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xaxaxaxaxaxa you are so right hollywood.i hope his is a good player for pao but he can definely play is some christian movies if he is not. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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Torgele is the going to be the new striker!!!


im tired of people not doing so, its nothing personal but its annoying as hell especially when we have 100's of rumors that are 99% bs all sumerlong.

btw who the hell is Togerle??? :blink:

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since Olympiakos is going for Portillo why dont Pao try and get him under their nose

he'd be a good pick up....

i agree however i dnt think pao can/willing to afford him with the transfers of biscan/flavio.....

i dnt think oly can get him but if they do, then will be in searious trouble...

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Firstly, Crystal Palace dropped to the FIRST Division last season, not the second.

Secondly, Torghele is a very good attacking player. Not a great acquisition but a very good one. I think he is better than Konstantinou for sure and he is fast and strong. I watched him play alot last season for Palace in the premiership. He is something like Jan Koller from the Czech Republic but faster and with more skill.

I hope we do get him.

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Firstly, Crystal Palace dropped to the FIRST Division last season, not the second.

Secondly, Torghele is a very good attacking player. Not a great acquisition but a very good one. I think he is better than Konstantinou for sure and he is fast and strong. I watched him play alot last season for Palace in the premiership. He is something like Jan Koller from the Czech Republic but faster and with more skill.

I hope we do get him.

Well I know that in England it is Premiership,1st, 2nd, 3rd...dah...

and that Crystal Palace just fell from the Premiership. Why do you have to mention that in that way :huh: ?

Do you really think I didn't know, or didn't watch Crystal Palace play ?

I saw a lot of games of that team because Kolka and Lakis did play there last season. But as you know I wasn't able to see much of Lakis, because he was kept on the bench too much.

Anyway English just have to spice the name up as "Premiership" which is truly their 1st division.

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Firstly, Crystal Palace dropped to the FIRST Division last season, not the second.

Secondly, Torghele is a very good attacking player. Not a great acquisition but a very good one. I think he is better than Konstantinou for sure and he is fast and strong. I watched him play alot last season for Palace in the premiership. He is something like Jan Koller from the Czech Republic but faster and with more skill.

I hope we do get him.

Well I know that in England it is Premiership,1st, 2nd, 3rd...dah...

and that Crystal Palace just fell from the Premiership. Why do you have to mention that in that way :huh: ?

Do you really think I didn't know, or didn't watch Crystal Palace play ?

I saw a lot of games of that team because Kolka and Lakis did play there last season. But as you know I wasn't able to see much of Lakis, because he was kept on the bench too much.

Anyway English just have to spice the name up as "Premiership" which is truly their 1st division.

I said it not to have a go at you but to clarify.

anyway, as it happens I too made a mistake. It's no longer called th 1st division. After the premiership, it's the Coca Cola Championship, then followed by League 1 and League 2. Nevermind. Other countries too have spiced up names for the top leagues, like Italy, Spain and Holland. Even in Greece we may have a superleague which will be called totally different bname to what it is now. Watch this space.

And you are right, Lakis didn't play that much last year. But in my opinion when he did he played really well. I remember the game against Arsenal where he made one goal and could have scored the winner for Palace but missed from 3 yards.

H is back at AEK nwo and I wish we had signed him instead.

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i hope he doesnt start ahead of manoli/pap/gekas

Hey!!!!! Why???

There we are again, mixing emotions with with what is best for the team.

If Torghele is a better striker and player than those three then he SHOULD and MUST start ahead of those three players. From what I saw of him last year he IS a better player, with strength, pace and with skill. He is definitely a better player than Konstantinou.

So again, why should he be 4th choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????

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well i dont really know what to think of togerle........he will probably fight with mantzios for that 4th place........i hope we dont use him unless hes really worth it and not just because we paid for him.........

Panos13 hes probably not bad but i hate to admit hes definitly not better than the Kota-dinou.........Kota has scored way more in a bigger league and in the champions league and has more caps too......Togerle couldnt even play for Crystal Palace, and Konstantinou would have taken the starting spot there with ease.....

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