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SL–R25: PAOK - AEK (11 Mar 18, 19:30 EET)


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Savvidis already did! He apologized and accepted the 3-year punishment.

When will the refs do that for lying on match reports and refusing to appear before the judge. Also when will AEK people come out and say that they are happy to win the title on paper.

The original verdict will not change in my opinion. The decision is more political than sports related. At best they might reduce the Savvidis punishment from 3 years to 1 year and perhaps eliminate the games without fans even though we will serve at least two of those games before the decision is handed out.

Having said that, the best result of this circus from the past two months is to further expose the slime and corruption in Greek football/society.  Also the refs responsible for this mess are probably banished from officiating, although with the Greek mentality you never know. 

Finally I hope that by now Savvidis has learned not to trust and make deals with slimy backstabbers such as Melissanidis, Alafouzos and drug dealers. He should also stop any help (financial or otherwise) to run the Superleague.

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@jvc as Blackhawk stated, Savvidis has taken responsibility and apologized. I have stated in all my previous posts that what he did was wrong and that he should get punished. Heck i even said that PAOK's punishment is just.

Why i posted was because AEK and all aektzides jumped on the hysteria of social media and the news (which sensationalizes everything) saying that AEK were petrified of re-entering the pitch. Well watch the video that has surfaced and you can clearly see the bunch of them taking selfies and laughing away. I don't see why I can't bring this point up?? I don't personally think this will change anything in the courts but hey why not negate AEK's claim of being petrified.

What some people also don't understand is that the events of the PAOK-AEK match is going through the court. The court is a tribunal to judge/adjudicate what happened in accordance to the rule of the law. Laws have thousands of sections & subsections & clauses & parts etc etc which can be open to interpretation and some parts can negate other parts. Hence why you need a lawyer. The chains of events that night in Toumba were ALL part of the ecosystem and every single part needs to be examined. It is just reality of what happens in every court case. Judges can't just judge a whole hearing/case by what is being circulated by memes on social media or by a sensationalized news heading. 

AGAIN I AM NOT stating that PAOK goes unpunished but other infringements regardless how minor should not go unpunished regardless if you believe that the scale of those incidents do not match up with your hysterical view of what happened. At the very least all events that occurred should not go unnoticed so that measures can be put in place so they don't reoccur again. 



Edited by SydneyPAOK
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"Savage Savidis"

Haha...Are you a Journalist? If so i assume you specialise in Sensationalism?

PAOK now has the money and clout to defend it's self.  You poked the bear too many times .. Don't blame us for having the audacity to fight against this corrupt system. At least we have the balls to fight back!

To me it's obvious that this is nothing to do with trying to get Savidis 'off the hook'? It's to prove that there was no fear and that the AEK players, officials and the referee have lied and manipulated the rules to have a game abandoned so that they had the chance to win a title by a technicality in a court room.. PAOK were cruising to the title until Olympiakos decide that they had no intention of playing the game. Savidis had a massive error of judgment, an error which AEK jumped on.

Imagine looking back on the season you won a title and reminiscing of the court case that you won it in????? reminiscing about the judges name rather than a goal scorer???? 

Its embarrassing and pretty shameful.  when you actually thing about it, it's mental!!

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34 minutes ago, AchillesHeel said:

I've refrained from commenting on this subject for a while because as a neutral I tend to see things objectively and don't look at it from any team fan's perspective but I have to say : AEK (if they win the title) didn't win it on paper...its a case of PAOK losing the title on paper which is different. 2 games needed to be played and completed but weren't....the game against oly never started because a fan threw an object and hit the coach (regardless of theatrics that can't be allowed even if I think Garcia and oly are chickens#!ts) and in the game against AEK, Savvides invaded the pitch and pulled his team out....whether he threatened anyone or not, he stopped the game....a stupid, impetuous move that cost you the title. PAOK gave the opposition the opportunity and they took advantage of it. The rest of the circus show is just that, a circus show being played out by the media. Even if rulings are overturned it still doesn't take away the fact that it was the actions of Savvides and the paper throwing idiot that cost you the title and not the actions of anyone else. This is what should be addressed by PAOK.

Amen brother!

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14 hours ago, AchillesHeel said:

I've refrained from commenting on this subject for a while because as a neutral I tend to see things objectively and don't look at it from any team fan's perspective but I have to say : AEK (if they win the title) didn't win it on paper...its a case of PAOK losing the title on paper which is different. 2 games needed to be played and completed but weren't....the game against oly never started because a fan threw an object and hit the coach (regardless of theatrics that can't be allowed even if I think Garcia and oly are chickens#!ts) and in the game against AEK, Savvides invaded the pitch and pulled his team out....whether he threatened anyone or not, he stopped the game....a stupid, impetuous move that cost you the title. PAOK gave the opposition the opportunity and they took advantage of it. The rest of the circus show is just that, a circus show being played out by the media. Even if rulings are overturned it still doesn't take away the fact that it was the actions of Savvides and the paper throwing idiot that cost you the title and not the actions of anyone else. This is what should be addressed by PAOK.

