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Lemonis is the new coach of Olympiakos.

I do not like this move for a few reasons:

1) Lemonis broke off his contract with Xanthi as soon as Olympiakos told him they want him. In any other country there would be tampering laws broken.

2) The Olympiakos management has for the last month said the Sollied is the coach and will be here. BLAH BLAH BLAH. You (being Kokalis and staff) eventually lose face when they say one thing and do another.

3) I never understood mid season firings. Sollied was going to win the Greek Championship, Europe was lost. By bringing in Lemonis you jeopardise the league (mark my words, AEK will be there and maybe win it).

4) The recycling of coaches. I'm tired of Olympiakos bring back old faces over and over again. Maybe next year we get Alefantos and Bajevic. Even better let's bring back Gmoh.

5) If Olympiakos wanted to bring in a coach that is Greek and has a promising future, then they should have brought in one of these two guys. Kofidis or Anastopoulos. Both are great young coaches.

Kokalis, what will you do if the Lemoni doesn't win you the double?

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I was expecting it but still I can't believe the idiocy of the team management. A coach who failed in the past (although he has enough time to show his incompetency) is recalled, as an urgent measure. That is, to save the team and build the new Olympiakos ! Are we crazy?

We are the audience of a theatre of the absurd. The final act will be the loss of this year's title and the long term decline of Osfp (that would be our worst nightmare). I honestly wish Kokkalis to quit the club asap. He gave enough to OSFP but his recent moves are so amateurish that we can consider him dangerous for our beloved club. Period.

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This is one of the worst habit of brazilian football

They change coaches like socks

Anyhow, it was proven that the best performances was made by the teams that did not fire their coach after 2 or 3 lost game

My team Cruzeiro was the victim of this change of coaches

It takes time to get used to a new system, and if it is the same system why change?

Sao paulo , International the world champ, Vasco, Gremio, and other top clubs did not change it after some bad spells

And at least they all spoke the same language of the players

Here with sall the foriegn players that do not speak Greek. i would like to tell you some thing encouraging and optimistic' but i do not know

I do not know the man ' but he betraid Xanti and anyhow Xanti is worse this year

Aek will be the rival to beat, maybe we will have the sad "advantage" that we do not have to play CL any more and they do, so they will be more exausted

O brother, Who can understand those presidents (Of Crueiro and Olympiakos)

Tell me i am wrong please

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unfortunately, you aren't wrong. the professionalism of the man tells a lot to me. Some morons will say "he showed his love for Olympiakos by quitting Xanthi when he was asked to do so" but the truth is quite the opposite.

We needed a competent coach with good scouting abilities and a name in europe. That coach would build the new Olympiakos we desperately need. Instead of that, we hire an amateur coach who failed already once.

From now on, Aek is the favourite for winning the league, unless their european program distracts them from the greek games. In that case, we will brag again for our glorious collection of titles and prepare ourselves for the next european humiliation. But it will be accompanied by failures in the league too, because the new Olympiakos cannon be built by Lemonis.

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:( I am one of the few that think Sollied wasnt progressing. In my defence, the CL was a disaster. It seems like he didnt want his team to score any goals. I think our players have great potential to play better. Even though djole Georgatos and Ribo are getting old, they can move the ball forward and try to score. Does anyone remember how we played in Roma the first half? We had serious ball movement and Roma isnt a great team to tell you the truth. We could of won that game if it wasnt for Sollied i think. Sollied played conservative after the first goal and he has to urge his players to pressure the opposing defence. Anatolakis as a sub sint going to cut it. His poor decisions made him get fired. We were down 2-0 twice and 1-0 once. That should not of happenedin the first place.

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The only hope is that between tham, Ribbo and Djole can lead the team, as long as the lemon does not disturbe

If there will be ego games, we are lost

The bad campain of Xanti does not look promising

Well, if Milan took the CL in 2003 inspie of their terrible Anceloti, who dried Rivaldo on the bench, so maybe we can tak our double to make Ribbo and the fans happy in his last year here (they had Nesta , Pirlo, Shevchenko and Pippo in their best than, and DIda was great, but we also have some great players)

I wonder, as i don't know the man, does he speaks some foriegn language?

Anyhow and nevertheless, I will pray to his success because I want Oly to succeed, in spite of everything and because of the players

If we take the double this year it will mean that there are still spirit in the team

I want to see the Cypros duo and Castillo do their part , you can not leave all the work to the veterans' or rely on JC goals (welcome as they are)

Remember the Aris game

The great missers nead a metal coach, if the Greeks will understand what in the NBA had understood long ago

A psycologist is not for crazy men but to men with problems, and mising from 2 meters and empty goal is a mental problem

Sorry for the off toppic; this is my mental problem' i always go offtoppic' but unlike our players I do not have the money for therapy :1eye:

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Sollied was hired so the team can do well or better in Europe and he failed to do so in 2 years.Lemonis was fired the first time for the same exact reason.The only reason for this mid-year stupidity is that Sollied has lost the control of his team and the respect of his players.The fun part is that if Lemonis is going to be here for the next six months while management gets the Big name coach then is not that bad but if they do the mistake of going for one more time to CL with him as a head coach forget about it.... :tdown:

PS Someone was using in the same phrase earlier Alefantos and Bajevic and Lemonis.Just a reminder with Bajevic his last year we got 10 points in Europe and were 15min away from the promise land while Sollied and Lemonis had maybe 3-4 points and no hope...I am a BAJEVIC :nw: :nw: fan untill i see someone more capable as our coach....

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Lemonis is the new coach of Olympiakos.

I do not like this move for a few reasons:

1) Lemonis broke off his contract with Xanthi as soon as Olympiakos told him they want him. In any other country there would be tampering laws broken.

