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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2021 in Posts

  1. I haven’t seen that much of Douvikas at Volos only a couple of games this season. Pavlidis started of well with the Ethniki when he was first called up during the Euro qualifiers but he has struggled in his last appearances during the NL. Giakoumakis is tearing it up so he’s a shoe in. What’s going on with Fountas is he injured? Personally I am a big fan of his style of play. JVS just better not give Koulouris a call up..
    2 points
  2. He won't stay on as assistant. If he is serious about his coaching career he will move to another team. It's embarrassing how for years we cried out for Garcia to take over the reigns, so much so that all the PAOK journalists consistently organised witch-hunts if any manager lost or drew a game. Whenever we won a game it would be about the players and whenever we lost it was all about creating an atmosphere around the manager. Santos, Stevens, Aggelos, Tudor, Ivic, Lucescu, Fereira - all of them had to put up with the clowns that call themselves journalists (we all know who the PAOK ones are). These same clowns were ones who have been linking the manager's position to Garcia for years in order to get clicks. Now I noticed that even they are starting to turn on him. I have said it before and I will say it again - when we finally rid ourselves of these 'journalists' we will be able to grow. For the time being we need to put our trust in Garcia. I am sick and tired of managerial changes and people wanting overnight success. It seems no matter what, these days all we want are instant results. You see it in football, you see it in fitness and we are even seeing it now in trading with crypto-currency and stocks. People think they can invest $50 today and become millionaires tomorrow and if they don't then they will sell and sulk. It is absolutely pathetic.
    1 point
  3. A few quick things I respectfully disagaree with here @Jimmyp. While on average goals scored per match in the Erdevise is on the high side compared with other top European leagues.....Giakoumakis plays for Venlo. Goals are hard to come by for such a bad team. It cannot be overstated how monumental and important Giokoumakis' season has been thus far. He may single handedly be keeping VVV Velo from relegation (just barely). (Erdevise is on par with Serie a for goals scored in 19-20 and wed still regard a top scorer from there highly.) Also Ill take him being in the company of other top goalscorers over the years from Erdevise: Suarez Dost De jong/Tadic And depay. Vs the top goalscorers for the Super League. He has to be the starter
    1 point
  4. Well - regarding Toro, seeing the competition, I can see why they would think that. We all have opinions on call ups and we all voice it amongst ourselves. As professional athletes, I am sure they all do the same especially when they see the talent. The key is not to make it public. Siovas/Fefta were made examples for their professionalism and rightfully so. Having said that, if they apologize, like Siovas did, then accept it and move on with the understanding that one more transgression and it's over.
    1 point
  5. Πολύ σωστό. Νομίζω βέβαια πως θα μπει κι αυτός και ο άλλος. Ο Σίλβα δίνει ακόμη εξετάσεις να μας πείσει να τον αποκτήσουμε και δεν αποκλείεται να αρέσει. Γιατί οι δυνατότητες του δεν πιάσαν ταβάνι. Δύσκολο ίσως αλλά παίζει κι αυτό. Αφού λοιπόν του δίνει κίνητρο, να μπει... Εγώ θα ήθελα να δω Μπρούνο, Μπερτόγλιο και Μήτρογλου μαζί για κανένα 20λεπτο, για να δω πώς πάει η ομάδα με 2 δημιουργικούς πίσω από τον φορ. 3 μαζί με τον Γκάμα.
    1 point
  6. They were very vocal when Ang didn’t call Toro up. They were not happy about that at all and they made there feelings loud and clear in the dressing room.. That’s what was being reported at the time. Apparently they also influenced call ups with Skibbe as well. But that was then and this is now I agree players deserve 2nd chances and that’s why I think I would bring back Siovas as well.
    1 point
  7. Well said. They did do a service for the team. I’m also in agreement in if the attitude is poor then they shouldn’t be in the team. That goes for all players. Everyone does deserve 2nd chances also. JVS has done well, I don’t disagree with that but he has been doing some questionable things too. Ok playing Hatzidiakos or Lampropoulos didn’t work but why call up an actual RB in Rota and not play him or why play him for like only 10 minutes? Mavrias who doesn’t play a lot gets picked over other players who have played that position longer and are actually playing week in and week out like Kitsiou or Giannis Masouras. Kotsiras is a decent option aswell. Also why wasn’t Tzolis given 90 minutes against Slovenia when he had a great showing against Cyprus in the friendly? Hopefully now that we have big games coming up and every game counts hopefully JVS understands that certain players don’t cut it and certain personnel changes are needed. His job is also on the line and finishing 2nd in a easy Nations League group is not good enough. We also have a friendly coming up. Maybe try Mantalos as a CM (which he can play) and maybe put Fortounis starting at CAM and give Tzolis more minutes. Maybe that could solve our creativity problems and finishing.
    1 point
  8. Θα προτιμούσα Mancini στη θέση του Silva. Ο Silva υστερεί στο τακτικό κομμάτι, ενώ αρκετές φορές έχω παρατηρήσει ότι κάνει λάθος επιλογές στην πάσα ή στην τελική προσπάθεια.
    1 point
  9. Your right Greece had Slovenia on the back foot that game. We were creating so much in attack so many quality chances that one goal should have least been scored. Oblak made a couple unbelievable saves & we had some poor finishing. Slovenia barely created a chance that match even with Ilcic back in their lineup. Fortounis is our go to guy to create in attack. Olympiakos was anemic in the 1st half vs PSV. When he came on and was on the ball you could sense good things were going to happen and he played a big role in the goal and also unlucky he hit the bar of a wonderful taken free kick. Fortounis must START for us end of story..
    1 point
  10. I agree with you and that’s why I’m for having him back in the line up.. That coach was an absolute disaster so I agree something needed to be done and maybe it was there leadership and love of the National team that made them speak out. My problem with them was when they were vocal about certain guys not being called up.. At the end of the day I know guys complain on here we don’t have a big name coach and that’s a valid argument but don’t forget the EPOs budget for a coach will never give us a big name. JVS has done a really good job. He has changed the culture, Attitude and style of play and that wasn’t an easy thing to do in such a short period of time.. Now that we have a mix of young guys playing adding Manolas on the back I think will work great. I’m still concerned about our midfield and finishing but I’m liking the direction we are headed.
    1 point
  11. Great win for the lads against Apollon! We will never give up!
    1 point
  12. Ανακοινώνεται ότι ο αγώνας «Απόλλων Σμύρνης-Λαμία» για την 6η αγωνιστική του Πρωταθλήματος Super League Ιnterwetten, που είχε ορισθεί να διεξαχθεί αύριο Τετάρτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 και ώρα 17:15, μετατίθεται για την επόμενη ημέρα (δηλαδή για την Πέμπτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 και ίδια ώρα [17:15]) λόγω πιθανολογούμενης ακαταλληλότητας του γηπέδου, εξ αιτίας της χιονόπτωσης. sport-fm
    1 point
  13. Would you believe it? After the worst decade in the club's history, the start of 2021 finds PAO on top of the table, 10 points ahead of their rivals, while the club is favored to win the Europa cup this year! (the Champions League comes next year). Oh, and the Greek football league, finally became a truly professional, responsible, sensible, advanced European entity.
    1 point
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