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Everything posted by pash

  1. Every team needs average players. I just know that we can do better with our backups. ?‍♂️
  2. Looks like PAO's gonna have at least one player disqualified for this weekend (Macheda with his second yellow)
  3. That's Zivkovic's position. Unless they move him to the left, no way he'd start over him. I would expect an actual signing for LW this summer anyway.
  4. Now this is more like it. 2-0 up. The Iceman and AK47 have scored.
  5. How about this for criticism: I don't think you should get back with your ex!
  6. Ahh problem solved, they'll be good from now on then hahahaha
  7. What are these chest pains I feel every time I see GM27 referenced....?!?!
  8. It would be in line with the philosophy Boto claimed he wanted to push - throw the best of these kids into the deep end, and see who manages to swim. I could see him being brought in as a backup LB for next season. Or if for some reason they keep Vieirinha on (which they will), treated like Lyratzis and occasionally brought up to the 1st team. But to answer your question, I was too busy swearing at the players to pay attention specifically to him. I did notice one pretty good cross in the second half which I was surprised came from him. So who knows, maybe he's our next Giannoulis haha
  9. InPAOK claiming that the Uruguayan fella might be 1.8mm + a 20% resale. And...drumroll..the team is working on a loan + purchase option for Limnios. Yikes. Why??
  10. It doesn't matter even a little bit where we end it, as long as we still get into the international competitions this summer. My only concern is them trying during the only remaining game that matters.
  11. Akpom about to come on in the 69th minute (nice) -edit- what's this? El Kaddouri about to come on too? Unbelievable!
  12. Soares with a goal in the second minute! hahahahahaaaaa
  13. Crespo was injured, wasn't he? Anyway, here's the lineup. Interesting starter at LB!
  14. Pathetic. I was telling our friend from CT earlier that they are treating this play off like the NT used to treat tournaments. Calculate the bare minimum you need to pass, and don't put in even a smidge more effort than that. They're probably counting on PAO dropping points later today. If they go into the cup final like this, they'll lose. It is laughably easy to thread a ball between our guys. They clearly have also forgotten how to control the ball when they do have it.
  15. Has anyone ever truly enjoyed themselves in Omaha, though?
  16. Took 'em long enough to complete that check. Was pretty obvious from the first replay
  17. Hmm, first the Serbian fella from Cyprus, now this guy? Perhaps both? https://inpaok.com/729088/proti-epilogi-tou-paok-o-kotarski/ https://www.transfermarkt.us/dominik-kotarski/profil/spieler/370997 Zivkovic is cheap and stable. I can see them moving on from our #1 though. Guess we'll find out soon.
  18. What a difference between the two halves. I get it was a nearly meaningless game but COME ON guys, I paid money for this!
  19. Kurtic looks hurt, time for Schwab it seems
  20. Because I learned about it the day before, in my previous post. Things moved fast
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