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Kostas Tsanas

La Mendel

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He should have a new thread, he will remain the head coach for at least these two matches vs Finland and Romania.


Tsanas about Santos: http://desporto.sapo.pt/futebol/seleccao/portugal/clube-portugal/artigo/2015/08/20/kostas-tsanas-sobre-fernando-santos-desejo-lhe-tudo-de-bom


The title is: "Tsanas about Santos: I Wish You Good Luck". He praised (elogios) Santos in the interview, he is quoted to say: "He is a good man and a great coach. We had a good relationship. He knows what he wants, this can be seen in the way he manages the team." He wished Santos good luck to the qualification. The article mentions Benfica players Samaris and Mitroglou were called up by Tsanas.

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So far this can be seen (it isnt much): Tsanas doesnt lean exclusively on younger or experienced players. Not every older foreign-based player was called up (no Gekas or Avraam), nor will be there younger "options" who dont play for their club at all there (e. g. no Mavrias), but there are youngsters and more experienced guys in the squad too. This is a balanced squad so far (as for the ratio of youth vs experience). Of course, it is possible that the performance of the team and the results will be mediocre, we cant prognostize that now.

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Comparing the recent past coaches is like saying which of these green apples are greener? Markarian replaced a white-hot Fetfatzidis with Katsouranis in the second half recently. The game ended up a draw against Hungary I think. That for me proves he needed to be thrown out and replaced by Tsanas, even before the match ended! We cant greek-dance around the fact we are in a painful re-building stage, I hope we have now re-built. I get a good feeling that the squad seems happy and a happy squad means 100% effort.

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It's just an easy "point the finger" option.

Aek66 has pointed out the lack of other options and if anyone remembers the game, out front 3 of Samaras-Mitroglou-Salpigidis were super flat & lazy with 0 off the ball runs.


Was he the only option, a player with zero caps? Hilarious.

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Kone, K. Papadopoulos, even Fortounis. Tziolis could have been also called up (instead of Mantalos, for example). They would have offered stability, the chemistry between the players could have worked. With the former system we could have easily secured a draw (at least).

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Back to topic: We should find an experienced head coach instead of Tsanas as soon as possible. If Tsanas would be a Mourinho or a Fernando Santos, he would have been considered as a head coach after the Ranieri debacle. Nor was his overall strategy versus Serbia very convincing. Id say we could beat Finland at home, but we will have a tough time vs Romania away.

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We can't just got out there and get any big name coach that doesn't have a job right now. We need to be smart we need to do some research and we have to find a coach that is best suited for our team and our style of play. We can't just go out and get for example a run and gun style of coach because he's the best name out there. We need to make a decision on a coach and stick with him. We can't keep switching coaches every 5 games or so. We need a coach that will restore our defensive system plus add a bit of creativity on offense, we need a coach that will preach fitness and dedication, we need a coach that is a players coach, a coach that will be patient with young players and gives them a chance to develop and not afraid to put them in the line up, we need a coach that will give us an identity again and everyone will know there roles and not be asked to do something they are not capable of. Yes it will be a long road for our team as we are in a transition but we do have some good pieces that we can build on. We still have defenders that are above average and very capable of playing solid defense, we lack in our midfield position right now, we do have some pieces that show potential up front we just hope with a new coach that one of these guys can step up and take the role. We need someone that is willing to stick with a line up if he really believes in it because all of this juggling of players all the team will not allow the team to build a system and get comfortable with each other. Just my thoughts.

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We can't just got out there and get any big name coach that doesn't have a job right now. We need to be smart we need to do some research and we have to find a coach that is best suited for our team and our style of play. We can't just go out and get for example a run and gun style of coach because he's the best name out there. We need to make a decision on a coach and stick with him. We can't keep switching coaches every 5 games or so. We need a coach that will restore our defensive system plus add a bit of creativity on offense, we need a coach that will preach fitness and dedication, we need a coach that is a players coach, a coach that will be patient with young players and gives them a chance to develop and not afraid to put them in the line up, we need a coach that will give us an identity again and everyone will know there roles and not be asked to do something they are not capable of. Yes it will be a long road for our team as we are in a transition but we do have some good pieces that we can build on. We still have defenders that are above average and very capable of playing solid defense, we lack in our midfield position right now, we do have some pieces that show potential up front we just hope with a new coach that one of these guys can step up and take the role. We need someone that is willing to stick with a line up if he really believes in it because all of this juggling of players all the team will not allow the team to build a system and get comfortable with each other. Just my thoughts.


I thought so too. Very good post.

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Several Greek sites state today that Tsanas wanted to see yesterday (at Oly-Panionios) mainly Siovas, Bouchalakis and Fortounis. See for example: http://www.gazzetta.gr/football/article/790937/tsekare-siova-fortoyni-kai-mpoyhalaki-o-tsanas

Fortounis is said to have been very good, Bouchalakis was OK too, and both of them scored against Panionios.

An afterthought. How many defenders does he want to call up? There were some eight of them among the foreign-based players, and now there is Siovas too. I thought he wants to cap attackers from the Super League (Mitroglou was the only striker on the list).

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When is this homo going to name his team?? Ange already picked his, and they all have had a first shave since already. Typical of Greek soccer. Finland will humble us cause we don't do professionalism good.

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He's not gay Akri, but he is very happy. Although we like to leave things till last minute, look at the Olympics. My thio Stelio was picking the weeds out from around the northern end of the stadium whilst the 200m sprints were on! Now that can turn a person gay, or ungay maybe. 

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