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Vasilis Torosidis ‒ (retired)


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I would love to see Toro in an Montreal Impact jersey, but I don`t think either side has much interest. I see him going to back to Olympiacos and perhaps another smaller Greek club to finish off his career. 

He has had a very good career and still has game left. Playing for one of the top clubs in Europe for a few years now. Surely one of the most important Greek players of the last decade.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Very concerning. As you said, who is in the pipeline to succeed him? His dominance at NT level and the indifferent form of other Greek right backs means no deputy has been developed. Come to think of it, I can't even think who the backup right back has been for our past few tournaments.

have we even had one since seitaridis and patsatzoglou retired?

EDIT: thinking back on it, I suppose Maniatis was the back up. Obviously not a long term solution. Paok fans, how is Kitsiou? If Bakakis gets game time for AEK, he could be worthy. Already been called up to one squad I think. But Galo is ahead of him.

Edited by Nikod
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Kitsiou is good in attack, possibly better than Toro.  But defensively he can be suspect.  I think he's good if you're playing an opponent where you expect to have more of the ball and will generally be in their attacking half.  In big pressure games against fast and physical opponents I wouldn't be confident with Kitsiou.  Not yet anyway.

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At 31 years of age Torosidis still has a lot to offer to the national team. Currently by far the best right back or right wing back Greece has available. Kitsiou & some of the other youngsters in this position have a lot improving to do before competing with Torosidis. I don't think Kitsiou would handle Serie A yet is a perfect example.

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It surprises me how a few people act as if Torosidis at 31 has lost it!  Probably the same people whom rubbished Theo Zagorakis selection prior to Euro 2004 because he was a few months away from turning 33 years of age. I think Torosidis would be very good in that central defensive midfield roll but as Greece lack quality at right back & have too many defensive midfielders his experience & quality of crosses on the right flank will be important.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

He's lost the motor that made him top class. As a result, his crossing has declined because he can't get into the same dangerous positions. And his vulnerability in the air is increasingly obvious. Still a dependable player for the NT but he used to be one of our best.

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Most players play for different reasons for their NT and their club. So its pretty obvious that , being part of a top 10(at best) team, in Bologna, aint gonna make him tryhard as much as he was at Roma, a possible title contender. I dont think he has declined in the NT at all, maybe when it comes to duration and speed, things that were certain loss for a player while ageing.

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30 minutes ago, Amorgos said:

@ProudHellene he is consistently injured now days. 

I think it's time too look at replacement in the NT too.

of course it is, but that doesnt make him inelidgible, remember how much we were praising him at the gibraltar/cyprus/netherlands games? you cant tell me he got poor in 4 months. Its always time to look at replacements, no player is top form 24/7.

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Yes, we have no cover there at all. Who has deputized for him most recently? Staf? not a long term solution.

Who do we have coming up the ranks there? I had hopes for Bakakis but he hasn't been the same since the ACL. Whatever happened to Skondras and Kitsiou from PAOK?

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If Torosidis is 100% fit & the best player at right back or wing back available he will play. Skibbe will have other players mind for every position in case of injury & suspension but you pick your squad & starting team on the best you have available for that match or tournament & not on age, potentials, injury history etc.

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