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I wasnt too happy with our play today, but I will take the 3 points ...

Some observations:

I give Ferrer some seious credit for starting Kapantais and for subbing in Kone. Ferrer continues to impress me with his belief in his younger players. Very good to see.

Having said that, both players need more time. I think the only reason that Emerson played was because Papastathopoulos was unavailable.

I like Paoutasso. He is solid. Nothing flashy, but he has better crosses than Georgeas.

Ferrer is making a team that we will be happy about. He is making everyone feel like they have a chance on this team. Unlike last year, EVERYONE gets a chance to play and show his worth... No more close minded coach on this team, and to me this is the most important part of this team. Just a little more time and we jump leaps and bounds....

As far as confidence, I am not confident in our play. but I AM confident that we are making a team that will be to compete at a higher level with a LITTLE MORE TIME.

Nightsurfer... ASTA OLOUS. Milame yia podosforo.... ;)

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congrats aek on the three points

you played smart...wat was more frustrating been a pao supporter that you held possesion well (more than us although i dont know exact statistic)

pernalty was a penalty to the other pao fan who claims it wasnt...and at that it was stupid to give away

dellas goal result of poor marking and luck as it took a deflection

other than that the way pao played in first half was encouraging...i watchted the game with a aek fan and even he said he liked the way we moved the ball around

if only we had more possesion

were the game was lost - physical fitness - this showed after the 60 min mark when the gaps between the mid def and attack grew

i maintain that the return game will be more interesting and i think we will have more chance to get the three points IF (a) we attain a good level of fitness (B) if the team gels which i believe it will with munoz

well done aek

clearly both our teams are better than olympiakos - thats the sad thing! lol

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Thank you AEK for winning this thrilling derby!!

PAO got what was coming!!! That's for talking sh** about our loss from Olympiakos!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I know I'm not an AEK fan, but from what I've saw, they clearly outplayed the Vazelini. Kudos to them, the race for the Protathlima is getting a bit tighter. :)

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Thank you AEK for winning this thrilling derby!!

PAO got what was coming!!! That's for talking sh** about our loss from Olympiakos!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I know I'm not an AEK fan, but from what I've saw, they clearly outplayed the Vazelini. Kudos to them, the race for the Protathlima is getting a bit tighter. :)

ke meta lene that they have better players then us.. ripping our singings..there worst then us.
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congrats aek on the three points

you played smart...wat was more frustrating been a pao supporter that you held possesion well (more than us although i dont know exact statistic)

pernalty was a penalty to the other pao fan who claims it wasnt...and at that it was stupid to give away

dellas goal result of poor marking and luck as it took a deflection

other than that the way pao played in first half was encouraging...i watchted the game with a aek fan and even he said he liked the way we moved the ball around

if only we had more possesion

were the game was lost - physical fitness - this showed after the 60 min mark when the gaps between the mid def and attack grew

i maintain that the return game will be more interesting and i think we will have more chance to get the three points IF (a) we attain a good level of fitness (B) if the team gels which i believe it will with munoz

well done aek

clearly both our teams are better than olympiakos - thats the sad thing! lol

Thanks adonis

In the first half you were the better team..with the better organisation...

The decisive moment of the game in my eyes is....when Salpi misses this gift...to retake the lead after the free-kick.... that was a 1000 %

And there Sorrentino saves us..

Would Salpi have scored there...it could be different now...

The Penalty is a 100 % one....

I have taped the game...and Goumas holds him for about 3 - 5 Seconds

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I wasnt too happy with our play today, but I will take the 3 points ...

Some observations:

I give Ferrer some seious credit for starting Kapantais and for subbing in Kone. Ferrer continues to impress me with his belief in his younger players. Very good to see.

Having said that, both players need more time. I think the only reason that Emerson played was because Papastathopoulos was unavailable.

I like Paoutasso. He is solid. Nothing flashy, but he has better crosses than Georgeas.

Ferrer is making a team that we will be happy about. He is making everyone feel like they have a chance on this team. Unlike last year, EVERYONE gets a chance to play and show his worth... No more close minded coach on this team, and to me this is the most important part of this team. Just a little more time and we jump leaps and bounds....

