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The thought crossed my mind when I saw the scoreline, its not like it isn't possible. There was word last year when we played Axarnaikos and scored 2 in the last 4 mins that the game was fixed, but this also isn't on AEKs part only, Axarnaikos has a Russian owner/investor and from what I have heard its a full laundry in that club, so who knows if today's game was fixed, but it sure did cross my kind.

The question we need to ask Manolara is how will that money be put into the club?

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jvc its easy/free money for him to put into AEK (hypothetically speaking) but my question is how does that money go into AEK if any of this has any substance?


I wouldn't put it past Meli but a couple things make me think he wouldn't:


1. would he sacrifice us finishing 2nd?

2. does he want to give the edge to PAO for the CL spot?


I just find it strange that we copped 3 in the last game of the season, we copped 4 against Oly and other than that we never conceded more than 2 in any other game all season.

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Those own goals did look intentional... you see own goals where the defender does some crazy shot or attempted clearance and then you see what didac did. I'm not saying it was fixed, bit it sure seemed like it. It's a trap!

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This is the Greek League. Speculation/reality are pretty much the same.

I don't see Meli putting any of his own hard earned cash into the team. Fixing the Levadiakos game to make money to invest for next year is no big deal really. We lose 1 game, and don't have a chance to make CL groups so... The Greek League is a house of cards and needs to take the weight of another fat ass selfish drug mule/heroin pig. Why would anyone invest their own money in this shithole? 
At least Vaggelara can watch his team in the CL and be content with seeing success on the stingy investment he makes. 

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Why would anyone invest their own money in this shithole? 



For little to no money, you could build a good side and get some Euro exposure. If your team plays well, these players can be sold at a profit and the money can be reinvested. Rinse repeat a few times. 

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People buy football clubs as a hobby mostly imo. A football club is not an investment in my eyes, it is a toy for rich people, or perhaps in some countries like Greece to launder money, engage in match fixing, fraud, or to own a large number of hired goons.

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  • 7 months later...

Tigrako, thank you for dropping us to the 3rd division so you can take over without having to spend a penny. Now sell the team to someone that will invest money to take the team forward, not backwards like we've been going under your "leadership" in the last two seasons. Promises were made about a stadium, a team that's very competitive on the field, and financially stable. So far, after four years, only one of these came true, and that's because we dropped to the 3rd division to wipe our debt. All talk, no show. 

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  • 5 weeks later...


Is this the same Lefteris Charalampopoulos that claims he was threatened by Mel? No bias there so. And his source is Ketsbaia.

Also LOL at Ketsbaia's comment about Lescott ; "Lescott should have been the image of AEK. A football player with 10 years of experience in the Premier League, a Champion, an international,"  He decided to leave himself nobody forced him.

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