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Everything posted by pash

  1. Isn't it interesting that our esteemed media kept saying we didn't like him and he was being cut loose? And then this same media makes a post about him being long-term injured and doesn't mention their past coverage of the player? REALLY MAKES YA THINK, HUH?
  2. Here you go: https://inpaok.com/723818/to-penalti-ntropi-pou-ekrine-to-protathlima-video/
  3. Leave me outta it! He's talking about this guy: https://twitter.com/choria80
  4. Uhhh Soares was announced in the B team's next squad list? Hopefully this is just to give him some more playing time during the international break
  5. My immediate reaction is to think this is another scam that will be used to keep the big teams big. Or not apply to them at all.
  6. Correct. But any success this year is still good for next year, as we stand to benefit from an increased ranking (preferential seeding). There have been many times in the past that we have just missed out on being in the seeded group of a draw, after all.
  7. Hahaha maybe all that airplane time will actually prove restful!
  8. I generally love when they get called up but exhaustion is gonna be a real problem this time around...
  9. Imagine if we had four competent teams all going deep into their competitions. 2/3 of the games this time of year would be unplayable haha
  10. Just to follow up on that - are you also looking for how many coefficient points you get for things like wins, losses?
  11. Agreed. Focus really has to be on the other two competitions. It looks like the SL2 season goes until May? I really think at some point, the team needs to take a look at players in the B team who play in positions of need (LB, AM, CB). If our last three games this season are meaningless, then it's as good a time as any.
  12. Antonio about to pop off for the remainder of the season haha
  13. Weird. Was Staf playing on the right side recently? I thought they had slid him in as CB for some reason (and obviously he's...a left-back). Been a while since I've bothered with that team.
  14. I resisted as long as I could. I mentioned this guy in the winter thread. The Boto connection is likely playing a role in this rumor. At least he's young? https://inpaok.com/723347/prochora-gia-vitao-o-paok/ https://www.transfermarkt.us/vitao/profil/spieler/428783
  15. Two more players with the 'rona (in addition to El Kaddouri, presumably). Perhaps some forced rotation after all.
  16. At least one of the sites is saying that Minaj also is injured and so won't be used at all. Say it ain't so. If I see him on the bench while Varela starts I'm starting a forest fire damn it
  17. We can force Greece into a revolution single-handedly, friend! Just keep winning, simple.
  18. Crespo says in his post-game interview that it's a minor thing, and they just didn't want to risk aggravating it. What a step back it would be, calling up the one CB on the roster who did not improve as the year went on. Mihaj absolutely deserves to be starting. Even if we want to rest Ingason - isn't dropping the new kid into this kind of situation exactly what Boto said about pushing the youngsters? ?
  19. So my assumption was shifted up by a year. D'oh!
  20. Seems like our own fans aren't the only assholes out there: https://inpaok.com/723216/kindynevei-me-timoria-i-marseig/
  21. Feels good to not be able to play vs either Roma or Leicester until the finals. Which we surely will ?
  22. If the SL maintains its #15 ranking, the difference between 2nd and 3rd places becomes relevant again, right? I am all for trying the youngsters but only after we've locked down 2nd place.
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