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WCq: Kazakhstan - GREECE


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Why in the world is Nikopolidi out of his goal and on Kazahkstan's side of the goal where Lyberopoulos scores????

What are you kidding?

The score is 1 - 1 against a team that is 130 places below us in the FIFA rankings and we are playing for our World Cup lives and you don't expect 11 players in the box for a corner.

Krimas pou eise kai opados tou Thrylou.

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What are you kidding?

The score is 1 - 1 against a team that is 130 places below us in the FIFA rankings and we are playing for our World Cup lives and you don't expect 11 players in the box for a corner.

Krimas pou eise kai opados tou Thrylou.

:gr: :gr: plain and simple he scares me with crosses on d or on O - :LOL: wildman

that was awesome :gr: :gr:

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i was also suprised today to see both Basinas and Vryzas starting

and i do like to point out Basinas has costed Greece 2 goals in the last 2 games

do u remember all you Nikopolidis haters (mainly Pao fans)

how u were condeming him for a couple of bad goals he gave up

well wut about Basinas why don't u hate on him and criticize him?

Basinas shouldn't be starting on the team b/c he has no club and he stinks at set pieces and i have no clue why thats happenned

Basinas has been prone to mistakes lately. I think Katsouranis should be playing over him, but Basinas has still been all around decent. Even with the mistakes, he does win a lot of balls, never gets tired and finds some way of helping the team by getting involved. Kafes is the exact opposite, I think it's just because he's the nervous type on this kind of level. He shouldn't be playing for the team. But either way like I said Kats is a better choice. Otto should call up stoltidis and Antzas, they could solve our problems.

like you said thoug, remember nikopolidis mistakes. Well now it's happening to Basinas, you might be praising him in some time. Same with Vryzas, these guys might seem useless but they play a strong role on the team. Charisteas like I said is just completely off beat. Almost always nowhere to be found, he's like those goal poachers who expect the team to give him the ball just out of nowhere. He really needs to get back to the way he played in euro. Helping the team in the defence and getting involved in plays and winning possession.

Lybe's goal was well taken, most players would just blast ball the straight in the middle and hope for it to go in. Got to give to the team for not giving up, I think they must feel like they have a good chance. As long we don't lose hope anything is possible.

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OK, one thing I don’t like is the mentality of some people in here I mean what the hell is this

"A win is a win"

Stiff s%$#!, we were a Disgrace today!!!! We couldn’t even put Kazakhstan a team ranked in the 100s away :angry:

If you ask me were on borrowed time!! Were gone, we can’t beat Denmark and will struggle to beat Georgia as well.....

This team needs a shake up and what I mean by shake up, I mean the following players dropped:

Vryzaz = to old and s%$#!….

Charisteas = Lazy, not playing well at the moment, when he find his form then he will be welcomed

Basinas = No team no Country

Kafes = has been s%$#! for a long time, when is this stubborn fool going to realize that its time to axe him!!!

Otto talks about not putting players on based on favoritism well if u look at the whole line it is based on favoritism!!!!!

His favorites from Euro 2004!!! There is no way in hell Basinas,Vryzaz, Kafes & Charisteas should be playing on this team based on there performances and the fact that one hasn’t even got a club…..

My final prediction will be this

Greece 0 – 2 Denmark

Georgia 1- 1 Greece

P.S Im being nice with the scores as well, so for me this isn’t a time to celebrate…

I agree with Hollywood.

A win is not just a win because we haven't solved anything. This is weak mentality.

We will get torn up against Denmark and eek out a feeble draw against Georgia at home. We are devoid of anything resembling footballing creativity and ability.

The Turks on these forums are right when they criticise us for our retrograde style of football. They whipped the Kazakhs 6 nil while we were playing 1950s style kick and hope against a team that in the previous WC qualifying was in the Asian Zone and is only ranked better than San Marino and Luxembourg in UEFA.

Otto is finished after this World Cup qualifying is done and he will go down in history as the best manager that Greece has had ever. Period. End of story. However, this last year he has tarnished his image in mine and a lot of others eyes.

The history books will show our last 6 results and they might look average. No whippings, however we that experienced the post Euro performances will never forget how frustrating we were.

Let's hope our Euro 2008 campaign is a good one. I'll be supporting Argentina and Serbia in next years finals.

