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Corruption In The Greek Sl


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Imagine justice is a spoon and we're in the Matrix. "There is no spoon", says a voice from behind you, as a thick stubbly hand plucks the spoon from your hand and uses it to dig into a 5kg tub of near empty Nutella and shovel it down a gorging Marinakis mouth. 

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  • 1 month later...

and thats the hammer in the coffin from one of the worse seasons in memory...i was actually going to go in april since the flights operated from dublin....there is a huge agenda against panathinaikos fc in greece...absolute joke travesty justice will never prevail.. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, good luck.  I can't take anything that people say from any side seriously!  PAO's problem is not losing 2 gates, and the minister's bs won't solve anything.

The problem is the prevailing culture, that of corruption, violence, and incompetence at every level.  If anyone wants to understand how Greek society operates, take a look at the sports leagues. Why, because in the other domain of politics, conspiracy theories about ..foreign intervention/ blame dominate. ;)

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