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Gavro walking away with the title

We needed them to falter against PAOK and they didn't... PAOK will cut points from us.. they have a good team that shows up to play against the big boys

Especially with our team that has psychological problems.. if we go down early at Karaiskaki we could be talking about blow-out of catastrophic proportions

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No way this oly team wins today without assistance. Paok have a better team and showed it. Yet they come away with three points.

Meanwhile a few weeks back we were s%$#! house and have a call against us and the game finishes 0-0

In other words when both pao and oly play bad, we lose points but they don't.


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I'm sure they'll close G7 for a bit but it doesn't matter...

Bento has transformed their team from a loser team to a team with balls and can bounce back from adversity... his authoritarian/dictator way of leading his team into games (leaving out fortouni, marin, cardozo) has payed its end in massive dividends

2nd best coach in the league aside from Stramma

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3 minutes ago, val said:

No way this oly team wins today without assistance. Paok have a better team and showed it. Yet they come away with three points.

Meanwhile a few weeks back we were s%$#! house and have a call against us and the game finishes 0-0

In other words when both pao and oly play bad, we lose points but they don't.


I watched the game without sound on a Ukrainian bootleg channel and from what i saw.. PAOK took it to the gavro and should have scored 2-3 goals, however the gavro dug down deep and came away with a win

I'm not aware of the extra help... if there was I'll review it and let you know... I saw the mettle of the gavro come out

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39 minutes ago, cocksta said:

They close g13 for the gavro game they closed g4 again for the gavro game tora ti tha ginei?  Freezer let's see what happens @leoforos @Tumba still early file




How long have we been watching this league?

A lead of 5-7 points is an automatic nail in the coffin... especially since our team continues to make blunders when the pressure is on

If we dont' WIN at the derby... this is GAME OVER

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Why are you guys complaing of the 11 minutes stoppage time?  I personally thought it should have been 14-15.  The flares/smoke delayed the game by 11 minutes alone and then there should have been an additional 3-4 based on fouls/cards/injuries etc.


Lastly, what a player Milivojevic is....MVP thus far....  and to think they were going to sell him to Zenit on the last day of transfers

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16 hours ago, Pana97 said:

Olympiakos are the only team that are allowed to play 101 minutes if they are losing at home..... All other teams must take the loss. 

Any other league in the world, and it would be laughed at.  In Greece, it's normal!

Let's see what the EPO ... I mean FIFA decide.

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The only thing I question is if this happened at AEK, PAO or PAOKs home ground would Oly have tried to get the game called off? When we beat them 1-0 last season at OAKA and the flares were lit once we scored Theodoridis ran to the ref to get the game stopped, even though not 1 flare went onto the field.

Would Oly have come back out of the sheds the way PAOK did? Highly doubt that.

As for the 11 mins I think it was fair after the amount of times the game was stopped.

The ref also cant say he will call the game off if it happens again and then goes back on his word (if he actually said that) and he also cant go into PAOKs dressing room and tell them they will be docked 10 points if they don't come back out and finish the game (again if this really did happen)


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  • 3 weeks later...

  they are talking about 

eglimatiki organosi

kai si rotas  gia endekades proponites paragontes etc etc 




wat part dont u dont understand agoraki

the prothlima is locked down 

 den exi noima

kai den prokite na allaksi tpta



Edited by choc13
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^^^^why play in a league that is corrupt to the core and you are not being paid on time if at all not for months...before a ball is kicked the league is decided no matter how hard you try or play you are going to be screwed over and over on and off the pitch...don't you think that would have physical effect on any team.....alafouzo is hiding s%$#! just like the rest of these corrupt parasites...oly = the system!!!....we panathinaikos fan's and players don't!!!!!

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I'm not sitting here applauding the cleanliness of the league. Im focusing more so on us! if we had beaten olympiakos, we wouldn't even be mentioning any mafia, I feel as if this is a cheap way of blaming others for our downfall.


first it's Strammacioni, then it's Alafouzo, then gate13 and now the mafia....

i understand that it does play a certain effect mentaly on players, but for gods sake guys, until I see us invest properly and do all the right things, then my blame is solely on our team and no one else!

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We have to wake up a bit and realise that we are no longer the great Panathinaikos we once used to be. That europao name we were riding is done, dusted and should never ever be brought up until we make CL consistently and get out of group stages year in year out. Until then, we move on.. 

Also need to realise how far ahead olympiakos is in comparison to us as a football club. (Forget the off the pitch antics), but in regards to visions, goal setting and finance. They are run prim and proper!

So lets do OUR bit to fix ourselves first, and until we are at the best version we can be, then we can talk. But until then, in done with the scape goat s%$#!. It's our backyard we need to tidy. Moving to another league is still going to be the same s%$#!, only difference is that we may feel better coz we won't be -7 behind the gavroi


anyone else feel me here??

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We did the double a few years back and in 04... And when you look at the squads we had for the championships, it doesn't come as a suprise that we won!

So when we look to invest to replicate the talent we held in those championship winning squads, we leave destiny in OUR hands and not any one else's.