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OK, one thing I don’t like is the mentality of some people in here I mean what the hell is this

"A win is a win"

Stiff s%$#!, we were a Disgrace today!!!! We couldn’t even put Kazakhstan a team ranked in the 100s away  :angry:

If you ask me were on borrowed time!! Were gone, we can’t beat Denmark and will struggle to beat Georgia as well.....

This team needs a shake up and what I mean by shake up, I mean the following players dropped:

Vryzaz = to old and s%$#!….

Charisteas = Lazy, not playing well at the moment, when he find his form then he will be welcomed

Basinas = No team no Country

Kafes = has been s%$#! for a long time, when is this stubborn fool going to realize that its time to axe him!!!

Otto talks about not putting players on based on favoritism well if u look at the whole line it is based on favoritism!!!!!

His favorites from Euro 2004!!!  There is no way in hell Basinas,Vryzaz, Kafes & Charisteas should be playing on this team based on there performances and the fact that one hasn’t even got a club…..

My final prediction will be this

Greece 0 – 2 Denmark

Georgia 1- 1 Greece

P.S Im being nice with the scores as well, so for me this isn’t a time to celebrate…

I agree with Hollywood.

A win is not just a win because we haven't solved anything. This is weak mentality.

We will get torn up against Denmark and eek out a feeble draw against Georgia at home. We are devoid of anything resembling footballing creativity and ability.

The Turks on these forums are right when they criticise us for our retrograde style of football. They whipped the Kazakhs 6 nil while we were playing 1950s style kick and hope against a team that in the previous WC qualifying was in the Asian Zone and is only ranked better than San Marino and Luxembourg in UEFA.

Otto is finished after this World Cup qualifying is done and he will go down in history as the best manager that Greece has had ever. Period. End of story. However, this last year he has tarnished his image in mine and a lot of others eyes.

The history books will show our last 6 results and they might look average. No whippings, however we that experienced the post Euro performances will never forget how frustrating we were.

Let's hope our Euro 2008 campaign is a good one. I'll be supporting Argentina and Serbia in next years finals.

i agree with hollywood as well.

Dellas is our spine and currently we cant walk with crouches we are using.

Otto needs to say good bye to Vryzas

but it looks like goodbye wc!

if only we won in Albania!

Hey Akritis what happened to supporting Australia!

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I watched the game at Chasers and I was very close leaving the place at half time after the pathetic display of our NT. After the Kazakhs scored I just wanted to stick around to see one of the biggest rezili of our NT.

dude tell me about it, after the 1st half, i was sitting in the bar during half-time wondering why i skipped class to go and see this!? :angry: :o

i also want to mention that someone at the bar said something like 'the ethniki doesn't play ball, they play a kafeneio'


sad but true :tdown:

on another issue, anyone see the little fit zagorakis pulled in the 2nd half after he was fouled and didn't get the call go his way, i don't what happened exactly but afterwards he tried to pull the ball out of the arms of a kazak player and the ref had to jump in and calm everyone down, i would say after this little fit by arxigos the team played w/ some more determination.

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Well I had planned to watch it live but thankfully didnt see it at the end.

I agree with many of you especially Aek66. But I guess the ethniki's play has come down to this finally and it's not what I think most of us expected. I believe after the curtain has fallen that most of the players will retire from the team or not be chosen by another coach.

Much Much luck to our boys in Denmark and from the Danes recent performances they will dominate and win. No doubt. Not that I didnt have faith in our team but it's reality at this point.

Oh and by the way, I dont think Dellas is the key like many of you state but he's an important player. The key to our failures is the midfield that lacks creativity, spark and control to move up the ball instead of long distance crosses that go nowhere.

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Hey Akritis what happened to supporting Australia!

Well I am of the belief that Australia won't beat the 5th place South American team.

If they do qualify, as Greece isn't going anywhere next year, I will support Australia. For the sake of the game nationally, bot because I care too much about players like Kewell/Emerton/Viduka etc/

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we control our own destiny

the playoff is for ours for the taking

i think adding stoltidis and Antzas to the lineup are long over due

stoltidis is a constant preformer

smart player on the field and he is on a starting 11

Kafes is just not worthy for that spot he needs to earn his right

on the other hand Antzas has been on the NT before

he lost his spot to the team b/'c of him playing for a team in Greek 3rd Division

he is big and strong and somebody we need

and Lymbe is starting our next game thats for sure

Basinas shouldn't be cut but he shoiuldn't start

Yes goodbye to any real and meaningful chance of qualifying.

