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Greek Ambassador to Brazil Murdered?


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This is a weird one...


Apparently Greece's ambassador to Brazil may have been found in a burned out car. What makes this interesting is that his wife may have been having an affair with a Brazilian policeman, who set this up (assuming that the body does indeed belong to Amiridis). (Source (in Portuguese): http://veja.abril.com.br/brasil/mulher-e-amante-tramaram-morte-de-embaixador-da-grecia/)

This is more confirmation that one should never get married.

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The latest: Brazil police suspect wife in murder of Greek Ambassador: TV report

Rio de Janeiro investigators suspect that Greece’s ambassador to Brazil was murdered at the behest of his wife and a police officer with whom she was romantically involved, Globo TV reported on Friday, citing police sources.

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Senseless. why not just get a divorce? Courts are already skewed to the wife's advantage IMO (not to sound misogynistic) alimony and child support, maintaining a lifestyle she has become accustomed to...



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christ what a mess. I guess we may find out more, but Brazil is one F***ed place. Can't control their own cops from killing Greek diplomats. Funny how this comes just after a Turkish cop shot a Russian diplomat, albeit for very different motives.

And the moral of the story is don't marry Brazilian hookers who are 10 years younger than you (I don't know how old she was, but she looks a lot younger than him at 59).

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13 hours ago, Koro said:

christ what a mess. I guess we may find out more, but Brazil is one F***ed place. Can't control their own cops from killing Greek diplomats. Funny how this comes just after a Turkish cop shot a Russian diplomat, albeit for very different motives.

And the moral of the story is don't marry Brazilian hookers who are 10 years younger than you (I don't know how old she was, but she looks a lot younger than him at 59).

It's Brazil and he's a cop so I'm assuming he will be released in 2 years but then again the same result would happen in Greece.  Not sure if Brazil gives their inmates weekends to go home though.

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