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Everything posted by pash

  1. Pashalis? What the hell kind of name is that?
  2. pash

    Paok - Xanthi

    Tzavellas had a great chance to be the starter at PAOK last year, especially since Lino was atrocious for much of the (first half?) of the season. At this point, however, he is a shadow of the player that Rat is. He's a worthy backup (right now), but should not play CB. I can only assume he started the last match so that Costa/Papagiannopoulos could be rested for the playoffs. As far as the ethniki goes - as much as I dislike Holebas, I understand that we rely heavily upon our fullbacks to create chances and so on. It seems clear to me that similarly offensive-minded players are going to be used in the future (once Holebas declines) - mainly, Stafylidis. I should also note that Skondras, a RB, has also shown that he's a better LB than Tzavellas. A shame. Regarding this match - I watched the second half. We did all right, but we had the same problem we always have - we can't finish. DPaps has been doing better lately than Klaus (a LOT better), so thank goodness we had him there to score this brace. The goal against us was caused by a stupid, stupid mistake, as the defender was caught out very far up the field...
  3. I'm having some trouble finding a suitable image. This might take some doing.
  4. Online, we're all virgins. Thanks for the welcomes, all.
  5. Not the Hulk

  6. Don't worry baby birds, papa's here now. Everything's gonna be all right. Salpi and barca4 were different people. Will work on getting a hold of them. Some people from gs.com had salpi as friends on their PSN accounts, which might be the ticket.
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