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Everything posted by pash

  1. Supposedly a loan with a purchase option? Here's a highlights vid. Kid has style
  2. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    It's cute you think I wear a shirt
  3. Might be contingent on Augusto being sold? We have a ton of midfielders now ...
  4. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    It was mentioned years ago but I don't have confirmation. I guess we'll see soon. But it would be hard to fit more people with the current height restrictions otherwise! I would assume the # quoted above was just George Savvidis taking a guess as an homage to the club's founding.
  5. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    Nope! Apart from the Populous guy looking exactly like every architect who's ever existed. I'll give you one guess which of these guys he is:
  6. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    Here is the video. Populous guy comes out around 58 minutes in. It's pretty dry so far!
  7. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    If they're sinking the pitch, that's a lot of space to find, like, an ancient village haha But yes hopefully anything that's there, is WAY lower.
  8. 300k is chump change for a decent backup. Hopefully he surprises me and outcompetes some other players. I will say that I also prefer signing Greeks over no-name foreigners, so I guess there's that. -edit- here's a highlight vid of Kargas:
  9. Uhh what? https://inpaok.com/733846/anoixe-o-dromos-gia-karga/ https://www.transfermarkt.com/giannis-kargas/profil/spieler/242758 Is this just to get some out-of-date intel on Levski Sofia? Hahaha
  10. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    I would be surprised if nothing is found. That area has been inhabited since the bronze age. And the eponymous "tell" that is being excavated is literally 4-5 blocks from the stadium. Hopefully there is a plan in place to secure whatever material is found, and properly display it (perhaps as a WELL-DEFENDED museum on the stadium's grounds?)...
  11. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    Press conference tomorrow on PAOKTV: https://inpaok.com/733812/paok-xekina-o-schediasmos-tis-neas-toubas/ I guess these guys are the actual construction company: https://www.salfo.gr/ Hopefully they don't bring a few Athenians up to bury cursed objects under our goals (which I can swear I've read about in the NFL haha)
  12. Sounds like Lamprou (who I completely forgot was still our player) will be joining the team for preseason. I would assume at this point that he's a known quantity and won't take one of those remaining slots. Guess we'll see. Kotarski may be joining in the Netherlands, as he was recently playing with his (youth) NT. I'm not sure how the medicals/signings will work there (if he'll show up in Greece at all).
  13. If we're buying 30 year olds, then we're failing at our supposed new strategy. Either Boto is as good as his reputation suggests and we're setting ourselves up for the future, or he isn't and he'll be fired. Anyway, our new guy has scored in what is hopefully his last game with his current team:
  14. Krmencik is heading to a team in Jakarta. WOW. Did something happen to him??
  15. I think the owner of the site let his ownership of the domain lapse, either because he was lazy and it had started to turn into Lord of the Flies in there... or because he sold it? Or some combination of the two?
  16. When greeksoccer.com shut down, the alt-right members (which were broadly Olympiakos supporters) started their own cesspit forum, where as far as I know they still circle jerk today
  17. Kotarski seems to be sold to the team he was loaned to, who then sold on to us? Not sure why this is happening, unless they have a buy-out and knew we would pay slightly more. In which case it was a clever arbitrage on their side. This may also be nonsense but I guess we'll see: https://inpaok.com/733562/thelei-aougkousto-i-fenerbachtse/
  18. The teams that need to fold are the two garbage teams that can't make it into the top division. Which allegedly was the point of this one. Volos is too small to support two competitive teams.
  19. NFC Volos has been sold, according to Beos. Hopefully the new owners continue to invest and run the club well.
  20. Nasberg might be arriving before the start of training camp after all, as it seems he won't be attending their next matches. I wonder if we paid extra to get him before 8/31. -edit- and immediately after I post that, contradictory reports come out about the team dragging their feet. Oh well!
  21. Good on him. Relax for a few years, make some bank in SA, move to the other Al-Nasr (in Dubai), rinse and repeat.
  22. Balde allegedly has a clause in his contract that renders him a free agent upon relegation, but who knows how anyone would know that for sure. Unless contracts are really easy to steal these days. On a similar note (and I will note that this is the same team that just said they are financially secure enough that they do not need to sell anyone even if they're sitting in the second division): https://inpaok.com/733237/zitise-na-fygei-o-narei/
  23. You would prefer an unsustainable budget? The transfer period is not over yet. But I hope you're not hoping for another Berbatov. It's easy to appease the most annoying segment of our fan base with a dumb "BAM"
  24. This guy tweeted about PAOK yesterday and now the websites are using him as a source Right winger
  25. wtf? I guess that's what I get for quoting some rando that was retweeted haha THIS IS HOW MISINFORMATION SPREADS!
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