years, we will be just 3%. The policies of Trump, Putin and Chinese Communists leave no room for individual EU Member States to confront them. "

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