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Pap injured?


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Apparently they had known about his problem for a while and that it is not serious and he will get the MINOR surgery to fix it during the break for Christmas, so the sky is not falling breath ppl. :tup:

MINOR surgery hey?

Pap will be out for 6 months if our doctors work on him :LOL: :ph34r:

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auto mas eleipe tora..... na traumatisthei o kaliteros mas paixtis :(

kai to provlima einai oti mono o Mantzios einai katharos epithetikos... afou kai tous edose olous......

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If Paps is out for any extended period of time, how do you think this will effect Salpigidis' play? Does it hurt him or is this an opportunity for him to grab a leadership role relatively early in his career with PAO?

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Unfortunately, an arthroscopy means from 6 to 9 months out of action for a meniscal repair and at least 2 months for a partial meniscectomy. But for a small damage a repair is usually indicated. I am not an expert. And I dont know pap's case.I am puzzled as for why noone says somthing about this. I hope we wont miss him for a long time because he is a key player. He has given a lot of assists to salpi and he is good with one on one game. He's hard to be replaced.

In order to be replaced we should have great midfielders that feed our attackers and also oppose a threat to an opponent diffence.

Tziolis and Biscan and bovio are no threat to anyone and cant organize the game that well. Fortunately Ivanschitz proves to be quite good

I hope victor will join quickly and prove as good as expected.

Let's hope eki will join sometime soon and that we will get over this years bad luck

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