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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2017 in all areas

  1. The Dem party is not my ancestors nor do I care to defend what conservatives did generations ago under whatever name. It's a shame that the progressive party, the Republican, betrayed its values when was bought by big money and gave home to religious nuts, bigots, and racists. But, since you ELLA apparently believe in "original sin" (what Eve did that condemned all humanity), then I expect you to be a man and apologize for the following: Do you know your ANCESTORS had slaves? Do you know that Greeks committed atrocities? Do you know your church abused poor people, raped children, and cooperated with the occupiers Ottomans? I expect an apology from you for EACH of those offenses.
    3 points
  2. Use this thread to bring up issues and suggestions concerning PAOK forum.
    1 point
  3. No, it's just that simple. Scotland's league is atrocious. When you have one team of note, what more would you expect? I'd say Tziolis is slightly above their level, which is why he looks so good there. I'm just glad Ivic gave him a gentle boot out.
    1 point
  4. Re ton tzioli scores and goal and now hes playing it cantona. Asemas tzioli our eyes still F***en sore from watching you "control the midfield"
    1 point
  5. A great song has been ruined... Ο Τζιόλης έγινε... ερωτικό τραγούδι! (video) Απίστευτο και όμως αληθινό. Ο Αλέξανδρος Τζιόλης παρόλο που βρίσκεται λίγο στην Χαρτς, κατάφερε να κάψει καρδιές. Μάλιστα έγινε, ερωτικό τραγούδι!
    1 point
  6. Yep, it's true. Nobody loves the troops more than Trump. Maybe he doesn't love the generals as much, because he knows more about ..everything than them. OK, maybe not that Gold Star family (Muslims ). OK. OK, not McCain.. what a loser for being shot down over Vietnam and tortured. Did you hear that Trump actually used several deferrals to avoid serving in the armed forces, because it was a ploy. He enlisted as an undercover agent who helped win the war in Vietnam (don't believe the fake media that say we lost that war), and later sabotaged the Soviet system, ending the Cold War and destroying the Soviet Union. I also have reliable info that Osama bin Laden isn't dead but captured by Trump who used this to blackmail Obama and will use obtained intel (by waterboarding Osama himself) to defeat ISIS. Then Trump will give lots more benefits to the veterans. And, he will not send current troops on crazy missions like taking Iraqi oil. Must obey, must obey, must obey the supreme leader...
    1 point
  7. Really liked Eleftheropoulos's comments. I thought he was dignified and respectful which is a rare commodity these days for managers. His admiration for Cimirot and his comment about him being able to play at a higher level was noteworthy. On a side note, how PUMPED was Henrique. Great to see.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Think about it...this is a player that struggled to be fit for - and score in - the NASL. There's something fundamentally wrong going on here. Personally, I think he's just lost the will. I give it a 50% chance that he's just going to retire. Sad, he had some good moments and so much potential.
    1 point
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