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Valverde didn't deny that Diogo is leaving, he simply said that Diogo is part of the squad and considers him as a result when picking the team.

To be fair Diogo is 23, he's still young. Instead of Nemeth you should have signed 2 top class strikers and then have Mitroglou and Diogo on the bench. But with the way you're going i have to agree with Niko.. GLENTIAAAAAAAAA :P

Guys,dont be like the greek press,Glentia-Colpo Groso-Arpagi that is just for show.It was not GLENTIAAAA last year between you and us and we had no "great" team like you guys did so to celebrate now when we have gotten some good additions,is way to premature.Unless you want to get me started.... :D :box: :LOL:

Diogo was good his first year but even i would look good with the players he had around him.Last year he was at best average....and mainly because he likes to party so i will not cry over him.I cried over Kovacevic and Galletti but not for D.

Now in the news of the day:

1)16:10 is the time that David Fuster is scheduled to arrive to Greece and a few hours later to pass his physical and sign his new contract.

2)Nemeth is also supposed to come to Greece today and sign his contract but no specifics as of what time yet.His manager is already at the Olympiakos offices.

3)Today also is expected that Hurtado and Olympiakos will finalize the deal between them and close this transfer.

4)Also today or in the next few days we might see the move of Subinio to Panseraikos and the arrival of Papazoglou from that same team.That way Olympiakos will have a total of 5 CB,Melberg,A.Papadopoulos,Modesto,Potouridis and Papazoglou.

Now there are 2 scenarios out there.If Diogo actually leaves,Olympiakos will move for a CF,maybe Kovacevic style player.Also if Maresca finds a team and leaves us,Olympiakos will propably move and try to get Venker.

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I believe that if somebody was able to score 15 last year for Ajax,he can score the same number for us in the SL.This year and with the roster that we have i believe that Olympiakos will be able to first hold the ball a lot more,control tempo and try to play faster and second we will create more scoring chances for our players up front.Pantelic has 2 major good things for me,he can score,he has that special ability that the good strikers have of scoring even with a small number of chances.Second he does not over hold the ball,he is not like Diogo,hold the ball and try to drible 2-3 guys.He seems to be playing the ball fast,1-2 pass and i believe that he will even make Mitroglou better since the younster will have to work harder in order to get playing minutes.

With no doubt,we have improved drastically this year.Now it is a matter of how much time Valverde and the players will need to become and play as a TEAM.

I feel a lot better and confident than 2 months ago.Pao is still the team to beat but in the SL,the games with the other teams is what makes the difference between win or lose the championship.

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Pantelic is your BAM? :)


Ok ok.. in all seriousness..

Decent player.. good around the net.. good sense of smell... Will not kill himself for the team... will not help out defensively.. attitude problem a la masse...

And of course EGO bigger then his talent...

15 goals for ajax in 26 games is nothing to go crazy for...

Lets not forget Machlas once scored 31 in a season in Holland...

Suarez for example.. last year with Ajax... scored somethign like 44 goals...

Better then Mitroglou? Ya,, maybe...

But according to him... he is better than Cisse..


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Pantelic is your BAM? :)


Ok ok.. in all seriousness..

Decent player.. good around the net.. good sense of smell... Will not kill himself for the team... will not help out defensively.. attitude problem a la masse...

And of course EGO bigger then his talent...

15 goals for ajax in 26 games is nothing to go crazy for...

Lets not forget Machlas once scored 31 in a season in Holland...

Suarez for example.. last year with Ajax... scored somethign like 44 goals...

Better then Mitroglou? Ya,, maybe...

But according to him... he is better than Cisse..


I got my BAM yesterday,Nemeth...remember him :LOL: :LOL:

Padelic is going to be my scorer.

I dont want him to play for the team Niko,i just want 10-15 goals out of him.That is all i want.Plus he will feel right home with Rommendahl on the right of him like last year on Ajax and a Kovacevic taking care of his character posible issues.

just to tease you because of the BAM+Paixtaras comments which one was your recent BAM???Boumsong???..... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

PS.Machals 31 goals was a decade ago,Padelic scored 16 goals in 25 games last year.

