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a new BIG scandal


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basically some olympiacos fans with season tickets sued because of the karaiskaki ban. if it goes through all teams will"benefit" not only olympiakos...and if it goes through than the epo looks even more stupisd than it does now.

How right are you about EPO looking dumb...

These guys are so close-minded that they don't realize what is happening around them.

This is the reason why Greek soccer will NEVER become stronger than what it already is.

Let me tell you all something that I read that Solitd said.

He said that "this is his first time in his coaching carrer that he went to a proffessional game and saw only 1 set of fans watching the match."

Now what does this tell you all about our Protathlima????

Shame on EPO :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

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The biggest one to blame is Oly management for not returning the money they received for those games. The fans should sue the team and ask their money back. But no (as far as I understand it), instead of asking those money, they try to support the team !

Why EPO is responsible for this situation? Please someone enlighten me on that.

I hope the judge will reject that ridiculous request.

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Look. One thing is true. There should be found a way for the teams to not get punished with empty home games. This punishment doesn't solve the problem of violence. It just recognises its exsistance.

The only way is securitry cameras and dirct prosecutinon with ant arrest.

Not the stuff: "Wait mr Judge, I know this guy. He is a good kid. So just please let him out this time..."

And the judge ok ok...

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Look. One thing is true. There should be found a way for the teams to not get punished with empty home games. This punishment doesn't solve the problem of violence. It just recognises its exsistance.

The only way is securitry cameras and dirct prosecutinon with ant arrest.

Not the stuff: "Wait mr Judge, I know this guy. He is a good kid. So just please let him out this time..."

And the judge ok ok...

My man....

I completely agree with you w/ the securitry cameras and dirct prosecutinon with ant arrest... But are these EVER going to take place in Greek soccer???


It''s like they're doing it on purpose so outcomes like these will take place. I've given up with this crap in Greek soccer because it's like we take 1 step forward and 2 steps back...

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Look. One thing is true. There should be found a way for the teams to not get punished with empty home games. This punishment doesn't solve the problem of violence. It just recognises its exsistance.

I don't disagree with you on that. But the current law is the only thing we have at the moment. As ineffective as it is, it should not be abolished before a new violence-prevention system is created.

The cameras, private security personnel etc cannot be utilised with the current legal frame. Teams should control the tickets they provide etc etc. First find a better alternative to the current system then repeal the latter.

The management of Olympiakos is largely responsible, for not taking measures against violence during the previous season. That is the only sure thing I know.

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Guest Protathlitis

we are responsible

we should compensate the fans for every game they missed like Nikolaidis is doing with his fan ban

that way we will feel the pinch enough to take more anti-violence actions

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we should compensate the fans for every game they missed like Nikolaidis is doing with his fan ban

or my idea was to let in the fans but fine the club the same amount they would have made from ticket sales, then maybe someone in management will step up and tell the fans to calm it down.

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listen we all know that the EPO for the most part knows absolutely nuttin about soccer so u think they would run it like a business

and they can't even do that right

i mean they can't market the sport or protect it for that matter

suprised they haven't runned it into bankruptcy

this coutinue onslaught of match bans and fines is going to take its toll

this is discouraging the many fans that want to attend the only message that match ban send is we can't provide the necessary security

listen wut Nikolaidis did the other day was great but only a small step

its time for the presidents of these teams all team up to clean up this mess since the EPO won't do nuttin at all

by the way did the fan at least recieve some of the payment from his ticket

cause i know many teams keep at least 15% if the ticket sale

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