As far as I can tell, the Enlightment was the side-effect of Protestantism. Moreover, the Enlightment cannot be imported, it requires a process through which the warring parties come to understand that victory is impossible and a formula of co-existence must be found.
Beyond that, there the notion of ?pesanteur sociale?. Crudely speaking, even if driving on the left side may be the better option, one is not advised to drive on the left if every other driver drives on the right. Or, if in Greece you do not accept/demand rousfetia (a word/practice of AraboOttoman pedigree that modern Greek adopted), you have taken, ipso facto, vows of poverty and abstinence.
This thread, fun as it can be, demonstrates perfectly the universal technique of not solving a small problem by transforming it in a bigger and unsolvable one. E.g., is there credible support for the Zaloggo-story ?
If there is, why is it not cited? If not, why is this mythological event presented as an historical one? When these simple questions are not answered, I remain unenlightened!