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Forum Software Upgrade


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The forum will not be accessible for 2-3 hours on Sat. Aug. 20, 2016. We will be performing some software updates and upgrades.


Hopefully all will go smoothly and down time will be minimal. If all goes good, things will be up and running around 5:00PM EDT.



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So, we came out alive!

After 3 hrs. we're back with a fresh and modern looking forum.

We might have had some casualties -we'll figure it out as we go.

If you come across something that doesn't work as expected, the first thing to do is clear your cache. If it still doesn't work as anticipated, then let us know about it.

Thank you for your patience.



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Looks like we have a problem with capital letters in the thread subject line. It appears that only the first letter of the subject can be capitalized. Remember this was an issue in previous version of SW until it was resolved.

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@Blackhawk -it's not a problem. It is a choice. All topic title's are converted to 'Title Case' with every first letter of a word capitalized. This is to prevent - what is called - shouting: ALL CAPS in a title.

I understand that some words need to appear in all caps, i.e. PAOK :1eye:. Those word will have to be entered manually (from me) into an 'exclude' from this rule list.


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Well in this case can we copy the "exclude" list from the previous version of SW, or the very least add the following to the current list:

the 12 months (the first letter of each month, ie. Jan, Feb ... Aug ... Dec)

I am sure I can come up with more down the line.

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Not sure I follow you with the months. Also, it's not a matter of how many words can you come up with. Which ones make sense?

What is 'QR1-QR4'? 'L1" in title case is 'L1' !! 'R1- R30' in title case is R1- R30. So give me words only if you tried and they do not display correctly.


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Here is an example from the PAOK forum:

El-qr4-l2: PAOK - Dinamo Tbilisi (25-aug-16, 21:00 Gr)
I want it to appear like this:
EL-QR4-L2:  PAOK - Dinamo Tbilisi  (25-Aug-16, 21:00 GR)

This applies to the Title of the thread only. 



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As far as I can tell (through observation of Greek text that apparently rose to heaven), the new software ignores and suppresses text written in the Greek language.  I forwarded this information(?) to our friend (gülen gülen) Recep who responded as follows:

  1)     Lazarus has earned the very best medals of the Turkish Republic.

  2) As many of the “Greek” last names show, the best Greek subjects are, as I as well, the descendants of Christian Ottoman citizens and they will be better off if they start using the glorious Ottoman Turkish rather than the bizarre linguistic potpourri spoken by the Hellenized Albanians, Slavs, and Vlachs/Aromanians.  

)   3)The introduction of new interfaces that will support more or less the same functionality as the old ones is a coup de genie that will separate the chaff from the wheat (Buğday samandan ayrılacak!); ditto for the suppressing dumb posts expressed in a dying idiom!   

I assume that the new software, somewhat like the yalancı dolmalar, will make us stronger.

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Ah! Now I see! OK, we'll do that. However, we will conform with the way UEFA display similar information.

So instead of " EL-QR4-L2:  PAOK - Dinamo Tbilisi  (25-Aug-16, 21:00 GR) " it will be:

GRE - 4QR - 2nd leg: PAOK - Dinamo Tbilisi... (I'm assuming your 'EL' stands for Greece, right? - We'll have to use international three letter country codes - just so we're all on the same page)

I'll work on that...


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Φίλτατε Go:bekli, όλο γκρίνια, γκρίνια είσαι. Σαν την ζωντοχήρα που κλεγεται συνέχεια που της λείπει κάποιος άνδρας.

Αν το πληκτρολόγιο σου δεν δουλεύει φίλτατε, ίσως είναι καιρός να βάλεις το χέρι στην τσέπη και να αγοράσεις καινούργιο.

One can find brand new keyboards at Best Buy, Walmart and Amazon.com.

Φτάνει πιά με την γκρίνια και τα χαζά σου

Edited by JimAdams
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Lazarus: please come up with a program that makes sense of people's nonsense (no scarcity of such here).

Can you turn this into a brilliant editorial?  aqeξκξξ  1&eawh !!΅#! rwayawefha@420432$@@$@!-ζδεσρςφ@γηασοdfgha9w3 ased4ase23151((*:&:censored:


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7 hours ago, athinaios said:

Can you turn this into a brilliant editorial?  aqeξκξξ  1&eawh !!΅#! [email protected] $@@$@!-ζδεσρςφ@γηασοdfgha9w3 ased4ase23151((*:&:censored:

I was going to work on that, but then I thought "it's better to devote your time on getting one's thoughts read and displayed by their monitor. That way they won't have to retype a word!" Maybe that's a better approach?

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19 minutes ago, RED SHERIFF said:

I used to find the 'view new posts' on old format very handy...I can't locate anything with similar function here?

From the top tabs select "Activity". Then you can select something from "My Activity Stream" or customize by creating a "New Stream". The most simple way is clicking on "Unread Content"

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