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Everything posted by pash

  1. Zivkovic just scored in their 0-2 victory. So far all the vids I see are geolocked (like this one): -edit- always thankful for the VPN - pretty nice goal (and setup)
  2. Speaking of, it seems this kid might be promoted from the B team. I would bet he at least will be attending the preseason trainings. This is exactly what I want to see. https://www.transfermarkt.us/konstantinos-koulierakis/profil/spieler/669380
  3. For sure. Fantastic memories. I hope he does go to Cyprus (or anywhere else) and not some other team in Greece.
  4. That's all she wrote: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ceq2Oj5sG8Q/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  5. Another potential target, this time a winger: https://www.transfermarkt.us/khaled-narey/profil/spieler/153664 Good age, don't know anything more about him. Probably would be cheap. Would not be the first time we grabbed a winger from Germany's second tier who was ultra-successful with us (Mak)! For the other players - I still haven't heard anything about the Norwegian CB, but I believe Quagliata is still slated to arrive on Saturday. Savvidis is apparently making his return to Greece soon, which is probably when they'll discuss Balde. That Ricardo guy also is still slated to come and sign, and is expected to join the team in Holland before possibly transferring to the B team. I wonder how many other B team players will join him in the first leg of preseason?
  6. pash

    Toumba Stadium

    Should be an exciting year full of starts and then massive stops as we get sued by every possible entity
  7. He might be close to APOEL. Hey man, if you can get paid, get paid. Our former gk, "superman," may be making a move to Turkey (Alanyaspor and Antalyaspor reported to be courting him). A shame to see him go to a midtable side but I bet they're offering a pretty good wage.
  8. The team announced Vieirinha has been extended until next June
  9. Perhaps they're waiting to see if Murg finds a team for that #10...
  10. You're right. It's easier to be prepared if you have the money to make moves. Magnusson would be a free, and though he seems "old" for Boto I think that would not be a bad move. Perhaps Ingason will form a strong partnership with his countryman. Here are the three players referenced above: https://www.transfermarkt.com/keita-balde/profil/spieler/238752 https://www.transfermarkt.com/hordur-magnusson/profil/spieler/130353 https://www.transfermarkt.com/andre-franco/profil/spieler/448470 It also sounds like Taylor and Murg are looking for new teams, and Mihaj is about to be sold. If he's sold then we will be left with only one active defender going into preseason (Ingason). Expect a B team guy to fill out the #s even if Crespo is re-signed.
  11. Another rumor, of Colak being sold. This account expands on this rumor in a different post, but essentially they're claiming we're buying some guy (CF) from Cagliari and possibly another if we sell Colak later this summer https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYRkUStlxD/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  12. Rumors coming in hot and fast. A second CB (which implies Crespo is not re-signing): https://www.transfermarkt.us/marco-rente/profil/spieler/237244 <-- seems unimpressive Here is the Boto interview, I love how he holds so little back haha "For me, a player with 25, 26, 27 years old is not a young player. He's a player with experience." <-- I love it! "Nasberg, Quagliata, Rafa Soares, we already signed them" wants 7-8 players - LB, CB, wingers, #10, goalkeeper - then if we need another striker, midfielder, #10, we'll go for them. wants 90-95% of the roster ready by June 21 reiterates that he wants to create a business model by buying and developing younger players, wants to emulate the Benfica model in PAOK
  13. Damn they shipped him a jersey that quick huh? haha Hopefully he impresses, fingers crossed
  14. Wild that it happened before he even physically arrived -edit- 4-year contract, here's a vid. Hopefully he'll do what Greek players don't do, and hit the gym. -edit- team clip https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWEvFLIQKQ/
  15. That seems a pretty reasonable contract, at least! He was also a free agent, so perhaps Boto is keeping his powder dry for a real difference maker. -edit- Seems the other kid is going to get a shot at the A team: https://inpaok.com/732209/i-sygchysi-gia-rikarnto/
  16. Here's another nobody that the internet is saying we bought: https://www.transfermarkt.us/andre-ricardo/profil/spieler/683498 Only six games last year? Jesus...maybe he's for our B team? Surprised he has enough playing time for a 7 minute best-of video: -edit- I wrote bought up there but he may be a free agent
  17. Isn't that just him sharing what the team posted earlier? Sounds like our new LB might be Rafa Soares, who is apparently expected in SKG on Sunday https://www.transfermarkt.com/rafa-soares/profil/spieler/198006
  18. Solid depth option. I wonder how many players from the B team will be cut? Now that there's a never ending pipeline from the K19s, you'd think there would be fiercer competition for making the squad. Hopefully Garcia doesn't just stick with the same group out of a sense of loyalty.
  19. Sounds like Garcia is back for another year
  20. Allegedly Quagliata passed his medical exam, though I don't know how that is if he hasn't left Uruguay yet. Surely the team doctors would examine him in Thessaloniki. inPAOK is predicting a new contract will be offered to Garcia.
  21. Allegedly three of our four preseason opponents are FC Groningen, AZ Alkmaar, and Standard Liege. Pretty good competition so far. Also allegedly: the plan is for most of the new additions to the roster to be available before the team leaves Greece. This has been the plan for many season in the past though, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
  22. You way underrate Schwab. He is in no way washed
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