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Ioannis Fetfatzidis ‒ (Now Playing for Aris)


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On 14/12/2016 at 9:06 AM, ProudHellene said:

Do you reckon Barca took notice of this incredible player?

An offer forthcoming perhaps?

So funny bro the way you keep doing that. Your wit kills me:fitness-331191:

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Guys don't get sidetracked, stick to the topic, if you really wanna have a go at each other do it via PM? 


I don't get how people think Fetfatzidi is some big star, the man has skills, but he needs to prove himself at a competitive level a little higher than the Gulf leagues...I get that he wants to make that $$ I'm not holding it against him, bravo tou. But since leaving Olympiakos I do't think he has progressed. These teams he plays against now week in week out will not do anything for him to get better either I don't think. 

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Tzatziki, he is not some big star, but he provides something that no other player in Greece can, which is the will and ability to go at defenders. Even off the bench, if ever Greece needed a change in dynamic or swing in momentum, who better to come on than Fetfatzidis? We have too many marginal midfielders on this team that offer the same elements. My issue is why not have Fetfa as an option on the bench?

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I agree Reaper...

curious at how you think he can be utilized and in what balanced formation.

given that I see Fetfa as a no.10...As are Fortounis and Mandalos...

three no.10's don't fit....unless we play one of them out wide as we do now...and the other on the bench...

we also need to get the CM/DCM right too...

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I think Fetfa would be better out wide personally, I also would take about 4-5 players ahead of him at least. Karelis, Lazaro, Ninis, Holebas (I think he retired from the NT though), Kone, Stafyllidis, Diamantakos, even Vergos is playing at a higher level....

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Fetfatzidis no doubt needs to be in the National squad. He has so much skill and is far better then anyone we have on the wing. We dont have player like him and his quality. Pelkas and Gianniotas are very average and they have been picked because we have no else. We need a player like Fetfatzidis. It dosent make sense to have a player of his quality not get picked. Just because he is in the Arab league should not mean he shouldn't get picked. The other scenario is Tachtsidis. There is no other Greek like Tachtsidis. His vision and control of the midfield is needed in the team. Fetfatzidis skill and explosiveness is also needed. Why can we the supporters see it and not the coach. Yes there are some weakness like Fetfatzidis is not physically strong and his work rate can be questioned but his strengths overshadow everything. I believe we are not going to find a player like him again. Also Mantalos is not a winger no matter how good he is he is not a winger. 

Also players like Tachtsidis, Fetfatzidis, Kone and K.Papadopoulos need to be in the team no matter what as they are quality players that are established and well known. For example you cant start Gianniotas if he is not playing reguarly for his club he is not at that level of experience he is still progressing and improving  then the others i mentioned. Its like Maniatis and Tziolis got playing time even though they were not playing for their clubs. Thats how Tachtsidis, Fetfatzidis, Kone and K.Papadopoulos should be treated. The reason is because you can trust them and you know what you are going to get. 

Edited by Dean97
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I think he could be useful in providing some spark off the bench. But the coach obviously would rather select others. There will always be some tough decisions to be made wit the NT, places are limited. Fetfatzidi should get his petrodollars now and eventually move to a decent league to a team where he can get regular starts and then there is no way he is left off the NT again.

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On 12/18/2016 at 0:09 PM, ProudHellene said:

Is it possible he has a s%$#! attitude? Maybe that's why he gets ignored by every mgr

Possibly one factor.  Another factor could be fitness.

2016/2017, 90 minute games played : 1

2015/2016, 90 minute games played : 8

2014/2015, 90 minute games played : 1

2013/2014, 90 minute games played : 3

2012/2013, 90 minute games played : 2

Whether it's fitness or managers not playing him, it's still not a good sign.  If he plays in a half decent league, and actually plays a whole season and does well, I'm sure his stock in the NT will rise.

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On 20/12/2016 at 6:28 AM, ThrylosG7 said:

Ive said it so many times that my tongue has grown hairs...players always end up playing the level that they deserve.If they have crazy talent but never manage to crack those elite teams- there is always a reason behind the scenes


Yup, coaches are not some sort of comic book villains, they want to win and will obviously field the players who are best (obviously some are better judges of skill than others) but like you said, they always end up where they deserve sooner or later.

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lol honestly tho if you're gunna get paid 10x more and be a star it's pretty nice! as apposed to rotting on the bench in italy for less money.

we should call him up though, he'd be great for the NT so he can get everything glory via NT, money and playtime in saudi arabia.

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I want to see him back in Europe, but he should be called up regardless of where he plays. He is possibly still Greece's most menacing player with the ball at his feet and does not even get considered for a friendly. 

Does Belgium have a problem with Axel Witsel because he plays in China? He is consistently in their starting XI and everyone knows the depth they possess in every position. 

Edited by Argy
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we could really use him but i doubt skibbe is going to call him up

mantalos is okay but I think fetfa would've been more dynamic vs. belgium

would prefer our midfield being tachtsi, samaris, fortouni, fetfa and karelis cf as the main staple + mitroglou as st

fetfa is a wild card who can make something out of nothing and he has pace that we don't have a lot of in the midfield.

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