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^^ ya i mixed up the 5 and 6 :P He scored 15 goals ina league where the average goals per game was 3.7

Like I said.. Surez scored 44 goals for Ajax last season. Djibril scored 23 in 28... After him the most goals was what... 11 :P

Nemeth is a BAM? a young kid with potential.. OK if u say so... Our sloppy seconds are your BAMS... U said it :)

As for ''recent'' BAMS...

Get a Gilberto or a Cisse on your team.. kai ta leme meta ;)

Heck even Govou is better then any player you have signed :P

FYI not a huge fan of Riera

I like Toro and Dudu though

Edited by NikosVazelas
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Niko don't have the typical "opadiko" mentality. I don't think Nemeth is all that, but you prefered him to Suazo so you can't change your tune now :D

Pantelic is a good player in my opinion, he'll do well in the Greek league but i don't see him getting 15 goals. In my opinion he'll get between 10-12. The Dutch league is much more open than the Greek and Ajax are much more attacking than Olympiakos.

Olympiakos still need major improvements in my opinion but one main advantage you have is that you only have the league to focus on. We'll be playing 2 games a week when you'll be playing 1 and although your squad isn't that good you'd have to be total fools to be messing up games against the likes of Iraklis when you have a whole week to prepare

one other point though Crazy, Rommedahl was not at Ajax last year, he was on loan at NAC. So despite what your club press says to make him out to be a BAM he's really just an average player ;)

Edited by Euro2004
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nemeth, fuster, pantelic...none of them are BAMS...pantelic is a solid goalscorer...nothing more...let me remind everyone that the only 'major' trophy he has won was the dutch cup last year...ajax was also the best club he has ever played for...and he is 32...another old player on the squad...either way, he is a good player made for playing in the box which is what oly needed...he is earning 1.6 mill a year which is an alarmingly high salary for someone his age/ability...like riera, he is being very much overpayed...no other club would offer anything close to that for him...

fuster, you will see is no better than oscar...remember valverde was saying the same exact things about oscar as he is now about fuster...sure he may help oly, but he is not a TOP level type of player, he has barely even played at premier level and he is 28...nemeth is a great prospect but not quite a great player...definitly one for the future though...

none of these guys are BAMS though, olys squad has improved individually, the question now is whether they will tie together as a team...especially in such a short period of time...the only thing about the squad that has GREATLY improved is your depth...you have multiple players per position which will definitly help, but none of your signings can really be classified as WORLD CLASS players...not even riera...every team needs at least one world class player that will make the difference in tight games, oly have been missing the cutting edge player, and still i my eyes have not replaced djole or galletti...regardless, i think oly will do very well this year, but its difficult to build a team in a year when 90% of your players are new to the team...your individual strength can only take you so far...

another thing that both pao and oly need to note is that there is alot of competition this year in the SL...alot of teams have improved their roster and this year will be better than last year and more difficult for everyone, especially for pao who will have a very difficult and FULL schedule all year long..

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nemeth, fuster, pantelic...none of them are BAMS...pantelic is a solid goalscorer...nothing more...let me remind everyone that the only 'major' trophy he has won was the dutch cup last year...ajax was also the best club he has ever played for...and he is 32...another old player on the squad...either way, he is a good player made for playing in the box which is what oly needed...he is earning 1.6 mill a year which is an alarmingly high salary for someone his age/ability...like riera, he is being very much overpayed...no other club would offer anything close to that for him...

fuster, you will see is no better than oscar...remember valverde was saying the same exact things about oscar as he is now about fuster...sure he may help oly, but he is not a TOP level type of player, he has barely even played at premier level and he is 28...nemeth is a great prospect but not quite a great player...definitly one for the future though...

