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Everything posted by pash

  1. I'd propose to you immediately. I'd invite your king and everything. As I type this, the camera zooms in on Antonio kicking the ball around (still halftime obv). SERENDIPITY?
  2. A shame about Baba. I actually like Soares but I'm hoping that injury is in its final steps. Baba a clear upgrade. It would be quite surprising to me if Antonio gets minutes, but you never know with Lucescu. Just when you think something is impossible, he does it.
  3. Panathinaikos got spanked today. Only TWO POINTS separates us from first place. This is going to be an interesting second half of the year - especially since we host Panathinaikos, AEK, AND Olympiakos. ?
  4. Soares with a ROCKET for a goal. Too bad Tzimas screwed up his chance. Probably his last one for the season! -edit- also, one of the rare times we're playing what looks like a 4-4-2. Never thought I'd see it.
  5. Should we really be playing Vieirinha - who has had both his ACLs torn - on a waterlogged pitch? In a game we're winning 4-0? Insane decision making here by Lucescu.
  6. If not an own goal, then a fantastic Despodov one. Very close either way!
  7. I only beat you to this because you took the time to find all those accent marks ?
  8. Another Murg goal awwww yeaaa Konstantelias started that badass play off, naturally. Was on the field for what, ten seconds?
  9. Samatta, Meite, Konstantelias coming on for Thomas, Ozdoev, Taison
  10. Another Taison assist, but let's not sleep on my little baby Australian boy Thomas Murg ?
  11. Wow beautiful setup by Taison and an even better headed goal by Ozdoev
  12. Oh come on Brandon, Murg served that up on a silver platter
  13. Soares is more than capable of handling Panserraikos, but I'm sure Lucescu will choose Vieirinha anyway. Though funny enough, that would mean starting Sastre on the right. Lucescu must be livid! hahaha
  14. @paokarag4 is right on all points. Life is complicated. Self-identity can be, too. "Jus sanguinis" does not need to apply to all of human experience.
  15. Konstantelias scored in today's friendly (currently ongoing) vs New Zealand. I tuned in like three minutes too late to see it ?
  16. I'm sure the only reason he played for them, is because he would never get a shot with Germany...
  17. So, like, are they going to ever actually fix it? https://inpaok.com/797029/nea-exelixi-gia-to-panserraikos-paok/
  18. Is it owned by the army? I noticed the other day that there's some blurred-out land directly abutting it on the satellite view. Might just revert to them when the lease is over.
  19. Blackhawk are the women practicing elsewhere now? I like the idea of just having our own small "stadium" for those two teams. You'd think they could use it for the ladies as well though...
  20. Losing concentration in the last fifteen minutes is becoming a problem for us.
  21. Yeah it sucks that we didn't finish off this garbage team, but whatever. It does not change what we'd need to do in Frankfurt - a win or a draw will keep us on top of the group. At least until the Finns come and beat us in Toumba.
  22. Here's the starting lineup. Great to see we're back to annoying animations.
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