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there was also a hungarian player tested throughout the match. it seems as if he wasn't that bad, but i have no idea what he has done so far. the things i found out about him are the following:

Name: Zsolt Laczko

Position: left side

Age: 20 (18.12.1986)

Height: 1.83

Weight: 80

Team: Ferencvaros Budapest

then i also found some stats on a hungarian site, but i don't have a clue what all these things mean. :huh: tried to translate this stuff on the net and i think i'm quite close to solve the riddle...

Összesített statisztika (cumulated stats):

Élvonalbeli meccsek 29 (1st leage matches?)

Élvonalbeli gólok 3

NB II-es meccsek (FTC) 15

NB II-es gólok (FTC) 9

Válogatott meccsek 0

Válogatott gólok 0

2006/07-es bajnoki szezon:

Játszott meccsek 15 (matches played)

Kezdőként 15 (matches started)

Lecserélve 1 (substitutions)

Becserélve 0

Gólok (goals):

Rúgott gólok 9 (goals)

Gólpasszok 2 (Assists)

Gól 11-esből 0 (penalties)

Gól szabadrúgásból 0 (freekicks)

Gól jobbal 1 ???

Gól ballal 5 ???

Fejesgól 3 (headers)

Játszott percek 1346 (minutes played)

Lapok (cards):

Sárga lap 1 (yellow cards)

Piros lap 0 (red cards)

2005/06-os bajnoki szezon:

Játszott meccsek 28

Játszott percek 2191

Gólok 3

Gólpasszok 1

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there was also a hungarian player tested throughout the match. it seems as if he wasn't that bad, but i have no idea what he has done so far. the things i found out about him are the following:

Name: Zsolt Laczko

Position: left side

Age: 20 (18.12.1986)

Height: 1.83

Weight: 80

Team: Ferencvaros Budapest

Laczko was peddled by Ivic to PAOK back in June, when Vezyrtzis was still in charge. Both sides were very close to signing a deal, but then everything changed once Vezyrtzis left and Ivic became part of the Olympiakos organization.
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Latzco (or however it's spelled) was definitely the better player of the 1st half. He's a signing like Bambagida was (no-one knew who he was) and played well for the club and really gave them another dimension.

Very fast and good shooting ability.

As far as NUNEZ I must say that he did look good on the 1v1's He also has great speed. He reminded me a bit of a heavier Castillo.

I think that he's a great addon to the team he just has to learn to play with our guys.

Overall a decent game. Don't forgt everyone THEY ARE FRIENDLIES. What we need to look for is INDIVIDUAL SKILL NOT A TEAM EFFORT

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I agree with you evalagoal 100%.I would like to see this time around not 5-0 victories but all the players giving there best and preparing for the big year ahead of them.

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Latzco (or however it's spelled) was definitely the better player of the 1st half. He's a signing like Bambagida was (no-one knew who he was) and played well for the club and really gave them another dimension.

Very fast and good shooting ability.

As far as NUNEZ I must say that he did look good on the 1v1's He also has great speed. He reminded me a bit of a heavier Castillo.

I think that he's a great addon to the team he just has to learn to play with our guys.

Overall a decent game. Don't forgt everyone THEY ARE FRIENDLIES. What we need to look for is INDIVIDUAL SKILL NOT A TEAM EFFORT

That's not actually true, what we need is to look for syndiasmous! We need to know what makes the team fluid.
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