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Everything posted by pash

  1. Very solid goal by Pereyra, wonderful pass by Biseswar for the assist
  2. Crowd's unhappy that the ref isn't stopping play, but what's the point of stopping the play when all these guys do is pass directly to us anyway?
  3. Tough angle for Pereyra, no way he was going to be able to get much velocity on that shot...
  4. God I'm so in love with him. Too bad he has just passed away.
  5. You can literally fit a running track around the stadium and he is clearly concerned that his massive lens won't be able to view the goal from any farther than 6 meters...
  6. They might have a chance, but I'm not giving them much of one. 2-0 PAOK, unless Campos starts. Then we'll go down 0-1 in the 90th minute, after about 15 attempts that go sky-high.
  7. inPAOK is predicting this one: --------------------- Brkic ---------------------Kitsiou - Crespo- Malezas - GiannoulisCimirot ---------- Biseswar --------- CharisisMystakidis ------ Koulouris --------- Pereyra I kind of like it more, myself. Would like to get a better look at Giannoulis.
  8. Can I report my own posts for being too good?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. athinaios


      Actually I thought of issuing you a warning but I misplaced the button. :)

      Lazarus, can we add "self-deprecation" as a reason to warn someone?

      My own punishment is to imbibe something horrible, like retsina.:1eye:


    3. pash


      Retsina is the nectar of the gods AND YOU KNOW IT

    4. pash
  9. You'd think that he'd save the experiments for the easy teams. But fatigue is probably going to be a real concern. Blackhawk's lineup is probably right. Thiam will likely be real happy out there on the wing.
  10. You misunderstand me. I don't think that qualification should be switched to that kind of system - unless there's some sort of revolution in transportation, that would be too onerous of a system. It is a world cup as you say, so reasonable representation for each continent should be required (and so qualification within the confederations makes sense). Even with expansion (which I think is unnecessary), we shouldn't allocate more spaces to Europe/South America.
  11. If anything, South America is overrepresented. Four teams in directly, a fifth through an easy inter-confederation play-off. This is out of a total of ten teams - so, 50% of teams make it in. Compare this to UEFA, which has 54 teams competing for 13 spots (24%). Going by Skanky's earlier stat, this will leave out six of the top 30 teams in the world. With all that said, I don't think Europe (or South America) need more slots. The tournament is weighted enough to those sides as it is. If what you're searching for is a truly egalitarian qualification campaign, then the confederations should be ignored entirely, with qualification groups being truly worldwide. That is obviously not what happens, however, and for good reason. Long story short, keep things as it is, stop complaining.
  12. Hahaha beautifully said. As I said before - Campos is going to be given WAY more chances to succeed than people Ivic hasn't brought in. The fact that Michel/Ivic wanted him, and also are paying him so much, has given him a lot of freedom to underperform. Conversely, I don't think Pelkas or Mistakidis or Koulouris will be given so many chances. All three of them really need game time (Mistakidis is the only one of the three that I'd say looks "mature" out there), and if they don't grab their next opportunities by the balls, they'll find themselves lucky to make the bench in cup games. RIght now, RW is our biggest liability. I want to like Campos - he's reasonably fast, can dribble, is strong - but his mistakes are absolutely astounding. And unlike someone like Mak, he doesn't produce enough to balance out those F***ups. Hell, to be honest, I'd rather see Kitsiou start at RW over Campos, if none of the other options are fit/etc.
  13. Bingo. Also of concern is that Rodrigues is probably gassed at this point. He'll need to sit out sooner or later. Hope Pelkas/Korovesis/Pereyra are up for covering...
  14. Part of the problem is that they show up for the big games, but not those "easy" ones...
  15. You'd think after this disaster of a performance, that would be the case. But it's looked obvious for ages now. The logical choice is to give Mistakidis a run, but I have a feeling that if Campos somehow is sidelined, we'll see Shakhov or Biseswar there instead. Anyone but the logical choice.
  16. On the plus side - four yellows for their players. Didn't expect that.
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