I know it is mathematically possible, but with the way things are going we will fade away.

The players you mention (Stoltidis/Antzas) can and probably should be used, however Otto is as stubborn as an old gaidouri. He is not picking these guys.

Let's forget this speculation.

It's finished. I pray to Allah that I am wrong, but from what I have seen in the last few months against Ukraine, the confed cup games, Belgium and last night - we aren't worthy of taking a place at the world cup.

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Giannakopoulos, fyssas, karagouinis were very good today.......we need dellas to anchor the defense and zizi, as much as i like him , to be benched for the denmark game and i think we will get a win in cop....again fyssa was really good today.....players that sucked ....katsouranis, seitiridis blew balls as did basinas...charistea tries

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we control our own destiny

the playoff is for ours for the taking

i think adding stoltidis and Antzas to the lineup are long over due

stoltidis is a constant preformer

smart player on the field and he is on a starting 11

Kafes is just not worthy for that spot he needs to earn his right

on the other hand Antzas has been on the NT before

he lost his spot to the team b/'c of him playing for a team in Greek 3rd Division

he is big and strong and somebody we need

and Lymbe is starting our next game thats for sure

Basinas shouldn't be cut but he shoiuldn't start

Yes goodbye to any real and meaningful chance of qualifying.

I know it is mathematically possible, but with the way things are going we will fade away.

The players you mention (Stoltidis/Antzas) can and probably should be used, however Otto is as stubborn as an old gaidouri. He is not picking these guys.

Let's forget this speculation.

It's finished. I pray to Allah that I am wrong, but from what I have seen in the last few months against Ukraine, the confed cup games, Belgium and last night - we aren't worthy of taking a place at the world cup.

this stubborn giadouri has transformed a soccer nation with only a couple years \

he has gotten us this far with alot less talent

don't bash or hate on the King

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No kidding paides, our ethniki pocess more problems than meet the eye.

Anyways, the players made it public they where disgusted with the level of apodosh yesterday, and it was evident a good chunk of our players are simply not up to match fitness level and or are horribly out of form. As far as depth is concerned, there is none and we know it. For those whose form drops dramatically, how to you go about with the problem ? Vryzas, Charisteas,

and for the most part Seitaridis have been horrible for quite some time now, combine that with Dellas MIA as anchor to the defense (big part of the puzzle imo) the Basinoulides and Sotirides that don't or barely signed with a club and things are going to go REAL bad for us, and to be honest I'am really suprised as to how we've gotten some key apotelesmata on the road this phase (ukraine/turkey/georgia/kazahkstan) only dropping in Tirana thus far, especially considering the way we've played for the vast majoirty of the qualification process.

Things are going to need to change in exactly a month REGARDLESS, maybe some matches under their feet and the return of Dellas might do the trick or else a WIN is out of the question up north, and then the need for turkey to get shot down in tirana arises, and things begin to get dark for the 'Euro champs' . <_<

And Jesus, why did Georgatos have to be such an arrogant tool ? His left sided prowess would have filled a BIG blank for us. Oh well, im just ranting, just like your normally sick and disgusted down to his stomach football fan would at times liks these, but theres always tomorrow, right ? :unsure:

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OK, one thing I don’t like is the mentality of some people in here I mean what the hell is this

"A win is a win"

Stiff s%$#!, we were a Disgrace today!!!! We couldn’t even put Kazakhstan a team ranked in the 100s away

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we all got to just stop bickering here about the past

u guys are all right about losing points to Albania and Ukraine

we have also played like s%$#! since winning Euro 2004

we all know that but we also know that Otto and his players know how bad they have been

we can complain and whine about past performances but the National team still has a job to do here

they have a disadvantage of going to play in Denmark, but what we have on our side his the element of suprise

we are once again the underdogz and if we play better then we have recently our opponents won't be ready for us

remember one thing we still control our own destiny

Denmark and Turkey don't

we have that going for us and the fact that we are still alive b/c of some reason being anbodies comprehension

also u guys bicker at the fact that we blew games v Albania and Ukraine which is true but we almost blew the game at Kaz yet we managed to secure all 3 points with alot of help from upstairs

forget about the past its time to focus on the present and future

our players need to go with there heads held high as Euro 2004 Champions and Hungry to prove once again our critics wrong

Lets go and win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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