1) Next time we think we will lose a game, we can set up an injury if it is regardless theatrics. We can set up that a σπόρι or a στραγάλι hit someone from our bench, it doesn't even have to be in the head, maybe in the leg or the arm, then go to the dressing room, put some make-up or something, and then decide to leave the stadium and go for drinks. We win the match 3-0 and we everything is fine. No? What do you mean? Wasn't the σπόρι enough to justify what happened? You said it doesn't matter. It's an object thrown by someone and hit someone.

2) Why Savvidis invaded? Because he is crazy? You don't care about the reason? PAOK scored a goal, the referees showed goal and then they changed the decision based on what AEK's bench was saying to the fourth referee. Is that the football you want to see? Decisions to be changed based on the complaints of specific people who have more power over others? Dimitriadis and Liberopoulos or whoever was the one who made the referees change their mind? If that's not διακωμώδηση του αθλήματος then what's that? First you should be ashamed of that my friend and then criticize Savvidis entering the field. But no one cares about that. No one punished those referees. No one punished the referee from the PAOK-Olympiakos match who changed his statement. You all accept that as it's normal and fair. If that's your ethics, you can shove it to your a s s. Be my guest. We are different and we don't agree with that.

Liberopoulos was offside when he scored for AEK at the Greek Cup final. No one mentions. Everyone though from POK will mention for ever the offside goal that gave PAOK the cup last year. And I assume you are a fan of POK, right? Again, your fake objectivity cannot affect us my friend. And you can write down as many times as you want that AEK deserved the title because they played in Europe and whatnot. Believe what you want to believe. The fact is PAOK gathered the most points by playing football, almost won AEK, and probably would have won Olympiakos, but didn't let him to win either of those matches. On the contrary they deducted points and punished heavily the team for stupid reasons. You want more? PAOK got 7-matches no fans ban from what happened at the Greek Cup. How many games AEK did without fans? If you don't know go and check. That's the Greek justice. For a match with 50-50 tickets and horrible scenes by both team fans, PAOK got hugely greater punishment. Do you know why? Because we are from the χωριό which is called Thessaloniki and you don't want PAOK to grow and get stronger.

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11 hours ago, Yiankos said:

1) Next time we think we will lose a game, we can set up an injury if it is regardless theatrics. We can set up that a σπόρι or a στραγάλι hit someone from our bench, it doesn't even have to be in the head, maybe in the leg or the arm, then go to the dressing room, put some make-up or something, and then decide to leave the stadium and go for drinks. We win the match 3-0 and we everything is fine. No? What do you mean? Wasn't the σπόρι enough to justify what happened? You said it doesn't matter. It's an object thrown by someone and hit someone.

2) Why Savvidis invaded? Because he is crazy? You don't care about the reason? PAOK scored a goal, the referees showed goal and then they changed the decision based on what AEK's bench was saying to the fourth referee. Is that the football you want to see? Decisions to be changed based on the complaints of specific people who have more power over others? Dimitriadis and Liberopoulos or whoever was the one who made the referees change their mind? If that's not διακωμώδηση του αθλήματος then what's that? First you should be ashamed of that my friend and then criticize Savvidis entering the field. But no one cares about that. No one punished those referees. No one punished the referee from the PAOK-Olympiakos match who changed his statement. You all accept that as it's normal and fair. If that's your ethics, you can shove it to your a s s. Be my guest. We are different and we don't agree with that.

Liberopoulos was offside when he scored for AEK at the Greek Cup final. No one mentions. Everyone though from POK will mention for ever the offside goal that gave PAOK the cup last year. And I assume you are a fan of POK, right? Again, your fake objectivity cannot affect us my friend. And you can write down as many times as you want that AEK deserved the title because they played in Europe and whatnot. Believe what you want to believe. The fact is PAOK gathered the most points by playing football, almost won AEK, and probably would have won Olympiakos, but didn't let him to win either of those matches. On the contrary they deducted points and punished heavily the team for stupid reasons. You want more? PAOK got 7-matches no fans ban from what happened at the Greek Cup. How many games AEK did without fans? If you don't know go and check. That's the Greek justice. For a match with 50-50 tickets and horrible scenes by both team fans, PAOK got hugely greater punishment. Do you know why? Because we are from the χωριό which is called Thessaloniki and you don't want PAOK to grow and get stronger.

Amen brother! ;)

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Instead of everyone going in circles, I would like everyone to answer my question. Achilles Heel, I am going to be quoting some of your statements, as I feel they represent the most objective of the opinions (to some it may seem I am using the term loosely) that have been formed as to why PAOK deserved what it got.