And Mladen Petric is at Leoforos according to instagram, looks like he may be saying a word or two to the team

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21 hours ago, PAOmelbourne said:

I know what they're talking about pal. But instead of blaming everyone else, take a look in our own backyard. We have our own problems to deal with.

Blaming the mafia and olympiakos for how our players play isn't going to win us anything!

You haven't got it at all. This has nothing to do with us losing 3-0, some of us has wanted to leave this corrupt league for years. 

If we, PAOK & AEK create another league obviously we have to start everything from scratch. Without UEFA competitions most players will obviously leave these teams. But on the other hand we would get a fair, more competitive and more exciting league. And less violence. 

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He supplies a lot more than just the 7th fleet jvc, good points you make they also make me wonder at times what the F*** is really going on and are these pricks just playing us all?

Meli has big time contacts, from CIA and others in America to the heavies from Czech he bought OPAP with, then add in Savvidis with his Russian mafia/kgb mates and again you think what the F*** are these guys worried about when they sure do have an army of power behind them.....

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Marinakis invested in Olympiakos and got lucky with the timing of it.  Pre CL there wasn't big money up for grabs.  Now, there is, and the money that Marinakis invested payed off big time.  ~200 million in CL monies.  It started a huge snowball effect where he could reinvest that money into the squad.  He did so and we know the result.  For the other "big 3" patates tiganites.  Good luck catching up now.

And now to expect Savvidis, Alafouzos and Melissanidis to pour in say, realistically, 50 million to 100 million to just compete, and this wouldn't be a guaranteed CL entry since first you have to beat Olympiakos and then you have to get through the CL qualifiers (which realistically they wouldn't), why would they do this ?  Risk vs reward ?  Big risk, more likely than not it wouldn't pay off.  And if it did it might only pay off for one year, and Marinakis would spend like crazy.

@jvc you said in a post in the U.S. election thread that you can't wait for politicians to come and help you.  You have to help yourself.  Maybe you should take the same advice and stop waiting for a messiah to come and rescue Panathinaikos.

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@Bananas It was PAO's fault that allowed Oly to be the only one to mostly benefit from the new CL.

It's beyond any debate that Tzigger left PAO unprotected when the "paragga" was being built. It was gross negligence because Tzigger was a very rich person. Instead he made the wrong decisions, divided the club, and had incompetent people around him and in important positions within the club. (do you remember the presidents he appointed?)

So while we were fractured and masturbating dreaming of past glory, Kokalis and Marinakis invested lots of money into their team. They were smart to understand that building a strong team and an EPO/league/refs to their liking, they could win titles, go to the new CL, get $$$$$, which would invest (most?) back into their empire to get more titles, etc, etc.

I have no confidence a country shaken to its foundations by the economic crisis and by corruption that some good solution will emerge any time soon.

If I were to fix this, I'd throw everyone out, get professional technocrats outside the realm of the teams and put them in charge of the league, EPO, and refs. But, I'd also make a main issue the competitiveness of the league. Oly above all, but also the other bigger teams would object, but I'd try to make the league like the NFL in the US. I would not allow big gaps among the teams to take place. Spending caps, revenue sharing, draft, and whatever else the successful teams in the US do and they have sports that are very successful. And, yes, why not have Platanias win the title?  The Euroleague is revamping basketball to make it more competitive and more entertaining as well.

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I don't ever see a day where you have a system like in the U.S. (and Australia for that matter) of drafts, spending caps etc.  It's too far gone and the big clubs in Europe would object vociferously.  I think if it came to it, they would break away and make their own league.

Having said that, UEFA has implemented the Financial Fair Play system but it's still a bit of a joke.  It's too little too late.  There were always big clubs (e.g. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayer, Man Utd, Liverpool, Milan, Inter, Juve etc.) but the disparity now is ... just so large it's become ridiculous.  This is because of the CL and the huge prize money.  It started the snowball effect and has just rolled on.

But I don't know what you can really do about it.  Maybe UEFA could halve the prizemoney and instead give it clubs directly, even those not competing in Europe.  Hmm, now I'm sounding like a commie.

You want to know what I think is the best way to stop the massive disparity ?  Go back to the old days, maybe tweaked a little.

1) Only allow 5 foreigners in the squad.  Back in the day it was 3 but I think that's maybe a bit low.

2) Don't allow a club to have more than "x" number of players in total.  This is to stop clubs buying 60 players and loaning them out.  If you have a player, he should be in your squad.  Otherwise, you need to sell him.

The beauty of point 1) above is that it curtails the spending power of all "big" clubs.  Yes, they'll still get the best, but they won't get "the rest" who are just a little behind in quality, and these players would be at different clubs.  You wouldn't get the concentration and stock piling like you have today.

And you'd actually get to see teams in Europe that are composed of players that are local.  Now, if you beat Arsenal what did you beat ?  An English team ?  I don't even know what the heck it means anymore.

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^ Really like your points. Allowing a max of 5 foreigners could actually help countries out with their national teams to develop players. Your second point is awesome too because then you won't be seeing players like mkhitaryan or Mohamed Sissoko just sitting the bench on teams. 

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