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Faroe Islands-Greece(13 June 2015, Torsvollur, Torshavn)


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Good work boythes. Look, if the national team is picked on the basis of 22-28 years of age, consistently, we will usually get optimum results. There should be exceptions to the rule ofcourse, the odd 30 year old.

I remember an ESPN soccer program on fox previewing the world cup, there is a panel of four. When Greece was mentioned, it was quick, and along the lines of, 'oh, Katsouranis, Karagounis and Salpingitis, your not serious.'

We must avoid being basket cases, even in the small details. I agreed with them to a certain degree. Not happy about that either.

Edited by ausgreek
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right....and ranieri selected karelis, mavrias and mandalos because he rated them over fetfa, kone and lazaros. ranieri also selected tziolis because it's clear he rated him over kpaps. all those key players injured, but available for markarian.


in fact, salpi was so poor against romania that karelis got a start away and scored on his debut.


again, i ask...whom was ranieri to select and whom to start with all the injuries?


we are all gutted, but it's not the first time greek NT footballers fell on their faces attempting to go from strength to strength.


1980 euro. positive preformances. failed to qualifiy for 1982 wc.

1994 wc. new blood brought in after disasterous preformances. failed to qualify for euro 1996.

2004 euro. winners. failed to qualify for 2006 wc.


the other problem is the chronic hurdle of late summer qualifiers that iordanescu tried to address in the late 1990s. ranieri mentioned this before the romania match and the self-fulfilling prophecy of doom didn't disappoint.


4 matches, match #1 players' fitness a joke. going forward, injuries to key attacking components. i understand ranieri staying was not tenable, but i don't blame him and 4 matches doesn't paint any picture. if he did indeed lose the dressing room, ask the players why they didn't play for a captain they voted in themselves.

right....and ranieri selected karelis, mavrias and mandalos because he rated them over fetfa, kone and lazaros. ranieri also selected tziolis because it's clear he rated him over kpaps. all those key players injured, but available for markarian.


in fact, salpi was so poor against romania that karelis got a start away and scored on his debut.


again, i ask...whom was ranieri to select and whom to start with all the injuries?


we are all gutted, but it's not the first time greek NT footballers fell on their faces attempting to go from strength to strength.


1980 euro. positive preformances. failed to qualifiy for 1982 wc.

1994 wc. new blood brought in after disasterous preformances. failed to qualify for euro 1996.

2004 euro. winners. failed to qualify for 2006 wc.


the other problem is the chronic hurdle of late summer qualifiers that iordanescu tried to address in the late 1990s. ranieri mentioned this before the romania match and the self-fulfilling prophecy of doom didn't disappoint.


4 matches, match #1 players' fitness a joke. going forward, injuries to key attacking components. i understand ranieri staying was not tenable, but i don't blame him and 4 matches doesn't paint any picture. if he did indeed lose the dressing room, ask the players why they didn't play for a captain they voted in themselves.

You have SOME valid points but in all fairness I don't give a s%$#! who you are if you get so badly out played against bottom feeder teams and lose at HOME against the Faroe Islands you need to lose your job because there is clearly a problem, Yes he had injuries but that's not an excuse he should have been able to beat the Faroe Islands with our B line up. He tried to change to much to fast our system was all over the place, guys looked lost out there and out of position there was clearly no game plan and if there was the coach should of recognized it right away and changed it up. Yes the players are to blame as well I'm not giving them a pass but it's the coaches responsibility to recognize problems and fix them not make them worse. In my opinion we are in the predicament where are in because of Raneri system and lack of recognizing knowledge recognizing his system didn't work for us. 70% Raneri's fault and 30% players in my opinion. The only mistake we made was waiting until the Faroe game to get rid of his ASS.
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As we get closer to this game I find myself getting a little more nervous and then I have to slap myself and say if we can't get 3 points and dominate this match then I don't want to see this team in the Euros they definitely won't deserve it so I would rather save us the embarrassment. Bottom line get 3 points or Shut up and change your entire soccer system. I don't want any excuses after this match like we dominated or we hit 4 posts or they parked the bus, the excuses stop right now show up and win or shut the F*** up and finish last.

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You have SOME valid points but in all fairness I don't give a s%$#! who you are if you get so badly out played against bottom feeder teams and lose at HOME against the Faroe Islands you need to lose your job because there is clearly a problem, Yes he had injuries but that's not an excuse he should have been able to beat the Faroe Islands with our B ###### line up. He tried to change to much to fast our system was all over the place, guys looked lost out there and out of position there was clearly no game plan and if there was the coach should of recognized it right away and changed it up. Yes the players are to blame as well I'm not giving them a pass but it's the coaches responsibility to recognize problems and fix them not make them worse. In my opinion we are in the predicament where are in because of Raneri system and lack of recognizing knowledge recognizing his system didn't work for us. 70% Raneri's fault and 30% players in my opinion. The only mistake we made was waiting until the Faroe game to get rid of his ASS.

