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Everything posted by pash

  1. What wonderful timing! https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDtMk8Mo1z/
  2. Wow, he's been there six years. How time flies. This is also kind of surprising: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-698098 I guess he has taken to them like Vieirinha did here. What is it about Portugal that makes their people so desperate to leave?
  3. Tzavellas thinks he's such a goddamn alpha dog. I've taken shits that are bigger than you, bud
  4. Lyratzis coming on for the possibly-injured Taylor. Not sure why Sidcley isn't coming on instead??
  5. Like, mathematically cements it? Even better
  6. Here's the lineup. Colak rewarded with a start. Sastre presumably on the left.
  7. Reportedly there's also a "verbal agreement" with Quagliata.
  8. Just realized he's a free transfer. That makes me feel a little better, I guess. Boto moving fast is great, though. Is it possible we'll actually have most of our squad set going into preseason?? Shocking
  9. Since he went back to training normally, Mitrita should be good to start. Lucescu also could play two strikers instead, though.
  10. Another rumor. This one is a CB who can apparently sub in at LB. So, a Crespo replacement. I think it would be a damn shame for this guy to get the start ahead of some of our vaunted youth players. https://www.transfermarkt.com/ivan-nasberg/profil/spieler/239046
  11. Just realized Mitrita did get hurt in the last game - sounds like his medical examination came back clean so he is good to go.
  12. Seeing a few posts today on this guy. Uruguayan media seems to think it's a done deal, but who knows. Plays attacking mid and LW (so, a Biseswar replacement?)... https://www.transfermarkt.us/nicolas-quagliata/profil/spieler/733083
  13. Jaba's gonna be out for a while I think? Playing Taylor as RW might not be bad. Would be the third time Lucescu does it (though he hasn't for a full game before). I think we'll see Mitrita and Murg start, though. Like, why wouldn't they?
  14. Yup. But that goes without saying. But it does not help to pretend that only they will stir s%$#!. I can be adequately upset by our people being stupid, all on their own.
  15. I just want them and the government to know that I am available for them to take their rage out on me. READY. AND. WILLING.
  16. Sounds like they're pushing for 40k (who knows how many they'll end up settling on). I still think they should only allow women and children. Our fans are animals and I'm sure we'll see a riot.
  17. I'm tellin' ya, this team is going to be NASTY next season. Quoting myself as a correction - I thought it was Zivkovic who got the card, but now that I watch the team's highlights on youtube it's Karypidis who was ejected
  18. You are completely right there. Beautifully done all around
  19. Glad for the result. We are rapidly running out of wingers, though!
  20. And now Zivkovic with a straight red? I'm on a call so I missed almost all of that
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