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Everything posted by pash

  1. Here's another nobody that the internet is saying we bought: https://www.transfermarkt.us/andre-ricardo/profil/spieler/683498 Only six games last year? Jesus...maybe he's for our B team? Surprised he has enough playing time for a 7 minute best-of video: -edit- I wrote bought up there but he may be a free agent
  2. Isn't that just him sharing what the team posted earlier? Sounds like our new LB might be Rafa Soares, who is apparently expected in SKG on Sunday https://www.transfermarkt.com/rafa-soares/profil/spieler/198006
  3. Solid depth option. I wonder how many players from the B team will be cut? Now that there's a never ending pipeline from the K19s, you'd think there would be fiercer competition for making the squad. Hopefully Garcia doesn't just stick with the same group out of a sense of loyalty.
  4. Sounds like Garcia is back for another year
  5. Allegedly Quagliata passed his medical exam, though I don't know how that is if he hasn't left Uruguay yet. Surely the team doctors would examine him in Thessaloniki. inPAOK is predicting a new contract will be offered to Garcia.
  6. Allegedly three of our four preseason opponents are FC Groningen, AZ Alkmaar, and Standard Liege. Pretty good competition so far. Also allegedly: the plan is for most of the new additions to the roster to be available before the team leaves Greece. This has been the plan for many season in the past though, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
  7. You way underrate Schwab. He is in no way washed
  8. Crespo sounds doubtful about his return (fine by me!). A shame he'll get much less emotional of a sendoff than Varela, though. https://inpaok.com/731565/krespo-dyskola-tha-synechiso-ston-paok/
  9. The rebounds are a KILLER with superman. That's good to hear
  10. Doesn't he know that the first rule of PAOK is that we are always trying to get rid of our #1 goalie? Jeez.
  11. The team needs to balance usefulness with wages. Mitrita at $1mm is definitely not worth it. He probably is used to all that sweet Saudi money at this point, sad to say. I def don't think Akpom is worth buying based on this season - even if his wage is fine, 3 million is a LOT for someone with his proven level of output (which is to say, low level of output). Colak offers most of what he can do physically, and seems to be better as a target man. I think Colak + Oliveira is enough. Even though the team is apparently going for youth, I hope they get a REAL Biseswar replacement. Too many player names bandied about that are box-to-box midfielders without any particular skill as a playmaker. El Kaddouri can't do it. Soares can't do it. That Uruguayan kid's highlights also show basically no playmaking ability. Very worried about that position.
  12. Pretty happy about the Sastre buy. Cheap and seems good. Will be good competition for Lyratzis. Wondering what that means for Taylor, however. Did Crespo pack all his belongings, or did he just go on vacation? Still, I am very pro him not accepting any new offers. He might be good enough for the Greek league, but so is Mihaj. Invest in youth, dammit!
  13. Looking like four friendlies while in the land of wooden shoes: https://inpaok.com/731306/apofasi-gia-tessera-filika-ston-paok/
  14. His contract runs through June 30th, so I would assume any games that take place before that date would result in the normal compensation being paid to the team he's still on.
  15. Just tuning in now. Not sure why I rushed home when I knew it would be delayed haha
  16. I'm already impressed. I took the ferry to Thassos last summer with my cousin and watched her - a genteel local girl! - nearly get into a fistfight with the guy who was directing cars onto the boat. I guess PAOK fans are truly a cut above. Can't wait to see a man in a kilt standing somewhere in the crowd, hefting a broadsword
  17. Is this in addition to the possible Ukraine-based reshuffling of next season's slots? I tried to make sense of those articles a few days ago but my head started to spin.
  18. And when I'm done with them, I cast them aside like a used kleenex
  19. I am available to provide you parental support going forward, my friend ❤️
  20. They must not like him that much if they're not buying him!
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