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yes your right in a way but what would you have done in his situation because in my opinion he didnt do much to the starting line up cause you cant play katsouranis tziolis is too slow but still a decent option so the provlem might if been the midfield eg samaris tachtsidis and now maniatis and k.papadopoulos is injured how do we fix the problem i know the strikers are at fault aswell. wat i would do now is put tziolis with tachtsidis in the midfield and play either samaras or kone behind a striker as an CAM with Aravidis upfront this cpuld work inmy opini

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The only people who should have a cavalier attitude towards such matchups should be us, the fans. The team should be dead serious. Looking forward to this match, even a slight improvement over last time should be enough.

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Too right Akritis. Under-estimating national teams only exposes one's naivety to the game. If Hellas win 5-0, all well and good. If they go into the match expecting to do this, they will lose 3-0. All in the attitude.


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I feel exactly the same Markarian should know not to start Klaus and Katsouranis. Also starting Ninis is not a good idea even though he had a good match he should come on half way through the second half for an impact. Does anyone know if Karnezis will be playing this match is he injured  or not? I don't know about anyone else but i dont know if i could trust anyone else if Karnezis is out in any match but i could be wrong maybe Kapino or Glykos could do the job maybe even Vellidis. Konstantopoulos wouldn't be too bad cause of his experience. Just got to see what happens.

Edited by Dean97
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Oh no... is Karnezis injured indeed? A fairly big loss, our other keepers are not on the same level, and they didnt play regularly in the season. Kapino played very rarely, and Glykos was used as a backup of Itandje. I think however Markari?n will choose Kapino if Karnezis isnt available (Glykos wast even in the squad in March).

Edited by La Mendel
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As said above, Glykos has not played in some time. He can't be considered again until next season at the earliest. Give it to Vellidis, I say. Sifakis had his chance.

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Have they announced the team yet ive read that article and it said players like Vellidis, Stafylidis, Tasoulis, Fountas and Kolovos, have started training so Markarian know what to do with them and get a rhythm going.

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Considering how s%$#! Klaus has been, Samaras being hurt (?), Gekas released, we should give Aravidis a chance this time. Mitroglou, Karelis, and Aravidis should be the 3 strikers we call up.

Aravidis can wreck havoc on the Faroe Islands defense, because we don't have great midfield options and Mitroglou doesn't move into space that much anymore we need someone that does, and that's Aravidis. He'd be perfect for the last 15 minutes of the game if we are chasing a goal.

I'd call up:

Kapinos Vellidis Karnezis (if he's hurt then Glykos)

Torosidis Skondras Papastathopoulos Manolas Moras Siovas Holebas Stafylidis

Samaria Tachtsidis Kone Lagos Fetfatzidis Fortounis Gianniotas

Karelis Aravidis Mitroglou Vellios (?)

I feel like I'm forgetting someone on the defense and in midfield.... Anyways, i wouldn't be surprised if Markarian calls up Lazaros and Katsouranis again. When's he supposed to announce the team? The games in 17-18 days

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Have they announced the team yet ive read that article and it said players like Vellidis, Stafylidis, Tasoulis, Fountas and Kolovos, have started training so Markarian know what to do with them and get a rhythm going.

He's probably considering them and since they have all finished their seasons he's training with them to see if he likes them I guess

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Yeah thats correct and its preety smart from him to do that to see what he has got and what options he has Kolovos has been on fire this season but im not sure about Tasoulis Ranieri and Markarian must see something in him im not sure though

Edited by Dean97
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I'm not sure what the hate for Lazaros is. The guy has the rare ability to take on players and draw 2 and 3 players on him. He wasn't that bad against the Hungarians and if he played a final ball instead of holding on to it he could have opened up space for a teammate.

His dead ball delivery is levels above what we had with karagounis the last 2 years.

The only concern is his lack of regular playing time with Hellas.

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Lazaros has been one of our best players for a year now. I, too, don't get the hate for him. He is an automatic call-up for me at this point. Certainly been more consistent than Kone.


As for Vellidis, Stafylidis, Tasoulis, Fountas, and Kolovos...if we have no GKs, then it makes sense to get Vellidis there as soon as possible. Stafylidis is a no brainer, and since he's available to train with the team, then it would be silly to not have him there already training. Can't really speak for the other two, although as NT coach, you'd assume Markarian is going to try out his fair share of players as he decides what he wants the team to look like. If the reports are correct, then I am pleased he has players with him this far out from the match.

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