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Klopp is entering into a graveyard of a club....


Will take at least 2-3 years to rebuild a team that has ANY sort of title aspirations



Have no idea why he would want to undertake that job..... he was better off waiting for the Bayern job that will open up at the end of the season

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Good coach to have BUT the only downfall is that transfer committee livo has, how can they expect any manager to come in and do his thing when he cant get the players he wants? This has to change in order for Livo to go forward... Hopefully they learnt from that but as I have always said yank owners don't belong in football and until those owners F*** off it will hurt livo....

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Good coach to have BUT the only downfall is that transfer committee livo has, how can they expect any manager to come in and do his thing when he cant get the players he wants? This has to change in order for Livo to go forward... Hopefully they learnt from that but as I have always said yank owners don't belong in football and until those owners F*** off it will hurt livo....

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Could possibly attract the players to Liverpool that Brendan never would have been able to because of their names.

Players will want to play for Klopp.

Very tough job, probably the most difficult carrying the biggest pressure in England besides the NT.

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Rodgers was a terrible tactician and clueless how to get the best out of the players he had to work with.

Who actually plays 3-5-2 in the PL ever and who uses strikers and central midfielders as wingbacks ? Well he did. Good riddance. He hoodwinked the media long enough with this rubbish , dossiers, death by football, sweeper keepers , 7 zone formations theories and rhetoric that had some actually convinced that he's a tactical genius. Back to Swansea level where he belongs.

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Guys it wasn't all BR's fault, yes his team selection was wrong but Liverpool's transfer committee is what hurts them the most. A coach wants a player and they aren't able to get him because of this committee as they have the final say on who comes in. BR never wanted Balotelli it was put on him.


This is why Klopp will have an issue, my friend is lives in Merseyside and is a season ticket holder and has many contacts in Liverpool has said the committee will stand but Klopp wont be able to bring anyone in, but he does have a say.


I personally think if you want him to do well give him full reign and let him do what he wants but I don't see that happening, the yanks that own Liverpool are the ones hurting them club....


But good luck to Klopp its a big challenge and it will show how good a manager he is....

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That 2005 side was nothing special. The defied the odds and had a protagonist in gerrard who showed his resilience time and time again. Made for some fun viewing though, especially the last group game against olympiakos, with gerrard netting the winner right at the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From another team. But I can't remember which one. I think it was a smallish one, maybe in Wales or West England. He wasn't established before he came to Liverpool and some people might think he's an academy player because he speaks with a scouse accent now (even though he's from Wales originally).

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Ian Rush was just deadly. His combination with Kenny Dalglish up top early in his Liverpool career is something never matched by an attacking duo in the English game.

Unfortunately can't use comparisons with the game 30 + years ago with how it's played today. Just a nice trip down memory lane that's all.

Best 6 Liverpool players in my lifetime ( and there were many more excellent new ) were Dalglish, Rush, Souness, Barnes, Gerrard and Suarez.

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Just reading an article about the alltime topscorers in the biggest leagues in Europe after CR7's record and Rush is Liverpool's topscorer with 346 goals. He was picked up as a 19-year old in 1980 from Chester City.


Ah yes I couldn't remember whether it was an English team or a Welsh team, but Chester would make sense since it is on the border.

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  • 3 weeks later...

eh? I really don't get this Pato link. I mean he is a good player who seems to be on his way back after some poor seasons in Europe and injury troubles. But how is he supposed to fit into the team if Benteke and Sturridge are both fit? I suppose Ings is out for the season which is a big(ish) miss, Origi is shite and Sturridge would be lucky to play 10 games max this season given that he's made of glass. I still think that Liverpool could do with a winger atm, Ibe is the only proper winger they have right now.

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