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Everything posted by pash

  1. In terms of injuries: Charisis has no problem and will be available Tzavellas got knocked up but should also be available Rodrigues is the most seriously hurt, and limping on his way to the airport. Does not seem too serious however. If we win this next match, we will also get $3mm in prize money for participating in the playoff, and will of course also guarantee EL group stage involvement.
  2. Tziolis starting means we're aiming for a 0-0 or a 1-1. Which means we'll end up losing. We need a real ACM in for Shakhov to make a difference.
  3. Here, let me help you with that movement:
  4. I was wondering that myself. I spent the game in drunken agony...can't remember a single thing Crespo did.
  5. He literally just signed with Benfica. Why would they sell him before the season even begins? Even a solid 6 months could see his value rise substantially. I'd like to see him stay with a good club out in Europe for a few years at least. Bouncing around every six months doesn't scream "stability" to me.
  6. To be honest, I'd take a fit Samaras over Mitroglou. At least Samaras can move around. Is Mitroglou capable of moving faster than a light jog?
  7. Good luck tomorrow. Although you shouldn't need it, vs these guys.
  8. Here's my guess as to the lineup. Based on what Ivic has said in the past few days. --Glykos-- --Matos--Crespo--Tzavellas--Leovac-- --Cimirot--Pereyra--Charisis-- --Campos--Klaus--Rodrigues-- Essentially, just Pereyra over Shakhov. We need to go for the jugular on Wednesday. Put in that fourth attacking player and go wild, I say. I honestly didn't even notice Shakhov. I have faith in him long-term, but we need people who will perform *now*. Campos and Rodrigues both are hanging by a thread, I think Mistakidis needs to be subbed on at the first sign of trouble (if not start immediately). Perhaps Pelkas as well.
  9. Chances are, Milik will be sold by then. Even if he isn't...bring him on.
  10. People are that pessimistic about PAO's chances vs AIK? Well I guess based on history, they should be. But if they really want to make a name for themselves, this is the kind of team they should be beating handily.
  11. This is like a mirror of 6 years ago. I hope to God we make it through. A win would *at least* guarantee our making the EL group stage.
  12. As in, play Koulouris up front with him? Klaus hasn't had much success with two strikers. Unless you count Pereyra being played in front of him (during that 8-month period when Anastasiadis played him as a second striker). :: realizes that's what Ivic will do :: Well I'll be damned...
  13. ^ true I think Ivic is withholding Pereyra for round 2 for a reason...
  14. I'm gonna quote myself because this is gonna be key.
  15. Klaus at least got the assist. Rodrigues (who looked better all game), did not show up when needed.
  16. And that's game. After seeing this, I'm actually somewhat confident that we can get the result in Thessaloniki.
  17. Mistakidis finally coming on (for Rodrigues)
  18. This stadium is like a tomb. They're gonna s%$#! themselves in Toumba
  19. AGREED on Mistakidis. Tziolis warming up. Clearly we're preparing to shut it down.
  20. Cimirot literally ran rings around that guy
  21. Looking MUCH better these last few minutes. Goals make a world of difference I guess!
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