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Phantis Soccer Prediction Game (2007-08)


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I'll take a look and try to fix. So far, things have worked fine using Mozilla Firefox as a web browser. It hasn't worked successfully with Internet Explorer and Safari. So, if you have Firefox installed or are able to install it, give it a shot.

I'll try to fix so it works OK with the other browsers as well..

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It also appears to work with Internet Explorer version 7.0.5730.11 on Windows XP but it does not work with version 7.0.6000.16609 running on Vista.

It also works with Safari 3.1 on Mac OS X, but does not work with Safari 3.1 running on Vista.


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Sorry for any delays guys but there have been many new updates and games and i will like everyone to go and make their picks for this weekend for all divisions in Greece and international games.

PS.Since i just now finished the B division games and there is one going on at this moment,i did not included that in the prediction game but i hope all of you have time to pick the rest.If that is not posible on such sort notice let me know and we can make a group decision about it.Thank you again and sorry for any inconvinience..

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It appears that the game times have been entered with the wrong time of US EST as opposed to Greek time (+3GMT). As a result some people entered (corrected) their predictions a long time after the game was over - and knowing the result the got it right (what a surprise!!!).

As such, we'll have to nullify all of today's games.

Oh, well. Just when I finally got a game prediction right!... :la: Sorry guys. :(

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