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Greek - Russian Relations

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I think applying our sense of values and morals to someone like Putin is the issue...

as much as our 'expectations' of Putin based on our perceptions of 'christian orthodox alliances'...


Russia and Putin cares very little for all these brotherhood myths...


Greeks spend too much energy expecting some miracle Savior from East to come...

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It has always just been hope, rarely expectation. If Putin does not even help close by little Armenia, that will damage how other orthodox communities see him.


If this is a brotherhood, then Russia is often a big brother that rarely helps out. But the little brothers of Armenia, Greece, Assyria and Serbia are not strong enough to face up to the Turks alone. Take in WW1 when after the Russian revolution, the bolsheviks removed troops from the battlefront and left the Armenians to the mercy of the Turks.

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Russia is going to attack Turkey, defeat it and then hand over Constantinople to Greece ... as a present.  I know people that firmly believe this.  It's sad to think that their vote counts as much as mine.

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Russia is going to attack Turkey, defeat it and then hand over Constantinople to Greece ... as a present.  I know people that firmly believe this.  It's sad to think that their vote counts as much as mine.


But you were the one screaming from the trees last year how great Syriza is...  There is that saying about throwing rocks from glass houses.

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But you were the one screaming from the trees last year how great Syriza is...  There is that saying about throwing rocks from glass houses.


You are mistaken.  No one was screaming anything from the trees.  No need to get so emotive.


The only one individual I was praising was Varoufakis and that was pre the referendum joke.  I was for voting for Syriza, only because it was an alternative to the "establishment" and because I felt that with Syriza (and Varoufakis) we had a 0.01% chance of exiting the EZ (not EU), which I still believe is the only way Greece can move forward economically.  ND/PASOK were 100% against EZ exit.  They felt and still feel that Germany slowly strangling the economy and allowing the worst economic slump since the great depression is the best way forward.


I couldn't care less about ND/PASOK/KKE/Syriza/GD.   Let's be clear, I think they are all a bunch of thieves, bigots, liars and incompetents.


I've said it before, if the EU/EZ dictates what you do economically, and dictates how you control your borders, then why even have a government ?  Just close the Parliament and let the EU take full control, since this is effectively what we've had now since 2008.

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That prophesy came from Saint Paissios.


Both countries are preparing for war as we speak. How much evidence does one need?


Surely you jest ?


When you say both countries are preparing, I assume you mean Russia and Turkey ?

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It has always just been hope, rarely expectation. If Putin does not even help close by little Armenia, that will damage how other orthodox communities see him.


If this is a brotherhood, then Russia is often a big brother that rarely helps out. But the little brothers of Armenia, Greece, Assyria and Serbia are not strong enough to face up to the Turks alone. Take in WW1 when after the Russian revolution, the bolsheviks removed troops from the battlefront and left the Armenians to the mercy of the Turks.



there is no brotherhood....


this myth feeds the internet warriors and nut job patriot create web pages and dramatic youtube video drama...


I want to know how an alliance or brotherhood with Serbia or Armenia is more beneficial than one with France Spain or Italy?


we are delusional ...some Greeks just wish we were Belarus....

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I want to know how an alliance or brotherhood with Serbia or Armenia is more beneficial than one with France Spain or Italy?


That idea is more based on ideological and religious similarities and a mutual hatred of Turkey. Anyone who is anti-Turk would naturally be less keen on an alliance with pro-Turkish European nations.

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this is 2016.....


we will never like Turks....we know that...alliances with 'xevrakotous' and 'gyftous' even though may have historical or ideological ties are useless..


Neither Armenia or Serbia can harm Turkey...


If I need to borrow $100k urgently I know who my 'important' friends who can help are...




Russia will fend for themselves and take whatever stance benefits..



The only way we can stand up to Turkey is by getting our house in order and gain respect by the powers that matter...


Sorry...to most people Serbia and Armenia sound more like dodgy cough lozenges sold on online pharmacies than serious modern nations..

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