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Olympiakos will play at home against Kavala after the long break for our NT games and finally we have some good news since both,Torosidis and Galletti will get some playing time and hopefully they will be ready for the CL games that are coming.

Here are the players that Ketsbaia will have ready for the game:

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The fans are already blaming Ketsbaia and we chanting Valverde's name after this game. And just like I predicted the papers are reporting that Kokkalis is already lining up a replacement :LOL:

Greek fans generally have to be the dumbest ever. Such unrealistic expectations. Since the "great" Valverde that the fans loved so much, Olympiakos lost Kovacevic, Belluschi, Leto, Patsa, Djordjevic, and Antzas. Plus, Derbyshire and Torosidis have been injured. To replace all these guys Olympiakos have simply signed Maresca and Mellberg and brought Ledesma back.

Ketsbaia is working with a poor and small squad, there's only so much a manager can do with that. I really hope Olympiakos does well this year in the champion's league, the superleague desperately needs the points, but i can see olympiakos finishing bottom of the group. I see this set of results:

Olympiakos 1-1 AZ

Arsenal 6-0 Olympiakos

Olympiakos 0-0 Standard

Standard 2-0 Olympiakos

AZ 2-0 Olympiakos

Olympiakos 0-2 Arsenal

Because of this i kind of hope Ketsbaia leaves before the arsenal game, i'm curious to see what excuses the board come up with and who the fans will blame.

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Katsbaia shouldn't of been our manager from the start. It was an error signing him.

His got diogo and DUDU playing like s%$#!. You have to blame the manager for this. His game plan doesn't soot our players. He needs to come up with something better

At this stage, we are a mid table team.

The sooner his gone the better it will be for Olympiakos

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Katsbaia shouldn't of been our manager from the start. It was an error signing him.

His got diogo and DUDU playing like s%$#!. You have to blame the manager for this. His game plan doesn't soot our players. He needs to come up with something better

At this stage, we are a mid table team.

The sooner his gone the better it will be for Olympiakos

Sorry but that is complete rubbish! Diogo was playing like s%$#! from last season. He started excellently and faded away. He has become heavy and slow. That's not Ketsbaia's fault, that's Diogo's fault for being lazy and not training properly.

If you're going to blame that on Ketsbaia why not give him the credit for getting Zairi, Bravo and Mitroglou to be playing the best football of their careers so far?

Valverde had a much better squad and what did he do? He failed to make the CL, he won a league where everyone else was abysmal, and he got knocked out (becuase of poor tactics!) against a French team that only survived relegation on the last day of the season. Valverde was a failure!

Ketsbaia has just arrived, he has a poorer squad and the other Greek teams have strengthened so his task is already infinitely harder. Like I said before, he's 7 players worse off than Valverde. 7! There's 11 in a team and he's 7 players worse off yet he's a poor manager? :LOL: He's already made the CL which makes him more successful at this stage than Valverde.

What I'm about to tell you is for your own good (Olympiakos fans I mean). There are a number of reasons that you will never have a good team by European standards.

1) As Patsa said when he left "the problem with Olympiakos fans is that they have xenomania". Ketsbaia may not be Greek, but like Bajevic, he might as well be having spent so much time in Greek football. Automatically your fans judge him before he gets a judge. You say he never should have been given a chance, why not please explain your reasons? If Ketsbaia did what Valverde did you'd be slating him, and if Lemonis was called Guus Hiddink would he have been sacked?

2) You voice your opinions in packs and have no opinions of your own. What would happen if 5 people in thyra 7 started chanting Ketsbaia's name? They'd probably be attacked. Everyone is forced to agree with the majority at Olympiakos. This is a major problem because Kokkali has so many links within gate 7 that they'll never turn against him for any significant period of time. Guess what? It's Kokkalis fault your team is in this state, not Ketsbaia's! But there's a reason Ketsbaia is getting the flack ;)

Another example is that players are judged based on what all the fans say. Anyone can see that Avraam is a poor defender, he's a clone of Anatolakis. Yet thyra 7 love him and so every one does. Same goes with Diogo, he came with a reputation and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. Now he's been crap for months but it's not his fault, it's Ketsbaia's! :LOL:

3) Your fans have no real ambition. The typical Olympiakos fan would rather his team plays beautiful football rather than achieve success in Europe. In fact the only real demand from the fans is to beat PAO and win the double. If that happens and Olympiakos plays good football it doesn't matter whether or not you're copping pentares in Europe.

The proof of this is Lemonis and Bajevic. Both were on course to, or went on to, win the the domestic double. But they were pushed all the way. They were defensive managers but they took you on your best European campaigns. The fans demanded they were sacked, yet Valverde won the league easily and played good attacking football, it doesn't matter if you were embarassed in Europe right?

4) You're fanaticism negatively impacts your club. When Kyrgiakos and Basinas were linked with Olympiakos a few years ago your fans protested. But in fan phone-ins the official reasons the fans were giving were that they weren't good enough to play for you. Yeah, ok. :LOL:

5) Your fans are fickle. This isn't just Olympiakos, it's all Greek club fans. You haven't liked the start to your season so you stop going to the games? There was only 16k fans at the Kavala game. Why, because you haven't liked the way you're playing? Support your team properly.

When these issues are resolved you might do something on a European scale. Until then you'll continue to see Olympiakos steadily decline, because the fact is there's no manager in the world that could do anything of note with this squad. Start demanding more from your chairman, because if he delivered the players he promised you wouldn't be in this state.

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