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What's worst is him paired with koutroubi, which is a pairing i hope to not see during the regular season. I guess it is one of those things that will baffle us, because he keeps screwing up. He doesn't have a cool head to play at the back and is not talented enough to play anywhere else. It's obvious what we need to do and that's send him packing but management thinks otherwise.


Donis is the other one that doesn't look like he is progressing and i don't think a loan will help him. Liked what i saw from Angelopoulos, strong in the tackle, not to mention great vision.

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A concerning statement made by Bourbo today....  said there was only a short time to rest and we dove right into preseason friendlies 


I'd be VERY VERY concerned.... a week or so ago I mentioned Anastasiou has to be very careful to not burn our players out....  my concern may be more legitimate than we think...


If we will show signs of fatigue... we will start seeing it at the end of november/december...  


Additionally, he noted that last year was a acclimation year for him... I dont know whether or not to laugh or cry...  he also said he started showing his "real" self at th end ofthe season during the playoffs...   the same playoffs where he lost his man constantly.....  guy is GARBAGE

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I can't believe how far down Donis dropped....I thought he was the next Basins....What happened to the kid?



Ever since the "scandal" over the Ethniki losing 8-0 to some random team... he's been a diff player...  


There are rumors his brother was the mastermind behind that scandal and was banned from the ethniki until further notice...


Not only that, but he was accused of being apathetic during the cup match against Xanthi right?

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Still think he should have come earlier and started his own preseason to get himself into shape.... really unprofessional to get yourself that unfit in a short amount of time


Gilberto and Cisse would forgo their vacataions for the holidays to come and train alone to keep themselves in shape... .same should be expected of Essien.....


Essien came for a paycheck....

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Still think he should have come earlier and started his own preseason to get himself into shape.... really unprofessional to get yourself that unfit in a short amount of time


Gilberto and Cisse would forgo their vacataions for the holidays to come and train alone to keep themselves in shape... .same should be expected of Essien.....


Essien came for a paycheck....


Sadly, I agree with you. The initial signs aren't promising. The only positive is Anastasiou's track record of turning players around has been fantastic. Ninis is the latest example.


But he is positive at least! :D all of his posts on instagram always give off a positive vibe for me hahs

Check out his posts and comments when he joined Milan.  :whistle:

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Not a very good game for us to say the least, but it doesn't exactly represent us as a team. The team has been training a lot (double practices) and I'm sure fatigue has a part in this result. We should get a better indication of what we look like in the game against Udinese. 



Here are 2 pictures from today's match, I noticed our jersey had "Avance" as a sponsor, not sure if that's our jersey sponsor this year.







Edited by Jimmy Prasinos
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