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SL - R17: PAS Giannina - PAOK ( 23 Jan 17, 19:30 EET )


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2 hours ago, Bajewy said:

i just want to put it out there that i love ivic.  hes top three in paok coaches of my lifetime. (and lord knows theres been far too many in the last 5 years)

Donis - tactically not quite there.

Huub - didn't really want the job once we got knocked out of CL qualifier.

Anastasiadis - knows the game and the GSL but is too divisive a personality to really gel the squad (unless they're all Greek).

Tudor - knows the game but thought he knew more than he did.  Not flexible enough.

Ivic - the best of the lot.

I'm happy with Ivic also.  As far as other attainable coaches go, only Xanthi's coach would be a decent move.  Foreign managers I don't trust anymore, especially today why would they want to go to Greece ?  Years ago maybe but not now.  Ivic also understands the club and the GSL and seems to have a balanced view of winning now vs developing players.  I think it would be a massive mistake to not keep him for at least 2 more years.  He also gets +1 for getting rid of Tzavellas, Tziolis, Skondras.  Keep in mind that the team is playing well.  Sure there's been dropped points along the way (when hasn't there been) but overall the core is very good.

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credit to Ivic in the 2 games where he has changed the formation, he got results. In the cup we had Leovac crossing for Kitsiou to score and today we have Matos crossing and Leovac eventually finishing off the move. The whole point of the 3-5-2 in these conditions is to get the fullbacks up the pitch and crossing the ball into the box, with the other making a late run in and supporting the attack. Ivic has done it twice now and in both games, goals have come as a result of the change in shape. 

Bravo Vladan! Won 8 of our last 9 in all comps with the only loss coming against Pas at toumba where the ball would not go in. Conceding only one goal in 9 games as well. In very good form

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