As far as confidence, I am not confident in our play. but I AM confident that we are making a team that will be to compete at a higher level with a LITTLE MORE TIME.

Nightsurfer... ASTA OLOUS. Milame yia podosforo.... ;)

Come on man...

This was a surviving game..... not an Opera of Mozart.

You could go to Hades or Olymp

We took the path to Olymp

So in such circumstances the anticipation is the most important thing..

And AEK anticipated.. emotionally..., psychologically and and physically...

Although they played the ball around...it was an itention behind...to serve at the end the back winger... It happened a couple of times....

It wasn't the awckward passing of last year

For a long time I did not see such an AEK with such a rythm (for Greek circumstances)....

Hey man...., there is potential behind this team..... Kone will be the Super Star in the Saison 2008 / 09........ mark my words

Look Kone 19

Tozser 21

Lagos 21

Hetemaj 19

Papastathopoulos 19

This team has been build nearly without money....., if they spend some money like the others ...then watch..

And we have a horny Coach as well......

* *

For your saying Emmerson was playing ( Im not a friend of Emmerson) because Papastathopoulos was not here..... I mean, they don't play the same position...and for the moment ... I can't imagine Papa in the midfield ... even not in the defensive...

And last but not least...... Manduca will surprise many people... even AEKtzides

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If we were alowed to beat Olympiakos -3 , +3 for us would mean equal points with Olympiakos...

PAO fans were singing about Leontiou for months and we have a almost complete new U23 squad we start to boil into the tough stuff!

I love this team...

The team where logic and dignity prevailed!

Serra Ferrer is a clever coach! And he likes to take calculated risks too!

He knows we have a weak left side!

He know PAO would go forward from their right flank!

He fielded neither Cezar nor Lagos! He opened it up for them ! (All PAO chances came from that side) ...

and he struck all over the filed where corridors showed up!

This time luck favored him at last after many games too!

He will do a great job with AEK if all goes well...

I love this team !


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To the Glory hunters who dont even know where the PAO Stadium is ...

AEKaki is a nickname you tell us to tease us because after all is done, what remains in history is number of cups...

AEK maybe is the Greatest team Greece ever had. It always has been one of the best teams.

We are not innocent of course. We did ride the waves sometimes ... but ALWAYS PAO or OSFP had the reigns of the Championship and all organization around it.

And even if our approach (especaily in the Melissanidis era) was not the cleanest of all, we DID HAVE A GREAT TEAM WORTH every cup we ever lifted!

And unlike some glory hunting puppets, the AEK people DID MAKE MELISSANIDIS (yes the one who brought glory to the team ) feel unwanted, and handed the team to a boy with the double headed eagle tatooed on the arm and in the heart...

You call us AEKaki because the stats show we beat you as many times as you beat us but somehow we have less titles to show!

You call us AEKaki because its your only defence against the things you dare not admit.

You call us AEKaki because you cannot grasp how in Europe we stand very close to whatever PAO achieved and we have the honor and love for the game to admit what PAO have offerd to Greek Football with their achievements (unlike others).

Its an exageration even explaining this stuff to you but I do it for the sake of the guys abroad who dont get the exact picture and naturally feel Olympiakos or PAO stats also mean soem great distace from AEK.

Know this ... Small Greek teams and their fans are to be honored by all of us for sticking by their clubs who were wronged for daceades... The Koudas PAOK team was one of the worst trated team by the Greek football infrastructure! Dinos Kouis's Aris too!

AEK has fielded some of the gratest players who ever walked inthe Greek Fields!

AEK is the only big club whose collective crowd reaction flies in the face of every universally accepted logic which dictates victory at any cost to be gained! (and then history will erase the way it was gained)

AEK is an idea. It is carried in the soul of every true AEK fan... Only we know what AEK is and you (being Olympiakos and PAO fans) CANNOT understand....

I will make a prediction for you... AEK will only get 1 or 2 Championships in the years to come...

Only... despite showing we can build a winning squad ... And those will have the weight of 20!

