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Phantis Soccer Prediction Game (2007-08)


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The new Phantis Soccer Prediciton game is ready. Right now it includes the first two rounds of the Superleague. The first games take part on Saturday, August 25, so don't forget to enter your predictions.

Greek Cup, B Division, National team games, Champions League games and UEFA games will once again will be part of the prediction game.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Ziaka i am trying to put my perdictions in before tomorrows games and every time i try to do it tell's me that i have to log in. I change my settings like it's says in the help menu but still no joy. Can you please help me!!!!! Thank you.

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Can you contact me via PM and try and describe your problem AEKPROTATHLIMA?

Does anybody else have any sort of problem with posting predictions?

Well i log in and then try to to put my prediction and says that i need to log in again. So i log in again and then try to do my prediction again and it says the same thing that i need to log in. I never had that problem before. Please help.!!!
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Can you contact me via PM and try and describe your problem AEKPROTATHLIMA?

Does anybody else have any sort of problem with posting predictions?

Well i log in and then try to to put my prediction and says that i need to log in again. So i log in again and then try to do my prediction again and it says the same thing that i need to log in. I never had that problem before. Please help.!!!
I also have the same problem from my house PC.When i am at work i have no problems.
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Do you have cookies enabled? Here's the Help Page. Take a look at it -- it's been updated.

If you do have cookies enabled and are still experiencing problems, I will need you to provide me with additional information, OS, browser etc.

Again, if that is the case, please contact me via PM.

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Do you have cookies enabled? Here's the Help Page. Take a look at it -- it's been updated.

If you do have cookies enabled and are still experiencing problems, I will need you to provide me with additional information, OS, browser etc.

Again, if that is the case, please contact me via PM.

I got it to work on my Laptop but still the same problem on my PC. As of right now it's ok if i can do it from my Laptop. I will keep you inform Lazarus. Thanks for your help so far.
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  • 4 months later...

Thank God for people like you Crazy! Or is it "thank God for Crazy people? " :LOL: :LOL: When you log in the Predictions Game now, you will have administrative access -- you see more things (options) on the left.

It's just disappointing that nobody's stepping up to help. The very same people that play the game would rather see it die than chip in 5 minutes worth of time to help run it. Disappointing! :( :(

Anybody than wishes to volunteer can raise his hand! It doesn't require any computer knowledge. If you know enough to post your predictions, you are good enough to help administer the game.

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I WAS going to volunteer but will defer to my crazy colleague!  :rolleyes:

No,Irlandos you can help if u want.I updated all the scores so far and posted some new ones for the coming week but i will be going vacation in 2 weeks so we need more hands.The funny thing is that is actually quite easy to work on the game.....

PS.Dont forget people that we are up and running so pick your results on time...... :P :P :D

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I WAS going to volunteer but will defer to my crazy colleague!

I gave you access too Irlandos! Anytime you can, whenever you can... No obligations. It's best if we get a couple of people to cover each other.

Anybody else willing to help?

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It's just disappointing that nobody's stepping up to help. The very same people that play the game would rather see it die than chip in 5 minutes worth of time to help run it. Disappointing!  :(  :(

For some reason the ball next to this topic didn't turn "gold" the past few days so I hadn't even noticed this thread.

Count me in!

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A couple of years ago, we had a game called 1-2-X -- a Propo style game. After we started with the Predictions game the 1-2-X was not fully developed and carried over... You can ignore it for the time being.

On the time question, leave the time as EST - that's the time used for the deadline in entering game predictions, and it's because the servers are located on the Eastern Time Zone.

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Somebody please check that I entered the UEFA Cup fixtures correctly.

I assume that "time" is EST, and I always enter "yes" to add it to the 1-2-X game. What does the "1-2-X week" refer to? :huh:

You are good. :tup:
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I would like to let you know that you have the same team playing twice on the same day in B division. This is just to let you know thanks in advance.

Thank you.Already fixed.I will go and have my eyes checked for sure now....Agios Dimitrios was playing saturday away and sunday at home.... :LOL: :LOL:
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