1. AchillesHeel sates: "in the game against AEK, Savvides invaded the pitch and pulled his team out....whether he threatened anyone or not, he stopped the game....a stupid, impetuous move that cost you the title." the only thing I will correct you on, is that he attempted to pull the team, as the players didn't actually listen to him. But for argument's sake, let's say he did pull the team off. I agree, if you pull your team off without the permission of the match officials, you are forfeiting the match. Regardless why you pulled the team. Can we agree that is the case?

2. If the answer to 1 is yes, then should Olympiakos have forfeited the match against PAOK a few weeks earlier? Based on what happened, it was Vice President Theodoridis who pulled all of his players off the pitch prior to the referee even knowing what occurred. He even stated this to NOVA Sports as he was doing it "Pira tin omada kai figame".

3. It sounds like if fans throw something onto the pitch, regardless of what it is, and it hits a player/coach/etc of the opposing team, the home team should forfeit the match. This is confirmed by your statement "the game against oly never started because a fan threw an object and hit the coach (regardless of theatrics that can't be allowed even if I think Garcia and oly are chickens#!ts)". Can we all agree, that if a fan of a home team throws an object, regardless if it's a feather or a brick, the match should be forfeited by the home team? If you disagree, please state why, or how you would adjust this rule.

4. We seem ok with punishing bad behaviour commited by PAOK. However, no one seems to have a problem with the fact that we rewarded bad behaviour by Olympiakos and AEK (they both were awarded the maximum points). In Olympiakos' case they were awarded 3 points for faking an injury, and for pulling their team off prematurely. In AEK's case, they were rewarded for verbally abusing the referees and for (apparently) refusing to accept the referee's order to return to the field. I agree PAOK should be punished for its bad behaviour. Is it right to reward Olympiakos and AEK for their bad, though not to the same degree, behaviour? Or should they also just receive 0 points for the match (while PAOK received -3)?

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2 hours ago, AchillesHeel said:

Ok here's my response:

1) Do it if that's how you want to win games...oh wait you already set that precedence last year against PAO and personally I was fine with the punishment PAO got. As a matter of fact, former PAO coach Anastasiou is the only coach who got hit in the head with an object, bandaged it up and continued the game.


Many other coaches in the past did the same thing as Anastasiou. And I am not proud of my fans throwing objects literally to everybody in the past. But how many times do we have to say the same things? Ivic followed orders from the referee and then left on the game's doctor call. Olympiakos left because they are νταβατζήδες. And then the referee changed his statement so PAOK will be punished and Olympiakos wins the game on paper. That's fair? That's justice? Next game, someone throw a piece of paper, the team decides to leave and if they are backed by the referees as AEK and Olympiakos this year, they win the game 3-0 and the opposite team gets punished! You like that football?

Anyway, I started answering you, but PAOK17 did it very well before me.

You can answer to him, he says the same thing.

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JVC why do you bring this up again. We have discussed this over and over. You last sentence though basically says that PAOK can't win the appeal because it's not politically correct. Nothing to do with the rules of the game.

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On the side, it's pretty tiring to read fans and fake reporters from both sides trying to convince that PAOK or AEK was the best team on the field. Who cares? We will never know who would win the championship if nothing had happened. And in football not always the best team wins.

PAOK won 3-1 Panionios and our horrible reporters wrote that PAOK proved once more that they are the best team in Greece and they deserve the championship. Wait a minute. If we draw that would mean that we don't deserve the championship? Same crap by the AEK fans/reporters and probably even more. AEK scored on the 95th minute against Larisa and this proves the metallo of the team. When PAOK scored against AEK on the 90th minute they said that PAOK couldn't score for 89 minutes and proved that they do not deserve the championship. And this being said by AEK supporters this year is such a joke. They draw Panathinaikos in Leoforo on the 94th minute, they won both Olympiakos matches on the last few minutes, and now Larisa.

Such hypocrisy. Most of those people who are called reporters and whatnot are the biggest carcinoma of Greece.

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21 minutes ago, AchillesHeel said:

PAOK's appeal regarding the AEK game has been rejected and the punishment has been upheld in its entirety. Hopefully PAOK will continue to build a quality team and learn from these events so as to avoid repeating them and win the title....greek football needs to be decentralized and have successful teams outside of Athens if it's to improve. Good luck in the cup game, it should be a good one if the teams are allowed to play it out on the field.

Greek football has been very successful for decades ... for some ...with having it all centralized in Athens.  Why change what's not broken ?

As for the Cup, good lord, it's gonna be mayhem.


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It's in everyone's interest for Grexit to happen. Otherwise we will have the same football we had for the past 20 years. The results of the appeal have been known since Thursday, but were only announced few hours before EPO president was giving a report in front of FIFA and UEFA about the "improvements" in Greek football. 

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So Grexit is a positive thing? That will set back Greek football for years as investors will leave and there will be no money for the local sports programs.  If you think the quality of Greek footballers is low now, it will be non-existent if Grexit happens.

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We still have the 3rd appeal to file. Chances are slim that anything will change, but we need to go through the paces and keep reminding everyone that this year's title is a paper one won in the courts and not on the field.

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