Ade geia kai perastika ...


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If we were alowed to beat Olympiakos

Do you think that there is something behind ?

I watched again the scene were Delibasic goes all allone and Vassaras gives hands....

I think it was not a hands by Deli... but the ball goes to the hands of Libe...although there was not an intention... I can understand the decision of the ref.

You call us AEKaki because you cannot grasp how in Europe we stand very close to whatever PAO achieved

What never was mentioned here at Phantis or somewhere else:

If you watch the UEFA Coefficent Table..., you will see 2 week saison

Saison 2004-05 and 2005-06

These 2 saisons were that we as a Nation did a minus record for the last decade...

These are exactly the 2 years... where AEK had their financial collapse and had to start with unexperienced and non-skillfull players....

AEK could not get points for Greece and therefore, we came down as a Nation....

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Come on man...

This was a surviving game..... not an Opera of Mozart.

You could go to Hades or Olymp

We took the path to Olymp

So in such circumstances the anticipation is the most important thing..

And AEK anticipated.. emotionally..., psychologically and and physically...

Although they played the ball around...it was an itention behind...to serve at the end the back winger... It happened a couple of times....

It wasn't the awckward passing of last year

For a long time I did not see such an AEK with such a rythm (for Greek circumstances)....

Hey man...., there is potential behind this team..... Kone will be the Super Star in the Saison 2008 / 09........ mark my words

Look Kone 19

Tozser 21

Lagos 21

Hetemaj 19

Papastathopoulos 19

This team has been build nearly without money....., if they spend some money like the others ...then watch..

And we have a horny Coach as well......

* *

For your saying Emmerson was playing ( Im not a friend of Emmerson) because Papastathopoulos was not here..... I mean, they don't play the same position...and for the moment ... I can't imagine Papa in the midfield ... even not in the defensive...

And last but not least...... Manduca will surprise many people... even AEKtzides

Nightsufer... I am embarrassed :( I meant to write Kiriakidis NOT Papastathopoulos... and since I missed the first minutes of the game, when I was driving home from work -- my father told me Kiriakidis was unavailable... but in the end it was Papa... Oh well... I think I will be embarassed.... a little longer :wacko:

As far as the game, I understand that it was a survival game, but I really get tired of our players (Emerson, Georgeas, Tsirrilo, etc) when they dont pass without a brain (or maybe it is their skills). They just kick the ball at the opposing players. They give the ball away without a fight. That still bothers me, and it bothers Ferrer too. I can see him on the sidelines going crazy... I LOVE IT!!!!

And as far as the the team looking good with a STRONG FUTURE... I 100% TOTALLY agree with you as you have seen in my previous posts. This guy has HUGE balls (arxedia) and he trusts and has confidence in his young players. I love it.

Things are turning around and once they do, we will have strong momentum.....

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dont forget Pliatsikas and many other new and talented players AEK has...


the GKs Arampatzis kai Fyssekis (born '84, '85 respectivelly)

and the loaned out

Bourbos --> Kerkyra

Koutroumanos --> Thrasivoulos (and suposed to be very good too)


Komvolidis --> Thasivoulos

Also dont forget Gerrard is out talent scout too.... :nw:

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Pliatsikas was the only one, who was considered by Santos...

But Pliatsikas did not play a single minute under Serra Ferrer....


Say to your father... that only when AEK plays in Europe, the opposite fans talk and learn about Greek Culture and History...

And by the way...mark this words...we will beat Lille next week.... mark my words...

And don't forget....we will take over

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Pliatsikas was the only one, who was considered by Santos...

But Pliatsikas did not play a single minute under Serra Ferrer....


Say to your father... that only when AEK plays in Europe, the opposite fans talk and learn about Greek Culture and History...

And by the way...mark this words...we will beat Lille next week.... mark my words...

And don't forget....we will take over

Night surfer...

My father already knows this and agrees...

By the way, I agree with you about Lille. But I take it one step further. A win in Anderlecht and a draw (or a VERY close loss) against Roma.

I only see improvement my friend. Each week, each game.

Bravo Ferrer.

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