none of these guys are BAMS though, olys squad has improved individually, the question now is whether they will tie together as a team...especially in such a short period of time...the only thing about the squad that has GREATLY improved is your depth...you have multiple players per position which will definitly help, but none of your signings can really be classified as WORLD CLASS players...not even riera...every team needs at least one world class player that will make the difference in tight games, oly have been missing the cutting edge player, and still i my eyes have not replaced djole or galletti...regardless, i think oly will do very well this year, but its difficult to build a team in a year when 90% of your players are new to the team...your individual strength can only take you so far...

another thing that both pao and oly need to note is that there is alot of competition this year in the SL...alot of teams have improved their roster and this year will be better than last year and more difficult for everyone, especially for pao who will have a very difficult and FULL schedule all year long..

How do you define the term "world class" pao123? Is Govou world class, because Riera is at least on the same level as him. Personally i don't think either is world class, in fact i don't think there are any of world class players in the Greek league. There are a number of world class prospects, but not finished articles that are world class. Riera is a great signing for them though.

I agree with everything else you say though, great post. I was just telling my brother that in my opinion Fuster is the same level as Oscar and i think we'll both be proved right. They have also certainly not replaced Galletti or Djole.

I honestly believe it's ours for the taking. The only major worries is their relaxed schedule of one game a week, while they have a guaranteed 6 points against Olympiakos Volou while we essentially have 2 extra derbies because of their presence in the SL

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world class, in the terms that i was using it specifically for the post are players that have played at a HIGHEST level consistantly, club and/or national team and/or players that can lift the team and win the game with one swoop...

galletti was that player...cisse is that player, they are players that could win the game with one touch...

govou is more a world class player then riera...govou has won 7/8 french championships, has played year in year out in the CL and has about 50 NT caps...riera has won 2 copa del rey and has played acouple years in european fixtures and has never really played at a BIG, champion team..and he was never a consistant NT player....

gilberto is still a world class player as welll..

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Olympiakos needs to build from within. When they (the higher ups) realize this, then we can move forward.

We need a core.....We have non.

Players Like Torosidis, Mitroglou, Fetfazidis, both Papadopoulos, Zairi, Mirallas, Galitsios, Vasilogiannis, Wanderson, Niklistiotis, Nemeth, Katsikogiannis, should be supported with players like Dudu, Rommedahl, Mellberg, Ibajaza, Riera.

Until the Greek core is solid again, not spectacular, the team cannot move forward. They need to buiold from within and then bring in the missing pieces.

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Thrylos my friend i agree with many of your points but as i have said in another topic,this is a new year,a new coach,a new president and a new team.12+1(Moises) new players have joined to cover the holes and upgrade our clubs roster but more important to me,to improve our game.The 90+ minutes of actuall soccer/football game.Last year they were many games that to watch the games of our club was actually for me a waste of time.No speed,no excitement,no fantasy,no hope really.This year i feel better,i have to wait and see all of them melting together into a team first but they make me want to give them a chance or many chances actually to play the game and make it fun again.On paper we look ok,now we just need to see on the pitch how we will do.

On another note,Maresca and Oscar will have talks this week with our management since both players do not fit into our new year team plans and both of them will be asked to depart in any way or form posible.

Also we await for the ok by Moises so we can finalize our roster.Both spanish and greek press are mentioning that today is the day but we will need to wait and see first.

Final note,as far as Fuster goes,and i dont like to comment on something that i have not seen with my eyes first but apparently in the friendly against Olympiakos Volou this past saturday he impressed a lot of people with his speed and good pass.Again we all need to wait and see on the pitch what is what.

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Of course they are.....

With us not competing in Europe this year, why take a chance to develop youth?

Katsikogiannis i believe should have stayed with us but i will like to see if G.Papadopoulos will see more playing time this year.

For sure tho,all 3 of them will see a lot more playing time at OFI that they would to Olympiakos.

Thrylos dont see the glass half empty just yet. ;) :D Keep the faith brother.

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