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Seeing him last year and some of this year, he is a good player but at the same time he's 25 years old and has been playing his entire career in B division, except for one short spell at panionio. Who knows how he'll react to the pressure of being on an upper tier A division team. Not to mention he seems like a poor man's Aravidi and we already have that type of player so no point in taking the risk to get the same result. 

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We need like 3-5 quality players in January.

We need 2 strikers, we need one that is tall, strong, fast, a good finisher, and that is not an ambalo. This costs money so tigrako needs to open the checkbook. Another striker we should look into is a good poacher for late games if we need to score, someone like Mantzios. I don't trust Djebour and Chrisantus, Aravidis has been struggling all year, we desperately need true strikers. We have all these somewhat decent build up plays that fizzle out because there isn't a striker for us that draws defenders to open up space, or there isn't a striker that gets in the box for headers.

We need at least 1 true winger that is quality. Buononotte isn't a winger, Vargas isn't a winger, and Mantalos isn't a winger. Barbosa and Plattelas have their limitations. We need someone fast, a good dribble, good passer, and a good crosser. Ideally this winger would play on the left in front of Didac, as Galo will eventually push up to winger on the right when Bakakis gets back. Again, this costs money so the Gatouli needs to stop being a tzamba magka.

Most importantly, we need 1, maybe 2, experienced and talented Centerbacks. Kolovetsios, Tzanetopoulos, and Labropoulos would all benefit so much if they had a leader next to them helping them. Most important thing about this signing would be that he is experienced, no more youth investments, you can see how much Tzanetopoulos struggled today. It would be good if he was fast also because Tzanetopoulos and Kolovetsios are both slow.

These signings in January will improve us so much to make a second half push for third place. But they need to be the right signings, and they cost money, will the tzambatzi keep his word about building a "omada Gia protathlismo"? Or will he abandon the team that made him who he is today?

Hopefully Milovanovic finds the right players for us because his track record on centerbacks (Arzo) and Strikers (Chrisantus) is pretty bad. He should be able to find some better players IF he had a little extra cash to work with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In his post game interview after the game yesterday Poyet basically came out and said that he wants a forward to be signed in January. The biggest gain from having him as a coach as that he will demand that players are signed in January. Hopefully he and Milovanovic agree on a few strikers to target.

We should look into releasing that waste of space named Djebour, and hopefully find some sucker to take on Chrisantus.

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He's pulling some Bajevic s%$#! right now. If he wants them loaned then okay otherwise just the thought of bringing them to Atromito to play for one of the gauro pawn teams is insulting. Anakoglou might not be getting playing time right now, but Platella is an important part of our team and so are Soiledi and Tzanetopoulo as we are thin in those positions. He just spit in all our faces as far as I'm concerned. No one said don't go to another team, but keep AEK's players out of it.   

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Honestly this year and last year Atromios has gone on their own without being an Olympiakos feeder team IMO, they have no loan players this year and I think they only had one last year. And their record against the gavro the past three years is very good. They aren't as bad as they used to be when they would sit out players when they played them.

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That might be the case but Spano has taken many positions against AEK in the past that can't be forgotten over night. Regardless though, even if we weren't taking about Atromito, its a shame for Della to even think what he thought, unless it was in the form of  a loan of course.

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I disagree. It's pretty common for a new coach to try and buy players that he liked from his old club, Dellas isn't really doing anything wrong here. I'd have a problem if he tried to sign away important staff members and youth coaches that he knows are good. But when it comes to some bench/fringe players I'm not too worried.

Players like Soiledis, and Anakoglou aren't good enough for this team and I wouldn't be upset if we sold them and got some money in return. Depth wouldn't be much of an issue if those two were sold. at LB we'd have Didac, and Petravakis still with us. We have Galo, Bakakis coming back, and Vasilantonooulos (or whatever his name is) for RB. Worst case scenario, Galo or Bakakis can play LB while the other plays RB. We have Johanson Simoes Cordero at CDM, plus Tzanetopoulos who can play CDM if we don't loan him, Fage, and Adreopoulos who was very good last year for Kerkyra. If Platellas was sold we'd need to replace him on the wing for sure, we need a winger already even if he stays. Same with Tzanetopoulos, we need a good centerback anyways.

All this is assuming that the media is right which they normally aren't.

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No way Platellas goes. That would leave us with literally 1 winger.


I'll personally fly to Greece and deliver him Soiledis to his doorstep with a bow around him.


Anakoglou I would like to stay but would be happy for him and Dellas to continue working together.

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Its only normal for coaches to try take players from his ex team and Dellas would be no exception.


Tzane hasn't been looked at since Dellas left and this is a guy who got a NT call up, something isn't right there, ok he had a shocker against Oly but doesn't mean he just get over looked now


As for the others it all comes down to management if they want to sell them then if the price is right they can go  but Platellas and Anakoglou I would keep

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I think Meli will spend some cheese come Jan. He and many if us believed we would be doing better than we are at the moment. We are a quality striker and winger away from having a very very good team. Right now were are about 70% there, its all good and well having a good defence and midfield but if you dont have somebody up front to put the ball in the net then the rest is wasted.

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I agree Dikefale and surely he knows this also that we must spend abit now just to strengthen and try getting that 2nd spot... Either way this season I was always happy to be top 5 and try get a spot in Europe. Next season is when we expect a lot more and maybe even a real crack at the title, but without spending a couple million it wont be happening....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gekas is not the player we need right now. Djebbour has been a dud thus far, gekas is going to make the difference? The guy is older, less inspired, not really good under pressure, doesn't have the height we lack up front, and can't create for himself. As for Brecevic, from what I read a while ago, the guy just got off of crutches and is having a hard time walking. Its highly unlikely that he'll be match fit this season and many people are talking about his career looking gloomy all together. 

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