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Goodbye old friend...

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Apparently I read somewhere PAO wanted him to sign a clause in the mutual termination that he cant sign for Olympiakos as a potential next team for him, and he refused to sign that clause...could this be the next "casualty"

if it is this one wouldnt bother me nearly half as much as mihalis or adoni-melos bc everyone knew it was time we parted ways with basinas!

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I never thought him as any great player...but it is not only his fault that the last couple of years didn't do very well(?) cause he was extremely alone na symazevei ta asymazefta!

But,as we see this year,he is a great loss!

I hope he does well wherever he goes because he is allright and has never caused any trouble even if some m###es of us ton ebrisan kata kairous!

And I hope Anderson's time will come some day,,,,,soon

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If any Greek player could ever play to a Great team like Real or Bracha, that would be Basinas.

end of story.

Now? Maybe a few years ago - he was super for a while there.

Unfortunatley this did not happen earlier he would have had time to sharpen his skills for the ethniki - and stop setting up break aways -

anyway I hope he does great whereever he goes (I think we'll see him in England)

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Well, everybody in Greece (except Rehagel and Patemdzi) knew that Basinas is not cut to be used as a Libero or not as a center back. This is why he usualy F***s up in that possition, But as back half the guy was a key to succes for both Ethinki and as well Pao games in Chapions League.

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basinas is a huge loss and whoever doesnt think so just look at our team this year and ask..whats missing?? kyriakos/basinas...

BIG LOSS...siga re file

i appreciate his service to PAO and he deserves that for his 17 yrs at PAO (including youth etc) but come on his last two seasons have been nuthin special

ekei pou pige polu itan re

one things for sure...im not gonna miss his SUPERB SET PIECES - finally i can watch PAO take a corner or freekick that might just eventuate to something otehr than Basinas s%$#! set pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if anything the huge loss that is missing from our team this season is mihalis in my opinion

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basinas was the heart and centre to our team...he knew what it was to be a panathinaikos player unlike half the players on the team now...at least he showed some wil lto be on the team,..yeah the last two years he was not the same player as he was the 7 years prior but throughout all the coaching changing and all the player changes, players going abroad, players getting sign by oly, one thing stayed constant...basinas and you cant refute that

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Maybe you guys dont remember.... But basinas was so great prior to the last two years because KARAGOUNIS is not at PAO. Asking Basinas to play his position and pick up the pieces of Karagounis is too much for him to do by himself... and that is also why he excelled at playing with the ethniki last year....

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didn't BC offer pao 400 000 pounds or around there in the summer. and now he's free so i expect BC to snap him up cos they lost a midfielder, forgot his name for the entire season and need a replacement, if basinas signs w/ a greek team he can't play until january :tdown:

hope he goes to BC

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Look angelos contributed many times for pao in europe and greece and I respect him for that. However his attitude change after winning euro and he became a prima donna.

He will be missed at pao and I will him the best in his career. Lets see where he ends up now. Then we will judge him, if his heat was really green. Not like some other low lifes that prostituted themselves for money.

Thanks angelo for your contribution at pao.........................

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