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Everything posted by pash

  1. Each link I've found has been the same stream as on the last page
  2. My stream froze on his second shot and I was so sure we had just let in a goal
  3. http://live.shwidget.com/static/freeplay/38979107749440.html
  4. Retsina: check Shirtless: check Links: WAITING??
  5. I'm really surprised Koulouris is in there. Hope he has the stuff.
  6. There may be a change to the lineup that has been reported, with Charisis starting over Tziolis. Eeek!
  7. You might be dead by then but don't worry, I'll be there to take care of them.
  8. Looks like Ivic has just called up Pereyra, after all
  9. I would assume there will be a broadcast by a Dutch station for this as well? I just need to feel some hope that I'll find a stream, basically.
  10. Around here, regardless of which DM you name, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
  11. How many of our players know how to play in a 3-4-2-1? It sure didn't work for PAOK last year. Here's a much better lineup, a 4-4-1-1. I'm impartial as far as Petsos vs another DM is concerned. Just not Tziolis. Karelis needs to play, and he needs to be up front and center. --Karnezis-- --Torosidis--Manolas--Sokratis--Holebas-- --Petsos--Samaris-- --Mantalos-- --Fortounis-- --Karelis-- --Mitroglou-- Make it happen, Skibbz.
  12. Is this just a...competence thing? Bizarre.
  13. Looks like the below lineup has been fielded by Ivic in recent workouts. Seems Matos is good enough to be training. --Glykos-- --Matos--Crespo-Tzavellas--Leovac-- --Tziolis--Cimirot-- --Campos--Shakhov--Rodrigues-- --Klaus-- This concerns me...from what I've read, Shakhov isn't really an attacking midfielder. So we've got two DMs (one of whom is a clear sign that we don't intend to attack) and a possibly-injured RB. Switch out Tziolis for one of our half dozen better midfielders, and I'd feel better about this game.
  14. Seems Ajax will be without their boy Bazoer. http://www.transfermarkt.com/riechedly-bazoer/profil/spieler/216443 By the same token, Matos may not be available to us. Klaus, however, is good to go.
  15. Okay guys cool it. Enough with the late hits. This forum is much more pleasant than the garbage that is found in the rest of this site, let's keep it that way.
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