2) The Olympiakos management has for the last month said the Sollied is the coach and will be here. BLAH BLAH BLAH. You (being Kokalis and staff) eventually lose face when they say one thing and do another.

3) I never understood mid season firings. Sollied was going to win the Greek Championship, Europe was lost. By bringing in Lemonis you jeopardise the league (mark my words, AEK will be there and maybe win it).

4) The recycling of coaches. I'm tired of Olympiakos bring back old faces over and over again. Maybe next year we get Alefantos and Bajevic. Even better let's bring back Gmoh.

5) If Olympiakos wanted to bring in a coach that is Greek and has a promising future, then they should have brought in one of these two guys. Kofidis or Anastopoulos. Both are great young coaches.

Kokalis, what will you do if the Lemoni doesn't win you the double?

Very well said...

Another question that I would ask is ......... Does Lemonis even have a coaching License?

This guy is a joke and I believe that he knows that he's a "quick fix" till we get someon decent in there.

N matter what though I agree with you 100% and I really liked Sollied as far as his coaching style...

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Lemonis as our coach again :tdown:

My 5 year old son can coach Olympiakos to another double :LOL: :LOL:

Not because Olympiakos is the best team in Greece but because the other sides are a bunch of pourdelous like us :LOL: :LOL:


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to LUZ13 :

The only positive side of Lemonis is that he has a low profile attitude so he can prevent internal conflicts. This is rather rare for a greek coach. So his attitude has something common to Sollied. But, his coaching is also well known for the heavy influence by the upper management. There were widespread rumours about some conversations between Kokkalis and Lemonis with the former suggesting the players for the next game. The rumours were true and rather amusing (but I'm not in the mood to translate).

to the rest :

I wouldn't understand Kokkalis move to fire Sollied even if we consider Lemonis as a temporary solution only. But, I'm afraid that the past has shown that, when a coach wins the league, he continues in the next season unless he isn't supported by Gate 7. Besides, I am deeply convinced that Kokkalis, Louvaris & Co don't want a coach with personality and a name in Europe. The reason is simple : that coach would demand expensive transfers and complete control of the club. Kokkalis Louvaris & Co probably believe that they can be better coachs/scouters than everyone (common mentality of greek owners) plus they are not willing to spend a fortune for a high risk investment.

We 'll see in June but, do you honestly believe that Lemonis left Xanthi in such unprofessional way in order to stay at Osfp for only a few months? So I can only wish for the best (Lemonis to go in June and Kokkalis to leave the club at the hands of a more competent owner) but expect for the worse.

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It's amazing to me how much "pull" Gate 7 has in this whole situation...

For those of us that live outside of Greece and have no real contact with the club other than to watch games and be a true fans..... These guys seem to me that they want the club to NOT DO WELL....

They need to take a step back and do what the CLUB needs to do not the fans. The fans are there merely to cheer and to push their club to do better. The rest is up to the players and coaching staff.

Don't like the Lemonis move and I'm going to stick by what I'm saying

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It's amazing to me how much "pull" Gate 7 has in this whole situation...

Don't like the Lemonis move and I'm going to stick by what I'm saying

first off lemonis is a decent coach and probably not worse than sollied who actually managed to pull some of the worst euro season with olympiacos...

secondly, i am looking forward to lemonis rehabilitating kapsis. with kapsis, cesar and torosidis olympiakos will have a wicked central defense by greek standards at least.

gate 7 are kokkalis insurance so to say. they are the strongest kokalis supporters amongst olympiakos fans and also the strongest group of olympiakos fans. kokkalis NEEDS gate 7. gate 7 want the club to do well. they re the only ones that will always show up at games no matter where. the only thing i remeber gate 7 blocking was a possible kiriakos or basinas transfer. these would have helped the club but on the other hand if you live for olympiakos it would have been a sin to have kiriakos, basinas wearing the erythrolefko. if you want to blame someone better put blame on kokkalis and the management.

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Sollied was hired so the team can do well or better in Europe and he failed to do so in 2 years.Lemonis was fired the first time for the same exact reason.The only reason for this mid-year stupidity is that Sollied has lost the control of his team and the respect of his players.The fun part is that if Lemonis is going to be here for the next six months while management gets the Big name coach then is not that bad but if they do the mistake of going for one more time to CL with him as a head coach forget about it.... :tdown:

PS Someone was using in the same phrase earlier Alefantos and Bajevic and Lemonis.Just a reminder with Bajevic his last year we got 10 points in Europe and were 15min away from the promise land while Sollied and Lemonis had maybe 3-4 points and no hope...I am a BAJEVIC :nw: :nw: fan untill i see someone more capable as our coach....

I'm a Bajevic fan too re file, but Lemonis will have my support and faith now he is manager!


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Sollied was hired so the team can do well or better in Europe and he failed to do so in 2 years.Lemonis was fired the first time for the same exact reason.The only reason for this mid-year stupidity is that Sollied has lost the control of his team and the respect of his players.The fun part is that if Lemonis is going to be here for the next six months while management gets the Big name coach then is not that bad but if they do the mistake of going for one more time to CL with him as a head coach forget about it.... :tdown:

PS Someone was using in the same phrase earlier Alefantos and Bajevic and Lemonis.Just a reminder with Bajevic his last year we got 10 points in Europe and were 15min away from the promise land while Sollied and Lemonis had maybe 3-4 points and no hope...I am a BAJEVIC :nw: :nw: fan untill i see someone more capable as our coach....

I am a Bajevic fan as well.

The man knows football. There are so many footballing illiterate morons involved in the game in Greece and this man sticks out for his achievements.

Getting rid of him was a disaster.

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